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Contradictions/Lack of Continuity in Sonic games.

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Mystical Ninja, Feb 9, 2007.

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  1. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    There comes a time when these gaming companies tend screw things up in the storylines, whether they actually forgot, or they're just purposely trying to change things in some of the recent Sonic games. Here are some examples.

    Knuckles' Chaotix/Sonic Heroes: In Knuckles' Chaotix, the storyline involved Dr. Robotnik trapping Espio, and just about everyone else in the Combi-Confiner except Knuckles. And then, Knuckles ends up saving Espio and the others, and they all form the Chaotix team, and end up stopping Robotnik and Metal Sonic. Now, in Sonic Heroes, Sonic Team attempts to bring the Chaotix back (leaving Mighty out, obviously), and ended up changing their ages. In Chaotix, Knuckles was 15, Espio was 17, Charmy was 16, and Vector was 16. Then, in Sonic Heroes, their ages got changed. Knuckles was 16, Espio was 16, Charmy was 6, and Vector was 20. The main thing that shows a lack of continuity, is the cutscene before the first boss. For example, Espio says, "That's the evil genius, Dr. Eggman", and then Charmy says "Dr. WHO?", as if they've never met him before. This CLEARLY indicates a lack of continuity, and disregards the original Chaotix game entirely. It's almost as if Sonic Team tried to make everyone think that the Chaotix were new characters, when they aren't. They also have Knuckles ignoring the Chaotix, and acting like he's never met THEM (it's the same case in Sonic X).

    Sonic Rush, Sonic Rivals, and Sonic Next: This issue is involving Silver, Blaze, and Nega Robotnik/Eggman Nega. In Sonic Rush, it clearly stated that Blaze and Nega Robotnik were from dimension that was parallel to the one that Sonic and everybody else is in. And the Sol Emeralds were supposed to've been parallel to the Chaos Emeralds, and that ended up causing some dimensional rift that brought the two worlds together, or something like that. Then, in Next-Gen Sonic, they said that Blaze was from the future (along with Silver), and in the cutscenes, Sonic and Blaze never said a word to one another, as if they've never met (similar to how Charmy apparently didn't know who Robotnik was in Sonic Heroes). And finally, in Sonic Rivals, Nega Robotnik makes another appearance, and then claims that he's Robotnik's descendant, as opposed to Sonic Rush, where he was supposed to've been Robotnik's counterpart from another dimension.
  2. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    Not to mention how Eggman somehow goes from being able to time travel and build gigantic doomsday weapons to that guy everyone and their brother defeats.

    Metal Sonic continually changes violently between sentient destroyer and mindless slave, to even possibly being destroyed. Tails has gone all over the place, from being a simple follower of Sonic to a full-fledged fighter in his own right, to a background character.

    The Sonic series is an exercise in continuity errors. The only reason it was originally tolerated was because people liked the games as they were separately—when they got bad, these errors became icing on the cake rather than things people blissfully ignored.

    Of course, before Sonic Heroes, there was a sort of continuity left, a fragment. You could almost see S3K leading into Sonic Adventure. All of that was lost when they decided to redo characters, change voice actors, and then redo the same game's plot twice over in a row.

    Now, not even an old Anti-Archie person like me can put much faith in the games anymore. It makes the Zelda timeline dispute look valid by comparison—at least there they claim to have a plan. SOA and SOJ have never really explained where they're going with Sonic, and I doubt they have a road map. It's all random from here on out, especially without a console of their own.

    After all, Sonic and the Secret Rings looks to me like it could be good, but the story of it appears to require some outrageous crazy thing to happen for it to work with the other games.
  3. Damizean


    As classic as rock Member
    Valencia, España
    Various projects
    The only games I find a decent connection between them are the three first ones from Sega Megadrive (They continue where the previous left, with the exception of Knuckles' story on S&K). Beyond these, there are so many contradictions on the Sonic games that it doesn't make sense anymore

    (IIIRC, on Sonic Battle, when the Death Egg flyes in the sky, Sonic said something like "How could Eggman build something like that?")

    P.S. Why isn't there a spoiler tag? v_v
  4. Diogenes


    It's not really all that definitive, though. Blaze starts off by assuming it's another dimension, and aside from that it's pretty much only referred to as being another world (they do the same bit in StH06, calling the future their "world").

    I wouldn't doubt that they intended it to be an alternate dimension, until StH06 came around...but it's vague enough that we can say Blaze was simply mistaken.

    Though, this does open up problems in regards to the Sol Emeralds...specifically, if they're from Blaze's world, and that's actually the future, where are they in Sonic's time, and why aren't they screwing things up in both times?
  5. Xilla


    The Chaotix thing can be explained.

    You start playing as Knuckles, then you save Espio from Robotnik to get the first team-up of the game. All of the other characters are just options. Therefor, it's possible to play the game through only using Knuckles and Espio, which is how Espio knows who Robotnik is in Heroes.

    But it's still a stupid error in Sonic Team's part.
  6. Deathbyteacup


    I'm spending a year dead for tax reasons. Member
    Ah, this can be debated until the ends of the earth. It's never going to make sense.

    I doubt Sega have ever had a story roadmap for Sonic The Hedgehog.

    The first game was more an exersise in creating the best gameplay than storyline. Sonic 2 was much the same. Sonic 3 & Knuckles had a storyline, and it tied into Sonic 2 / 1 fairly well, but even then we have contridictions abound already in the form of Sonic CD, TV shows, and comics.

    By that stage, it's 1994 and you've got a collection of games that were designed to be just that, good games. The story is lacking and you've already got problems, because the European / US storyline is dramatically different in many key areas to the Japanese one, and the comics, TV shows and Sonic CD is dramatically different in many other key areas to those. So what do you do?

    It's what people like to call a refresh of the series. You create Sonic Adventure, and you can more or less ignore what went on before and do whatever you like. (although, Sonic Adventure had references to Sonic CD, oddly enough).

    Only problem with Sonic Team is they seem to have become fond of the refreshing technique. Every game as of late seems to make sense only if you ignore and / or re-write history.

    It wouldn't be a problem if the games were any good, but people probably are turning to story for lack of intrest in anything else and then finding the story can be as lacking as the collision detection.

    But what can you do? Ignore it I think is best.
  7. Robjoe


    Does it really matter? Look at S1. It's your basic "go stop the bad guy and save the world" thing, and it worked. Why? Because the game PLAYS well. Sonic 06 on the other hand, is far from S1 in the gameplay category. The story also consists of an assload of stupid shit happening with about 20 different characters, and it's generally mocked.

    Point is, story means nothing in Sonic. Back in the day, it was about making a FUN game, not writing some half-interactive novel while under the influence of caffeine pills. The game could really do without any real story besides the cliché "save the world" deal, as the classic games have demonstrated. Nowadays, it just turns into one more element to mock (which I have no problem with, since it's awful and riddled with plot holes, like the ones listed in this very topic).
  8. Adamis


    Gimme waffles! Oldbie
    Lammy and "Fafnir"
    The different ages in Chaotix and Heroes can be explained by the fact that Charmy had no age in the japanese manual. I think they gave him an age in the US manual just to match the others characters, but it's obvious he's too old for his...intelligence. (I prefer him to be 6)
  9. Rolken


    Tech Member
    There are no continuity errors in Sonic, because there is no continuity in Sonic.
  10. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    IMO, I'd say it's as soon as they put voices to the characters, that's when continuity becomes an issue - but they blatantly forgot to think about that

    no voices, no complications in storyline. that's all it comes down to.

    and I think that's partly why the Mega Drive games have hardly any problems with continuity.
  11. Techokami


    For use only on NTSC Genesis systems Researcher
    Sonic Worlds Next
    Cyclical time is completing the loop.
  12. Quoted for truth. Trying to find any of this "continuity" will only make your head hurt.
  13. Qjimbo


    Your friendly neighbourhood lemming. Oldbie
    The scary part is the amount of sonic fans, including people here, who think that storylines belong in Sonic. I personally agree with your statement and think they get in the way rather than benefit the game.
  14. Fiore


    Everybody's Super Sonic Racing! Member
    I believe a story COULD benefit Sonic games... if the story is done right and doesn't leave plot holes the size of Asia. In it's own way, S3&K had sort of a wordless story to it. You see Knuckles obviously thinks Sonic is the bad guy until Dr. Robotnik steals the Master Emerald, thus does Knuckles realize his idiotic mistake and help Sonic.

    I honestly don't mind and personally enjoy a story in a Sonic game, as long as it's well done and again, doesn't leave plot holes.

    As for the continuity crisis you're all trying to crack, I personally wonder if Sonic Team thinks that the games for each console is a similar but alternate universe from the others and so they think they have some unspoken liberty to change the story to however it fits in the present.
  15. "They think they have some unspoken liberty to change the story?" Well no kidding they do. They do make the games, after all. :P
  16. Rolken


    Tech Member
    There is no crisis needing cracking. The way it works is "hey what if [character] does [thing] in the next game" "YEAH COOL". Fans trying to unravel things put far more mental energy into the story than Sonic Team ever did.
  17. Xilla


    IIRC, when UDON comics (makers of the Street Fighter comic) asked Capcom what SF games were "canon" and which were not, that was exactly the reply that they got from them.
  18. Evil Cheese

    Evil Cheese

    ..... Member
    Personally I wish they would worry less about the damn story and more about the game play.

    Leave the story in the manual, only the losers read it anyway. :)
  19. Fiore


    Everybody's Super Sonic Racing! Member
    Hey, I resent that! I always read the manual!

    lol, j/k, no offense taken.

    As for what I meant by "They think they have some unspoken liberty to change the story", what I meant was in ways that leave plotholes and distasteful turns in the story... Shadow for example was a very distasteful turn. I suppose I should have been more clear on what I meant in that statement, so my apologies Lemming.

    And Rolken, I did also say that line about cracking the crisis the wrong way. I really haven't been on the ball lately. That first line in that paragraph made no sense now that I look back on it. Ever notice how things never sound stupid until you say them, or look stupid in text until you post them? I should've looked back on what I posted to see if it was all right.
  20. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    I strongly disagree with this. As Damizean said on the first page, the Genesis games usually continued and took place right after the last game. Also, in the dialogue of the newer Sonic games, the characters usually say things to each other like "long time no see", which shows that they've run into each other before in the last game. And not to mention the flashbacks that Shadow had in ShtH, which were from Sonic Adventure 2, and in Sonic Heroes (when he began to have the idea that he was a clone created by Dr. Robotnik, due to all of the Shadow Androids that came out of the capsules.)

    EDIT: And to add one more thing, in the jungle level of Sonic Heroes, Knuckles comments on those bouncing mushrooms, and says, "We have jungle mushrooms back on my island, but not THIS big!", which was clearly a reference to Sonic & Knuckles.
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