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Sonic Battle Racers Boardgame Kickstarter

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Blue Blood, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Cream unlocked, addew Wave for $115k. They'll probably add the other two Babylon Rogues at $120k and $125k if Rouge and Charmy are unlocked as well., Should they planned to sell even the kickstarter exclusive content, which obviously they won't, purchasing the hyper pledge now (in other words, the whole bundle) means around a 50% discount to the price it would have on stores.
  2. Linkabel


    At this point Mr. Know-it-all from Sonic Adventure is going to make it.

    Glad that it worked out though. I honestly did not think they were going to make it after seeing the initial backing options. But cool they changed stuff around and are meeting their goals.
  3. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Well, they added Jet after unlocking Rouge, but it's on the 125k mark, so it will be even harder to reach Storm, specially considering the last minute backers have probably backed already.

    I personally didn't know about it until past weekend, since I've been away from this site for a month and a half, but I wanted to purchase the Hyper Bundle as soon as I knew about it, before even unlocking the ring pack. I was very surprised more than a hundred people backed it after I did (and the number keeps growing), but some friends of mine told me it's a usual practice on kickstarter: many decide to invest the money when the number of achieved goals make the product more attractive.

    I think the game looks nice enough to give it a try, and there's always the chance to use the miniatures and other assets for other games through home-made content, and they could even look good as decorations on shelves. I'm planning to adapt them to Super Dungeon Explore, for example.
  4. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    As long as everything gets put on the wiki we're fine.
  5. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    I may do that when I get the bundle but I'm not documenting the kickstarter itself. XD
    (I was serious about the first part).

    Anyway, less than 2 hours remain before the crowdfunding time expires, and the last stretch goal is close to be reached, with Storm the Albatross still not available. Something to buy later, I guess. The full bundle is so big that I'm only worrying about that as a collector, because, as a buyer, I don't even know where I'm gonna put that many things. I'm very satisfied with this purchase, the first one I make on Kickstarter.

    - Last stretch goal reached, thanks to everyone who backed and congratulations too, we're getting a lot of stuff.
    - Everyone who hasn't backed yet, you have less than an hour to get it.
  6. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Did you buy all that optional stuff as well?
  7. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Hyper Pledge comes with the optional stuff included; they replaced the initial offer of just the 100$ bundle with three pledges:

    - Basic Pledge: just the core box with the super sonic KS bonus character for 50$.
    - Super Pledge: the original 100$ bundle with badnik miniatures and the free stretch goals
    - Hyper Pledge: the big pack with all of the above and the optional buys as another 50$ charge, making it cost 150$. Since it has everything included, there's no need to pay anything else. Well, save for shipping fees, of course.

    And yeah, I got it, and forgot it's still available for purchase through the Late Pledge system, so everyone can still get it too; in fact, people can even upgrade their pledge if they got a cheaper one.

    About Storm, they've said it wasn't available as a Stretch Goal because they couldn't get the license for it in time, but they're trying to add it as a late pledge stretch goal so the collection could be complete. Everything appears in the "Updates" section of their KS page.

    I should stop talking as if I was in charge of their marketing. :v:

    I've read the instruction manual and, while I feel there's a couple of things missing in the rulebook, the game itself sounds interesting and faithful to Sonic in a good sense. I'd like the circuit to have more available arrangements and not just the single lap "Z" shape, but, as I've said before, there's always room for homebrew rules and assets. Boss Mode looks like the way to go IMHO, but they're also adding a Solo Mode which doesn't appear in the rulebook yet, and I'm curious about that.
  8. MartiusR


    I didn't read entire rulebook yet, but there is one thing which caught my attention (in comments) - that crossing the finish line first is not providing any benefit to counting final results for players. It doesn't sound good.

    Ok, definitelly good thing is that game is not focused only on rushing through fields with dice and going to last field . The fact that creator resigned from using dice(s) for moving characters is also a good step. But race which is rather promoting slowing down to collect more stuff is hardly a race. I'm totally fine with fact that getting first to the end is not the only factor for winning, but it still should have guarantee some sort of additional "boost" to final result.

    Really nice surprise is 1 player mode. It's relatively rare for board games.

    And hey, since it's board game, they can't install there any DRM - no Denuvo, what a joy!

    (I've ordered the biggest variant with all add-ons in last day of campaign)
  9. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    I'm a bit concerned about that too, but keep in mind the other players have about 5 rounds max to reach the goal; in other words, being the first arriving there is not providing any bonuses, but being really efficient with both collecting and advancing does, as that will cut the time for other players to make their own progress, and will also let them with less rings to collect and less badniks to destroy. On the other hand, it wouldn't be very unusual to see everyone arrives to the goal at the same time, and that will probably be the kind of result we're afraid of. I suppose it's all about playstyles and strategy. They still have time to adjust that, though.
  10. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Double posting because Sonic Mania Plus reminded me of something I didn't know the last time I posted, and you may want to know it as well if you haven't yet:

    Developers have licenses for classic characters, not just for the modern ones included on the kickstarter. Just saying.
  11. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    So what you're saying is...Ray the Flying Squirrel figure.
  12. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Not sure, but quite possible considering it would be Mania merchandise. Infinite was there on the kickstarter, so I suppose hard.boiled heavies and the arcade couple are bound to be available someday; on the other hand, there's been no news about Storm, so who knows which specific characters are licensed.
  13. MartiusR


    It's officialy confirmed - Storm will be included as well:

    I'm rather neutral about Babylon Rogues, but still - it would feel a bit incomplete to have only two out of three, so it's good that now we've got a complete set.

    Storm will be included for free for all who choose "Hyper" pledge (or those who will declared "Everything" in Late Pledge option, which will start "soon").

    They left possibility to buy Storm separately, but... I highly doubt that there will be much of interest due to price - 15$ (sic!).
  14. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    That's great news for me, but I don't get why is Storm more expensive than the other big characters, like Omega or Vector. If it's because that will be their price at stores, I'm scared of how much will any non-KS content cost. It's not more expensive than other games with miniatures, though.

    They've also made a redesign for some characters in order to make them more dynamic, but I liked the first design most in some cases, and, in Eggman's case, it's even less dynamic. Oil Ocen modules were redesigned as well to look more like, well, Oil Ocean, and I'm grateful for it. They're redesigning all the board modules, not just those, and they've promised weekly updates from now on, so we'll probably see more changes like this one in the upcoming months.
  15. MartiusR


    I totally agree, the last project of Robotnik's figure is showing "barely moving" pose. Amy looks like she dropped something by accident. I like new Tails' design though, have hope that it'll be the final one. And while board's graphics is (at least for me) not so important as figure's design, it's nice to see that it has this "classic vibe".

    New update, but not too much, it's rather about another board re-design, launch of "pledge manager" in May, plus incoming Kickstarter survey:
  16. winterhell


    Are any of you guys excited to play this? Just curious.
  17. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Of course, I'm both an enthusiastic of Sonic and of board games, and the product itself looks good enough, plus having the plethora of things we get at once through KS makes it a great bundle since day one. On the other hand, part of my interest is the miniature collection itself, which doesn't really need the game to be played, and the game looks good but I know it won't be great, just good enough for the purchase. I hope I can play it with my cousins like we did with the 16-bit games, and I also want a friend's son to try it, since it looks like a good game to be played together by children and grown-ups. That sums up all my excitement and expectatives about it, I think.
  18. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Honestly? Not particularly. I doubt I'll ever get much of an opportunity to play it. But for the sale of collection it's a nice and interesting product, so that's what justifies it for me.
  19. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Another update, basically showing redesigns of a couple of board module packs. They look good, but something interesting about them is that they were also renamed. Ok, it doesn't sound that great, but I'll explain:

    - Metal Sonic boss racer used to come with the "Mechanical madness" board pack. They fixed that and is now named "Metallic Madness", which is good, but...

    - They also redesigned and renamed the board pack coming with Infinite boss racer, which used to be called "Metropolis". That was quite right, since Forces has a location with that name, and it was also a level in a classic game, but that's now history: Studiopolis is the new name, and also the new design for the modules. While bumper-looking springs fit better in a level like that, having Infinite lurking a Mania level takes the crossover from the last year to a new tier. We already had Shadow in Oil Ocean, I guess.

    Either way, all the redesigned boards look great so far, and there's a lot from the basic box they haven't revealed, but I wouldn't be too optimistic about that since all basic board modules could be Green Hill themed, or even have more than one copy of some if not all of them.

    The rest of this and other recent updates are info on the manufacturing process, so at least we know they're working hard to bring us the games on the date they gave us, which happens to be before the end of the year. I don't know many KS projects being this quick and dilligent with their backers, specially if you compare it with Super Dungeon Legends. Thumbs up for Shinobi7. :thumbsup:
  20. MartiusR


    At this moment I'm decided to try - at least a couple of times. I like competetive board games (especially such as Neuroshima Hex), I like the fact that they've completely resigned from using dice in this game. But on the other hand I will probably have problem with finding someone to play with, since I'm usually playing with my siblings, and they generally don't like anything Sonic-related :P

    On the other hand - I consider figures included as quite nice trophy "just to have", and there is always this 1P mode.

    Funny thing though, this will be probably the last "sonic game" (or rather game with Sonic) I'm going to play. After disappointment with Mania and complete lack of interest in Forces I simply don't feel that I'm interested in series anymore(I've recently lost interest even in fan-made games). Or franchise anymore, feel free to use there adequate word.