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Revisiting the Sonic Adventure 2 Trial

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Diablohead, May 28, 2009.

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  1. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    I totally forgot that the trial uses a slightly different without vocal theme for CIty Escape. My old Dreamcast before it's pad sockets croaked was also slowly getting disc read problems and the first game to stop being read was the SA2 trial, now that I have a new Dreamcast one of the first discs I inserted was the trial to test it and lo and behold my new one reads it without a problem, so I started to play it.

    I know this demo has been picked to shreads and is fairly old now but I would still like to list a bunch of things I found unique or different to the retail game.

    First thing obviously is sonic's classic shoes instead of soaps but this made me think, is it possible at all that the 3d file(s) from the trial can replace the retail sonic model? or are they quite different and unique.

    The intro also starts the music in later when Sonic escapes the helicopter instead of slowly working the tune in earlier in the cut scene.

    Doing a roll and then jumping, in the final game sonic will jump as normal but do a unique twisty back flip of sorts but in the trial sonic hops backwards without anything fancy, like you cancel out the roll and sonic hops backwards onto his feet.

    The floating GUN robots have a different sound for floating.

    Leaving the game on the title screen plays the short theme tune before rolling a demo but the theme ends without the last segment of the tune repeating like an ecco, nothing important there, but what I have noticed is that the gameplay which shows in both trial and retail seems to be exactly the same, sonic does the same things in both at the same points. In the final Sonic has his light speed shoes on even if you watch it with a new clean save, the trial gives Sonic his regular shoes but with a grey shoe add-on. If this was suppose to be the original light speed shoes then it looks rather dull then the neon looking final's.

    Rather tempted to dig out my tv capture card and record the trial and final so I can compare them as a video, maybe it's already been done but I live SA2 too much :P

    *edit* Watching this video ( ) the grey part to sonic's shoes are for light dashing, as this guy hacks into the stages.

    Sonic also lacks the huge spin stunt from the first skate area of the level using ramps.
  2. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Regarding the shoes - boot up SA2 DC Final and watch Sonic's feet during the opening Hero Story cutscene with the helicopter. ;)

    EDIT: - 1:30 to 1:56. (You have no idea how many bloody SA2:B ones I had to go though to find one from the actual damn Dreamcast =P)
  3. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Two guesses:

    1) Lazily didn't remove the shoes when editing.

    2) Purposefully kept that way to explain the change of shoes when putting on the board. Why he would randomly have them on his person is another plothole.
  4. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    Would not be surprised if the sonic model coming out of the heli is different to the talking one on the wing, which has a mouth to animate and the shoes already changed. They just forgot to change the other model. It must have been a very early cut scene to program since it's used in the trial too.
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