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Basic Questions & Answers thread

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Tweaker, May 29, 2008.

  1. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    The SCD past music uses a particular version of SMPS. It is not completely unknown, but as of today there are no tools to edit / create songs.
    I thought to make one, but it would be too niche to justify the effort.
  2. Jimmy Hedgehog

    Jimmy Hedgehog

    England - Slough
    Getting the motivation to continue old projects
    I'm going to sound like an absolute prat when I say this, but I have an issue. I was coming back to an old project I'd gotten some work done with (thanks to Mercury's wall jump code and his help with it through PM), and when loading it in Kega got greeting with a black screen and nothing more after SONIC TEAM PRESENTS (probably explaining why I left it, that or college work). What possible issues/errors would make it go to a black screen after "SONIC TEAM PRESENTS" screen rather than not working at all?

    Sorry for the lack of specificness here but I'm unsure myself too. And I doubt a simple look at the sonic1.asm will find me much if I'm not sure what I'm looking for. Not really expecting much to come from this but doesn't hurt to ask I suppose.
  3. Tamkis


    Megaman 2: The Robotnik Wars, Unnamed S3&K hack
    Have you tried testing the hack on another emulator, say, Gens? Kega can sometimes be "too accurate" when it comes to hardware emulation. I had a similar problem to what you described with lockups with my previous Sonic 2 Hack, Sonic 2 Loco, where the game would freeze at the SEGA screen, for some unknown reason. What I did was just comment out the lines of code that sent the game to the SEGA screen. Similarly, you could try commenting out the lines of code that send the game to the SONIC TEAM PRESENTS screen. That's all I can recommend, since I have never hacked Sonic 1 before...
  4. Jimmy Hedgehog

    Jimmy Hedgehog

    England - Slough
    Getting the motivation to continue old projects
    I'll give it a try on Gens then, not sure abotu commenting out the SONIC TEAM PRESENTS screen stuff, as the black screen appears after it, when it should go to the title screen and yet doesn't. Thanks anyway though.

    EDIT: Nope, exactly the same on Gens. "SONIC TEAM PRESENTS" fades out then it just stays black. I'm rather stumped, will probably have to end up remaking some of those modifications after all.
  5. E-122-Psi


    Did this only happen after adding the wall jump code or did you edit something else? Is anything of the title screen been edited? I know I had a similar problem because I saved the title sprites in the wrong compressed format.

    Speaking of Mercury's stuff, is it possible to use his demo converter on Sonic 2, since the demos don't seem to programmed in the same manner as in Sonic 1.
  6. Jimmy Hedgehog

    Jimmy Hedgehog

    England - Slough
    Getting the motivation to continue old projects
    Well I'd gotten the wall jump stuff fully working. I was either working with things to do with the title screen or layout editing, though I'm unsure what the latter would have to do with it. Also can't say I've ever used the demo converter, sorry.
  7. E-122-Psi


    Hmm, I've worked with the wall jump coding a few times before and never encountered this problem. From what I know it isn't connected to the title screen at all. Unless it caused an error about branch length somewhere around it and you perhaps coded it improperly.
  8. Jimmy Hedgehog

    Jimmy Hedgehog

    England - Slough
    Getting the motivation to continue old projects
    Perhaps...also I've just noticed although not outlining any errors in the code, the assembler says "There were 6 errors.". Where can I find what these are?
    Well, I've got it back....mostly. Got all my walljump code there yet it's not reacting on all solid walls, back to how I was before. Good thing I have some files kept for incase that happened. Thanks for the help.
  9. E-122-Psi


    No prob. Hope you can fix it.

    Does anyone know the mapping file for Sonic and Tails' title animations in Sonic 2?
  10. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    Got a few quick questions. (despite the fact that I am now in pending approval status, I will still be checking this thread, so your help will not go to waste)

    1. About sprite mappings; I'm trying to make a Sonic 1 hack, while editing Sonic's sprite mappings with SonMapEd. The ROM compiles just fine when I try using Hivemind's 2005 assembly (ASM68k version), but refuses to compile when I use ReadySonic or the SVN version. Ideally, I want to be able to use ReadySonic.
    2. How do I remove the walljump move from ReadySonic?
    3. How do I make Sonic spin when the jump button is pressed in midair, but Sonic isn't spinning, like some hacks have? (again, I want to do this in ReadySonic, if that makes any difference in implementation)

    Thank you for your time. :)
  11. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    I know that 1. is because the SVN disassembly (and by extension, ReadySonic) has a bunch of extra labels in the mapping file, defining the frame numbers for all his sprites. This makes it nearly impossible to edit with a program.
  12. Elektro-Omega


    Mushroom Hill'in Member
    I have a few questions:

    1) Is it possible to dynamically change palettes during gameplay. I know we have palette cycles but I mean literally click a switch and change all the green in green hill zone to blue?

    2)Similar the quesiton above, is it possible to dynamically change chunks and tiles during gameplay?
  13. FraGag


    Tech Member
    Yes. If the palette has a corresponding entry in the PalPointers array, you can use one of the PalLoad routines to load it. You can also load the palette directly by just copying its data to RAM; the palette is copied from RAM to CRAM on every frame. The palette cycles will keep on running, so some entries will replace whatever was in the loaded palette; if you want to use a different palette cycle, you'll need to add some flag and modify the code to handle that.
    Yes, you can dynamically change chunks and blocks, unless you decided to load them directly from RAM. They are decompressed into RAM when the level is loaded, so once they're there, you can change them. However, you might need to forcefully redraw some parts of the planes if the chunk or block is visible. The same applies to the level layout. As for tiles, they're stored in VRAM, so you can always change them and changing them has an immediate effect.
  14. Machenstein


    I'm attempting to port over the Sonic 1 REV01 background effects to my Sonic 1 hack using this tutorial, but it doesn't work. The ROM still works at Step 1 and 2, but it's Step 3 where the ROM suddenly stops working. Each time I do Step 3 and create the "s1built.bin" file, it doesn't load on Kega Fusion. I also follow through with Step 4 through 6 and it still doesn't work. Is there something I'm doing wrong or is the tutorial out-of-date?
  15. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    There's a strong possibility that the assembler has encounted an error, this error should be displayed in the cmd window. If it closes down automatically before you have the chance to read, then you'll need to edit the batch file "build.bat" and type "pause" on the bottom line, and save, this will ensure that it hults and only closes on your request.

    I'm also "assuming" here that the errors you'll get are branch range errors, where certain branch instructions cannot reach their destination because it's simply too far, here's a nice guide by Destructiox that should help if the branch range errors are in fact the problem:
  16. Machenstein


    It works! Thanks, Markey. There is one problem with the tutorial though. In step 2, it doesn't specify whether the "bra" that's out of range (which is the one I had) is a "bra.w" or not. I initially thought I had to change it to "jmp.w", but it turns out I had to change it to just "jmp". I just wanted to point that out for future reference.
  17. Nostalgia Ninja

    Nostalgia Ninja

    Night and day become one and two worlds come toget Member
    Everywhere and nowhere
    Mastering SonED2 With Assembly guides Vol. 1
    A common question: would it be possible to program the 'mode' button in the game to show a sub-program (such as the M68K sandbox application)? I want to merge and link the game with the sandbox program and edit code inside to see what would happen.
  18. vladikcomper


    Tech Member
    Sonic Warped
    Oh, it's so glad to hear my M68K Sandbox isn't forgotten.

    If I understand correct, you want to have Sandbox functionality in Sonic games? Unfortunately, this isn't achievable by integrating its code into the game as my program, in its original form, only designed to run small pre-compiled code modules, it cannot handle the whole game code and interrupt its processing. This requires programming a completely different system, integrated with Sonic games engine, rather than merging two separate programs (a Sonic game and M68K Sandbox).

    But that's a great idea, I think. That's how I see it:


    It's a rough concept, just to show how it can look in future. If anyone is interested in this opportunity, I will try to make it true in some time.
  19. E-122-Psi


    How exactly do you start up PlaneED? I don't know exactly how to load a text file into the program, it either fades immediately (like it does on when loaded on it's own) or says it's not compatible.

    If there are specifics required, I'm trying to open either the title screen or the special stages results screen in Sonic 2.
  20. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor