ASM/HEX doesn't really count in this topic, since a mojority of this community can understand it. So knock that one right off you list. I like to do small apps in C++, like a HEX to ASM converter I'm tinkering with. For large-scale apps (such as Mozart), I'm not confident enough with a C language, so I usually go with VB or C#. When it comes to web applications/sites, I stick to the standard combo of PHP and MySQL. I'm currently hand coding a browser-bassed MMORPG and a site managment system for my friend. I'd like to become a coder for a big community such as Retro sometime (I'm learning IPB's organization for modding when Team Hedgehog returns in a few weeks), so let me know if there's ever an opening.
Bash scripting combined with PHP and the rare sprinkle of MySQL. I'm not much of a programmer, never will be as systems operations is my main area of interest.
I started with Visual Basic, but I barely use it anymore. Nowadays, I use C (for performance) and C++ (for inheritance and stuff) and of course, 68k ASM for Genesis programming (someday I might learn Z80 ASM for kicks). As for web development, I don't know much PHP yet. However, I'm very comfortable with (X)HTML, CSS and ECMAScript/javascript.
Same here, though I just managed to write a bash script thats actually useful! tf2srv, which is just a simple script to start and stop a team fortress 2 server. Hot damn, and I thought that scripting class at DeVry was going to go to waste!
I don't know any programming languages. I know PHP, which isn't a programming language, and that's it.
True, PHP is a scripting language, but if you get real desperate theres a application that compiles PHP code into a .exe
That still doesn't make it a program. It just bundles the PHP interpreter and libraries into an EXE with your code, nothing special. Call me when there's an actively developed, non proof of concept OpenGL engine for PHP
M68k and Z80 Machine Code, because it make me sound like a tough and manly bad-arse (and/or masochist), but in reality I'm just a poser because I only know the bare-minimum basics. Also Sega Basic on my SC-3000.
My primary choice is C. I am not a fan of C++ as I feel it's a pointless language. Also, I enjoy x86 assembly, though a C project is usually a whole lot easier (just look at the source for my Sonic Display Editor and you'll see what I mean).