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Sonic Generations - Unleashed Project v1.0 Available

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Dario FF, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    UPDATE: Find out information about the upcoming 2.0 here.

    I delayed creating the thread here since originally, my post in ModDB was gonna be much larger and detailed... until they told me at the last minute that there was a 10k character limit. Most of the questions asked in the other thread at the moment had already been answered in the Readme, but I don't blame you since that is really long. :v: So I had to separate it into a news post, which didn't get approved until this morning.

    Since I would probably just copy paste my original post here, better go read the original news post on ModDB:
    ModDB News Post with FAQ, Troubleshooting, and Credits included

    Torrent of the mod.
    Atomic Gamer


    Feel free to use this thread for all your needs, I hope the extended post will help clear any other doubts people had.

    As for post release stuff, I will quote myself:
    Since obviously archiving this stuff is in the best spirit of what Retro is about, I will post those on this thread later on.

    For bugfixes, we'll probably push a patch in the online updater later when we got some more issues reported after some days.

    As for post-release content, there's no plans for me yet due to how busy I will be for the rest of the year with college. We have some cleaning/organization/archival to do of the whole thing first. There's some stuff coming for SonicGLvl first though!

    Hope you guys had fun with our work after all this time! I'm really thankful to all the people in the credits sections for helping this become a reali-
    Yes, even him.

    EDIT: I just remembered Retro has a section for hacks in the Wiki, but I suck at wikis. So if anyone wants to do a page, go ahead.
    EDIT2: Also realized I forgot to credit MM for his work on the Archive editor. Sorry!
  2. P3DR0


    b0ss Member
    Oh baby, baby.

    I'm downloading it, great stuff, Dario. :3
    You have no idea of how much I love you right now. Also I hope this isn't the end for you at Generations modding, I think you've mastered most of the engine by now and as far as I'm aware, you're not bad at moddeling also, so... Perhaps we can be having new mods in the near future (I want my Ice Cap Zone).

    Also, what does it have for Classic Sonic? Night stages or nothing at all?

    (Does the torrent comes with the latest GMI or do I have to download it separately?)
  3. Candescence


    Sydney, Australia
    3D Indie Stuff
    Maybe if I ever reinstall Generations, I might play this, but congrats for finishing this. Very cool.

    Also, I don't really care about Eggmanland not being in there, it was a terrible, terrible stage.
  4. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    My modelling skills are as limited as my cooking skills. Next to zero. While I don't intend to be very active at modding, I will make the effort to leave most tools open source and clean to use. In any case the next game still uses the Hedgehog Engine... hey, even better!

    It does.
  5. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
  6. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Dario and company, you are magnificent bastards.

    Also: + - Am I wrong to think that because of the added 2D splines in some of the Classic Sonic stages, that there will be fully playable Classic versions of these stages in the next major update?  

    A thing regarding the above spoiler: + - The Windmill Isle Act and 2 are swapped in the Classic versions, so that may need to be patched. Also, can the Homing Attack be purchased for Classic Sonci eventually? I have yet to obtain it, and some stages are next to impossible without it.  
  7. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Answered in the FAQ.
    The more technical explanation behind it is that basically, you need to clear ghz100 to be able to save the game(hardcoded), and ghz200 to be able to get red rings(also hardcoded). While the current workaround is weird, it's the only way we could figure out how to make them available while keeping the linear progression intact.

    You can get the homing attack by getting all the red rings in Windmill Isle act 2(as Classic, so it's the tutorial level). All levels are completable without it though.
  8. P3DR0


    b0ss Member
    So... Does Wentos makes an appearence at every stage or only one? Because I've found him on Cool Edge:

  9. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.
  10. 1stKirbyever


    Actually, Cool Edge is incompleteable with and without it. As soon as you get flung off the Whale you end up hitting the wall and eventually falling to your death... Unless I'm doing something wrong.
  11. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Every stage but the tutorial one. Since I don't really have a place there to hide him. :v:

    I didn't really playtest it, but I think you just need to not move the stick, or keep holding forward. The one time I tried it, it worked so I assumed there were no problems.
  12. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    Stunning work people. Looks gorgeous on my computer, runs flawlessly - the way it's meant to be played.
  13. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Oh yeah... looking forward to your shots. :D That is unless the FOV hack doesn't work anymore for multiple screens.
  14. Chibs


    the worst human on the fuckin' planet Member
    I love it, but I keep freezing in random areas, notably in Rooftop Run. I've tried with the Low-End and No Blur mods already, and without them, but the same thing keeps happening. :(
  15. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    I fell out the world in Rooftop run. It was using the Metal Sonic mod. I'm not sure if Neo Metal Sonic's speed is much faster than Super Sonic, but I want to say yes.
  16. woun


    Change your world Member
    That's awesome! We write about it on Sonic Scene for Japanese people.
  17. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    I've been having fun so far. Since I never played Unleashed (I only played Unwiished,) the stages were pretty tough to get used to (except for the Tutorial level and Dragon Road, since I've played them in the demos. :D )
    Things were a bit laggy, even with the low-end mod, but that's only because my PC isn't even capable of running the game at full speed at resolutions higher than 720x480.

    At this point, I've beaten all 9 stages as Modern. I haven't gotten any S-Ranks yet, and I don't have all of the Red Star Rings yet.
    Soon, I'll be trying to re-complete the stages to get the S-Ranks and Red Star Rings.

    P.S. -
    I played through the mod as Metal Sonic. Here's a screenshot of Metal Sonic in-game.

    I didn't make any alterations to the physics in Metal Sonic Generations (The only changes were the altered ring-loss ratio, and fixes for the item skills.)
    At the very least, he's definitely nowhere near as fast as Hyper Sonic.
  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Hey Destructoid loves you guys

    I do too. Can't wait to try this whole thing out. Also the HUB world looks sick.
  19. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    >Story by Jim Sterling

    That's...kinda shocking.
  20. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    Is there a way we could have it as a zip file? Torrents are notorious for taking weeks for it to download, and at the moment it says it'll take 4-9 weeks to complete (or more)!

    Better yet, it's a shame it can't be downloaded via Steam itself.