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Sonic 06 demo gone from XBL

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Guess Who, Apr 18, 2010.

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  1. Neoblast


    The good thing is that sonic 06's story wiped itself from existence, just as if it never happened.
    About the bookstory games, they are fun... I liked secret rings ( but man some missions were really difficult with those controls ) I didn't like black knight at all...

    I noticed the demo was gone a long time ago, maybe like one year or a few less.
  2. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    Absolutely not.

    The story (and indeed, most Sonic stories) are extremely poorly written. Extremely. Why am I supposed to care about Princess Elise? They never give me a reason to. She's just there, and Sonic just saves her, because that's the one-dimensional thing for those characters to do. Why, exactly, is Eggman, after so many catastrophic (very nearly apocalyptic!) failures messing with continuously more and more dangerous "ancient gods"? It's one thing to be stubborn, it's another to be downright suicidal with the possibility of unraveling the space time continuum... for what? To build "Eggmanland"? Assume he gets in to a situation that Sonic can't rescue everybody from. There's not going to be anything left for anybody to care if he built Eggmanland or not, assuming he himself even lives through the process!

    Oh, but wait. Everything in a Sonic game is one dimensional, remember? Sonic's always going to win. Eggman's always going to lose. It's going to get down to the wire where some big ugly 30ft tall monster is going to pick a fight with Super Sonic, lose, and before the credits roll, everything's going to be back to normal. Nobody died when the entire city of Station Square flooded with a few hundred feet of water. A quarter of the moon is missing, but that's not going to have adverse effects on the planet's ecology. Space time is fine as long as we go far enough back in time to stop ourselves from messing it up.

    Now let's go chase Eggman in to the sunset!

    What? No!

    And the worst part about it is we have this extremely one dimensional storyline that they keep padding out where Sonic rescues the Princess and then she gets kidnapped again and Sonic rescues the Princess and then she gets kidnapped again and Sonic rescues the Princess and then she gets kidnapped again and Sonic rescues the Princess and then she gets kidnapped again and Sonic rescues the Princess and then she gets kidnapped again and Sonic rescues the Princess and then she gets kidnapped again...

    To what end? They're making us suffer. I mean, for as "bad anime" as Sonic Adventure 2 was? At least it went somewhere. In Sonic 2006, Sonic rescues a Princess so hard it eventually kills him. And then she kisses Sonic to resurrect him and his Super Sonic boner saves the day. That's the game in a nut shell. It's a bloated, convoluted way of telling an extremely simple storyline and I can only imagine that children who don't know what a good story is would think it's written well (er... no offense to you, of course).
  3. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Of course people died. They just don't go to pains to point this fact out because it's a game for children.
  4. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    Well, I managed to beat Sonic 06 recently (got bored with my other games, so I decided to finish it). Honestly, to me, it wasn't as bad as I've been told. The storyline to me is a, but really, doesn't bother me all that much. I don't really see what's so bad about it, 'sides a few plotholes here and there, but I just don't see it. I kind of liked they were trying to make a more serious storyline and trying to get a bit more detail in here and there, but yeah, I gotta agree that the storyline is far more interesting than Sonic Heroes. Though I guess Sonic isn't really built for more serious storylines...I do agree that the script should've been better though...and it was kind of surprising that they managed to screw up the line and say "Book of Darkness." How did THAT get passed them? Oh, deadline, right...

    What does bother me though is that so many people overreacted when Elise kissed Sonic. So what? That whole Bestiality thing is just...seriously, what the hell? I bet you most of the people who are upset that Elise kissed Sonic is because Amy (or Shadow or Knuckles, or even Tails if you're into that kind of thing...what? I HAD to say it! XD) wasn't Sonic's first kiss. I'm sure of that. It's strange, but really...

    I gotta admit, before I played Sonic 06, I actually thought Silver is pretty cool. His voice/storyline does remind me a bit of Trunks from DBZ, and at least he was different from Sonic and Shadow. He couldn't run fast and couldn't curl into a ball (which is odd since he is a hedgehog), uses ESP, and I liked how his design was way different than everyone else (though they did change Silver up in Sonic Rivals, but I haven't played that game yet since I lack a PSP). His gameplay could have been better, but it's definitely not the worse in my opinion. To me, Omega and Shadow's gameplay was just...ugh.

    Omega's attacks don't hardly do anything unless you charge it up (or you're in the air, since you can fire multiple rounds, yet he had a machine gun in the cutscene and we couldn't use it?), otherwise you have to get so close to the enemy, and even charged, his shots are so weak. It takes forever just to beat a group of enemies and move on, until you're caught by another group. Shadow's was...broken. For one, using Chaos Boost, and correct me if I'm wrong, but, is Chaos Boost supposed to like, make you zoom right to the next target right after you attack one enemy? That has screwed me over numerous times. I don't mind the vehicles or the fact he uses guns (yes, I admit, I did like Shadow the Hedgehog the game, but I just don't think it was that bad, the storyline thought, was kind of...rushed), but they just...bite, ESPECIALLY on Radical Train. Seriously, that Motorcycle part is a PAIN.

    I did like the last level End of the World though. Seemed like a pretty sweet idea to go back and find the Emeralds, though..those eyeballs or whatever they are didn't help, especially on Silver's level since Silver was so slow.

    Speaking of Silver, the one thing that really bothered me was that they didn't fix his battle. I mean, really...those are where I lost most of my lives in the game. None of the levels were that cheap...('sides Shadow's Radical Train)

    I'll shut up now. :x
  5. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Honestly I wouldn't give a damn about the story one way or another if the gameplay was good, but the fact that it's a bad game overall makes the story's problems just one more thing to complain about on top of a huge pile of things to complain about.
  6. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    I doubt that. It's always Sonic who thwarts Dr. Eggman, yes? But Sonic always lets him get away. There are times where Sonic actually watches Dr. Eggman escape and does little to stop him. If hundreds or thousands of people died and Sonic willingly let an accomplice escape, one would expect he would not be viewed as a hero.

    But, again, one-dimensional world. "Too bad it's Sunday," says Vegeta as he levels a city in Dragon Ball Z, "Those buildings would have been full tomorrow."

    The thing is, later Sonic games (like Sonic 2006) began to play to the fact that it's a one-dimensional world, to the point where basic faucets of a storyline are flat out ignored because before they've even started telling their insipid story we already know who's going to win and lose. For as much as Sonic himself was born as a character, there are very few "characters" in Sonic 2006. In their place are assumed templates that we're supposed to be familiar with ahead of time.

    Who actually is Shadow the Hedgehog? Sonic 2006 isn't going to tell you. And it's not like there's even much there for existing fans to latch on to - Sonic Team's own continuity changes so frequently from game-to-game it's hard to tell what aspects of the character have been kept from the previous games (or what aspects have been confusingly borrowed from Sonic X, despite none of that stuff having any actual reference in the games). Never once in Sonic 2006 are we given a reason to care about Sonic, Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Amy, Elise, Tails or Knuckles - the game assumes that we already care about them and simply slots them in to anime stereotype templates for the remainder of the game.

    About the only character we're given reason to care about is Silver, because the game actually bothers to explain a good deal of his back story and his intentions. We know why he wants to kill Sonic. We know why he ends up not killing Sonic and allies with him instead. But even that ends up being stupid because Silver's intentions aren't actually very intelligent, and much like knowing who's going to win at the end of the game, we already know that Silver isn't going to kill Sonic as the game portends early on, and by virtue of that alone is going to partner with him at some point. And why is that? Because it's a one-dimensional world. So even if we're given a reason to care about Silver, those reasons are negated almost immediately.
  7. Puto


    Shin'ichi Kudō, detective. Tech Member
    Portugal, Oeiras
    Part of Team Megamix, but haven't done any actual work in ages.
    Sonic 1 GBA.
  8. NeKit


    Sonic SCANF
    Now I've understood your point. I thought that you wanted no story at all. Thanks for the explanation. But still, here they've at least tried to do something.
  9. Azookara


    yup Member
    Just to get this off my back, I never said Nextgen suddenly became a great game in the demo form. It's better, but better =/= good. Sure, it has an arched jump dash, the ability to spin dash through everything, home into trick hoops and other small quirky "improvements". However, the physics and collision is still absolutely dreadful, you still abruptly end a spindash, springs are still automated, level design is still riddled with bad camera problems and dash panels, and you still can't hurt enemies with your spin jump.

    What I meant by restarting with Sonic Nextgen is to take what we saw in the 2005 "tech demo" and try to make it not suck, by not keeping the shallow storyline, removing most of the characters (besides Sonic and Eggman and maybe Tails), and keeping the idea to renovate the series while still going "back to Sonic's roots". The only bad part in that video was that the field was a little on the drab side.
  10. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    Fun Fact: The fastest character in Sonic 06 is Omega. Omega.

    Let that sink in for a moment.
  11. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Is he really? I didn't think he was any faster than Sonic, the same speed as Shadow and Blaze in fact. Sonic > Shadow, Blaze, Omega > Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Silver, Rouge.
  12. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    Yup, unless it's just his size difference that makes it feel that way.
  13. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    How odd. I thought he was chasing after Eggman at the end there. But here's the fun thing about that: outside of the six furries involved in the story, who actually knew that Eggman and Chaos were even connected to each other?

    Oh, people died. They can't not die, no matter how much the anime dub company wants to smooth it over by saying the city somehow evacuated on time. We see an entire active population on the streets just moments before the city was wiped out in a tidal wave of liquid destruction: they died.
  14. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator
    That would be Chaos Snap, and yes, it does.

    Chaos Snap is the regular Chaos Attack but enhanced by the Chaos Boost.

    Wow, that's a lot of Chaos.
  15. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    It took me a while to figure out how to switch "modes" in Chaos Boost, and I only even managed that because I actually attempted the Very Hard missions as Shadow and Kingdom Valley actually requires him to use Chaos Control to teleport through a barrier at one point.

    Chaos Boost was a decent idea, but like so many other things, it was so horribly handled... and what was the point of Chaos Snap, anyway? Why would I care about a faster Homing Attack that does nothing that the normal Homing Attack does except disorient me?
  16. Søda the Junker

    Søda the Junker

    *5 Project Multi-Tasking*
    I was expecting this much sooner. I'm actually amazed it was on there as long as it had been.
  17. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member

    Switch "Modes"?
    Uh, could you explain that to me? How do you switch?
  18. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    You tap the same button again. I think it's RT on the 360.
    Lv1: Chaos Snap
    Lv2: Chaos Snap and Chaos Lance
    Lv3: Chaos Snap, Chaos Lance and Chaos Blast.
  19. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    ^ This. The power meter decreases faster as you increase the Boost level. Really, though, Chaos Snap is useless, so Level 1 isn't really worth anything.

    ...Oh, wait, it was Chaos Snap that I had to use to teleport through that one barrier in Very Hard Kingdom Valley, right? Yeah, okay, so it's only 99% useless.

    Chaos Lance gives the Chaos Spear some actual damage-infliction capability, if I remember, and Chaos Blast has a really fucking small blast radius compared to what it does in Shadow the Hedgehog...
  20. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    Btw guys, I'm about to blow $20 to buy this on XBL because GameStop doesn't have it and I don't want to wait for Amazon to ship it.

    God help me. I know I'm going to regret this investment but I am powerless to stop myself.
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