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Sonic Superstars bug thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Ch1pper, Oct 21, 2023.

  1. Ch1pper


    Fighting the Battle of Who Could Care Less Member
    In accordance with the title. Less "fps dips" and more "this clearly is an issue."

    So yeah, on Steam: I cleared the boss for... Zone 7, I think? Walked back a bit to look for any extra rings, and instead found a Special Ring!
    Spent like 15-20 minutes going for that damn green Emerald. Finally got it!

    Got to the Practice Stage and... there are no Emerald power-ups on the radial menu. I've got four or five unlocked so far. And there's just. Nothing. Can't select anything with the right stick, can't select anything with the shoulder buttons. I paused thinking, "it sucks but I'll exit out."

    I can't even do that. The only options are Continue and Restart. And restarting results in the same thing.

    I'm soft-locked right now. :eyebrow:
  2. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
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  3. The Xbox Series version seems to have input latency that is not on Switch. I dunno if it's the higher graphical settings (such as the situation with Smash Ultimate being worse than Wii U in this area) or if it's specific to the Xbox platform but at least one commenter on Reddit with both versions says it doesn't happen on Switch.
  4. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Had Eggman t-posing in Sky Temple Zone in the intro of the boss battle, but dunno what triggered it.
  5. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Have an ice time Member
    A few things-

    --I mentioned this in the main thread, but I did one of the early fruit levels, went back to the map, entered the fruit stage again, sort of by accident, and then when I came back out I was at the Egg Fortress hub, though most of the art there hadn't loaded in. I jumped off, and eventually fell through the ground below and had to reset
    --A friend came to visit and we played a few levels. The game CHUGGED when one of us went Super, though this may be a Series X thing and not a general thing. Framerate tanked, and it was trying to play both the Super music and normal stage music simultaneously
    --The hammer boss pushed me through the floor a few times

    I swear there was something else I had in mind when I started typing this post, but oh well, maybe it'll come to me later.

    @Shane is that what that is? I thought something felt off when I started playing. I turned the sensitivity in the settings menu up all the way, and it seemed to improve after that, but it's still not quite perfect.
  6. Playing at anything higher than 60FPS seems to break a lot of stuff. The Emerald results screen always shows that you have all emeralds, almost like a mask or layer just never loads in. Additionally you CANNOT correctly rev your spindash unless you're playing at 60FPS...
  7. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    - Super forms seemingly arbitrarily cancelling (not sure if it's intentional or not but it's certainly an issue)
    - Antons sometimes spawn incorrect and cannot be hit during Trip's final boss
    - Characters that give rings during the true final boss fight pop out when the the boss moves to its black hole/fire breath attack
    - Similarly, characters and their rings/ring monitors remain spawned in during the cutscene of the end of the fight
    - I remember I had a clipping issue happen precisely once during my game (I think Trip's story), but I frustratingly can't remember under what circumstances - I think it might have been the Press Factory boss?

    That's all I've got for now.
  8. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    The boss music hasn't played twice when approaching a boss area while exiting an emerald power.
  9. The egg hub map glitch happened to me as well! It was after the fruit stage between acts 1 and 2 of the carnival zone.

    EDIT: For added context, after the fruit stage, I went straight to the Battle Mode shop. After that, returning to the world map brought me to Zone 11, where I fell.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
  10. I've had the drowning music be stopped on Lagoon Act 1, and the BGM not returning. Pretty standard as far as Sonic games go though.

    Sound design in general is terrible though. Sky Temples audio levels are dreadful. I think I've played the game on BGM 10 and SFX 5 just so I can hear the music on some levels.
  11. Ch1pper


    Fighting the Battle of Who Could Care Less Member
    Yeah, it's making me lowkey hate the confirmation sound, which is a shame.
    Also FWIW, some folks in the Origins threads mentioned the 'ping' SFX at the tail of the Drop Dash grating on their nerves. Sad news is that it's back.
    I don't mind it -- which is weird because I'm sensitive to higher and lower sound frequencies compared to, like, everyone else, in the same way its detractors describe it.
  12. GoldeMan


    Had a relatively humorous glitch occur last night where everytime id select the "Start Game" option, it would instead just take me to the options menu for some reason.

    It fixed itself after like the third or fourth time but just weird.

    Edit: Heres a clip of the glitch! Just removed audio because I didn't want to subject anyone here to my Discord group.

    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
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  13. Xilla


    If you outrun the boss in Lagoon City Act 3 as Super Trip, it never catches up and you're stuck there.

    I'm guessing this might happen with Super Tails too, I'll see if I can replicate it.

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  14. Linkabel


    I had something similar happened to me during Trip's final boss. I used time stop while the boss was offscreen and it never returned. Tried to replicate it and couldn't, but just in case now I wait till it's in front of me or in view.

    Part of the ground also seems to disappear during the credits. You can still step on it though, and it seems it happened to someone else in the replies.
  15. Pengi


    If you reach a boss while in a Super form, you de-transform (normal behaviour) but the level music plays instead of the boss music.
  16. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Yep. Happened to me a few times already.
  17. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    When you press pause while being on one of the elevators in Egg Fortress Zone, Sonic's character model will jump to a different position.
    And I had another bug in Golden Capital Zone, where I jumped off a flipper without flicking it. This let Sonic carry over his behaviour from sliding down a flipper to where the jump landed, including being launched, when pressing the jump button.
  18. Fadaway


    The game 'crashed' after I beat the Bridge Island Zone Eggman boss tonight. Switch version. I've beat it many time since getting the game a couple days ago but never experienced this. Happened soon after hitting the capsule after the boss. I shared the error report or whatever it's called. Game had to be restarted.
  19. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Oh, just remembered that, after defeating the first phase of Trip’s final boss, I started reviving a spindash and kept mashing the button as the cinematic started playing and I was unable to skip the scene as a result - it was like the bar for skipping the cutscene was revving itself, humorously enough.
  20. McAleeCh


    In Golden Capital Act 1, for some reason I ended up with the stage music playing during the miniboss instead of the miniboss theme. This meant when the boss music should have ended, the game got a bit confused and ended up layering a second version of the stage music over the first, a few seconds out of time with it. Quite a cacophony, to say the least!

    Actually, that reminds me, I also encountered another music bug in the previous stage - getting crushed as Super Sonic in Press Factory Act 2, the Super music continued playing until the stage restarted - however, the game also started playing the regular stage music as well as soon as Super Sonic had died, resulting in the two playing over each other for a short time.