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Sonic: The Lost Worlds

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by ExecByte, Jun 5, 2007.

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  1. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    Nice to see a finished hack, it's a rarity these days. :P

    Artwise, Rock Zone and Cyber City are great. Dust Hill and Winter.. ehhhh.. not so much. :3; Love the badnik choices, those were nice. The music was okay, choice-wise, and I love what you did to Wood Zone's beta Metropolis music, voice-wise.

    Level design was.. eh, it was okay. I wouldn't say Sonic-y, really, but it was okay. Few too many bottomless pits, though. Especially in Dust Hill, those were nasty. D:

    The credits was a nice touch, too. Overall, ja I like.
  2. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    wow, a very interesting hack you have there, I did enjoy playing it (even with the pits and occasional glitches) I found the level designs to be very nice and well fitting for it's name, but the deformation, hahaha man, I felt as dizzy as a pissed up hypnotist on a round-a-bout, that's not to say it wasn't well done, it just seemed odd in that way, and I'd like to mension that although the 2 player selection on the main menu is removed, there's still access to it on the options menu, but all-in-all I have enjoyed it and will definately keep this on my hard drive for occasional play =)
  3. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa

    Elgin, IL
    Flicky Turncoat DX, T.L.W.S. Vs M.G.W.
    They are fine. Just be glad the sand pits were animated. Take the high road ALWAYS and you will be fine. And yes, whenever Sonic's feet touch the general sand, I dread too.

    But yeah. Played through the rest of the game. Pits, glitches etc. Infact all my deaths were by pits. Pits and that one time I got stuck in the wall underwater and slowly drowned. That 10 Ring box was too enticing. And pits. Pits pits pits. Getting hit back by an enemy and falling into a pit with no control is the worst. Like Sonic Rush, the pits make people afraid to explore.

    Still, I enjoyed playing them. Loved credits zone. The best wood zone I have played, with the badnik choices and the gimicks and the Aquatic Ruin leaves generator on the trees, that really suprised me. Made the zone feel more complete. The Sky Chase badniks were actually a threat.
  4. ExecByte


    Sonic: The Lost Worlds
    Thanks for the replys so far everyone. I'm thinking about what to do for the REV01 release.

    I didn't even realize that. I always tested this in kega fusion. I'll try to figure out why this happens in gens.

    Shoot, I thought I found all of those.

    I need to know any problems so I can make as many fixes for REV01 as possible. So, if you haven't played this yet, get it from page 8 or from the hacks section on the wiki.

    And thanks to Seenik09, for putting his play through videos on youtube.
  5. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    Pits, pits and more pits. Also too few star posts. Further, tone down the needless cheap hits.

    Also, In Cyber City 1, there's a spot with:

    - a 10-ring box
    - a platform
    - fans
    - a one-way door.

    If you miss the jump from the platform to the fan, you WILL be stuck until you run the timer out, as the platform falls and you can't go back to respawn it. If this situation is frowned upon in Mario games, it's 10 times worse in Sonic games.
  6. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Have an ice time Member
    Agreed. This business isn't really my cup of tea, but can't you just borrow some Oil Ocean code or something?

    And to be fair, Metropolis crabs shouldn't line the ground of the game's first zone, and there shouldn't be a Buzzer waiting just off screen for me bump into everytime I use a spring. There's difficulty, and then there's artificial difficulty, and then there's painfully blatant artificial difficulty.

    I respect the homage, and the artwork is excellent, but maybe level design isn't your calling.
  7. TheLazenby


    Glad to see this out finally!

    Visually, the levels look fantastic - that, folks, is what Genocide City was meant to be. I'm also very impressed with how Rock Zone turned out! But I agree with everyone else - the level design definitely needs some touching up. The pits are irritating as hell, and yes, the Dust Hill Zone sand pits REALLY do need to be handled differently.
  8. Ashura96


    Lol this "difficulty" seems analogous to Super Mario Bros. 2 JP (aka SMB The LOST Levels).
  9. NHY


    You really need to something about those sand pits in Dust Hill, I've literally ran and jumped into them a few times already and I've just started playing the hack! In fact, the first time I feel down one of those sand pits, I thought it was a glitch!

    Those arrow dispensers look out of place as well, itsn't it possible to modifity them to fit in more?

    Other than that, the graphics are nice enough. Well done, there. Title Screen is nice too.
  10. TheLazenby


    Eh, I wouldn't say the difficulty is on par with Super Mario: Lost Levels... that one was just fucked for the sake of being fucked, and intentionally cruel beyond reason.

    This one just has snags that need worked out. I've kind of given up playing it for now, 'cause every time I do I find something else irritating. I just avoid Dust Hill at all costs.
  11. ExecByte


    Sonic: The Lost Worlds
    You know what? Let's forget about that last release. We won't count that as an actual release because it wasn't quite ready. So, if everyone who downloaded it could just delete it, that would be good. I removed a lot of death pits from the levels, improved some of the art, and changed some of the object placements so things aren't as much in the way. It might not be the best but these levels should be less annoying now. The later levels didn't change as much because they didn't have as many problems, mostly just a few glitches got fixed. The earlier levels were the ones that seemed to have the most problems, so I spent more time fixing them.

    So, here's the first official release:

    Everyone redownload and make sure you play this in Kega Fusion, since Gens has a few problems with it.
  12. Ollie


    Heh, odd, I was just playing the previous build a few hours ago. I'll take a look at this later.
  13. Chilly Willy

    Chilly Willy

    Tech Member
    Doom 32X
    Burned this to my flash cart - the game freezes right where the colored bars are scrolling away on the Dust Hill Zone intro screen. The music is still playing, though.
  14. NHY


    odd, I seem to be getting an epic slowdown shortly after starting Dust Hill, the sort of like where you overload the screen like debug mode and things just appear in front of you.

    Lost a life, seems to be working OK now, the fact that pits are a darker color now is a HUGE improvement, though.
  15. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    Ok, tried this on Picrodrive for, it starts off fine, but the graphics suddenly glitch up until you've got a tangled mess of glitched graphics. Pause the game, and Sonic is swept up in the glitch wave.

    I guess Fusion's the only one that this will play on.
  16. I have the same problem on the jenesisds, it would have been great to of had this more compatible with other emulators other than that its a pretty good hack.

    maybe if you do a next update you could think about ways of making it more compatible with other genesis/mega drive emulators? idk.
  17. synchronizer


    The slowdown is to great in Genesis Plus and Generator. Not really playable for me right now.
  18. Chilly Willy

    Chilly Willy

    Tech Member
    Doom 32X
    It's probably a data alignment issue. Many hacks wind up pushing the code or data off word boundaries. Some emulators work fine with code or data on odd boundaries, but that causes real hardware to freeze. I could imagine some emulators running slower with the data on odd boundaries.
  19. Stealth


    Tech Member
    Sonic Mania, HCGE, Sonic Megamix, SonED2, [...]

    That's an "Address Error" exception; the game will freeze because all of Sonic 2's exception vectors point to an infinite loop. The thing about some emulators is that they just don't seem to simulate an "Address Error" on word or long access to odd addresses, even though the processor they're emulating doesn't support that access

    This is happening because something is causing Object $43 (the OOZ spiked bars that move back and forth) to be spawned into every open SST entry. The only way I can reproduce the error is by moving beyond the half-way point between the last two cactuses in the opening area of Dust Hill Act 1 and then going back to the left, so, my first guess would be that you removed the leading terminator from the object layout data.

    All object layout data needs a leading terminator, and an trailing terminator, so that the game knows when to stop reading data at the beginning and end of the level. The data is saved to individual files with a trailing terminator, but not with a leading, because the one at the end of one data set also acts as the beginning for the next, the pointers must point to the start of the data and not the leading terminator, and it's assumed that you won't be removing the one that comes before the first object layout data in the assembly file or built ROM that you're working with

    Try adding this immediately before your first incbin/binclude for object layout data:
    Code (Text):
    1. dc.w    $FFFF,$0000,$0000
  20. ExecByte


    Sonic: The Lost Worlds
    Unfortunately, I can't do the
    Code (Text):
    1. dc.w    $FFFF,$0000,$0000
    because this is a hex hack. But thanks for pointing that out because now I know what I did wrong with that. After the object offset index I have FFFF0000 so I need to make it FFFF00000000 and add 2 to every pointer. I just checked and all of the levels graphics, mappings, layouts, objects, and rings are on even bytes, but some of the collision isn't. That might be a problem. The music is not all even aligned but it's not in Sonic 2 either so that probably doesn't matter.
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