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Yakuza General

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by TimmiT, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    It totally is, and I do understand why they called it XIII 2 instead of XIV, but it doesn't change the fact that in a vacuum "Final Fantasy 13 2" is a really stupid name lol.
  2. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Interview: Masayoshi Yokoyama (2022-10-20) by Twinfinite

  3. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Release date is February 21, 2023.
  4. Finally beat 3-7 this year and moved on to Lost Judgment. Great fun so far but I just got to the, “Shut up you incel,” moment and felt transported straight out of the game into a Reddit thread lol.

    I get why they used it since the Japanese does say “童貞,” meaning “virgin,” but “incel” is not really used that way is it? It’s usually to imply misogyny and/or creepiness more than lameness. I’ve been out of high school and the US for a good while, but “virgin” was always a go-to insult and I can’t imagine “incel” having the same appeal. It also has a worse mouthfeel to say lol.

    Can anyone younger than me comment on whether or not this is how people actually use it? And more importantly, was anyone else not jarred by the use of the word?

    There’ve been some rare mistakes in the English scripts this game and Yakuza 7. Aoki Ryo gives a speech at the funeral in which he wants to “affect change,” rather than, “effect change.” At another point in Lost Judgment, Yagami says he saw someone on “his phone,” when it wasn’t his phone. I didn’t pay attention to the Japanese and there isn’t a voice playback on the log, but I assume there wasn’t a possessive pronoun attached to phone in the Japanese script and the translators threw it in trying to be more specific.

    Pretty sloppy stuff for a studio like Sega. Not as bad as the localisations for super niche JP games, but still not great.
  5. I thought the story to Yakuza 6 was amazing. I'm not liking or getting into Yakuza 7 much at all :(
  6. 6 may have been my favorite. I loved going back to just Kiryu. The story felt much more character-driven than previous games and I think that smaller-feeling scope made it more satisfying to me.
  7. Hivebrain


    53.4N, 1.5W
    That's right though. Affect is a verb, effect is a noun.
  8. Oh, that’s not the case here. I’m not sure how to correct someone who’s correcting me without seeming like a huge twat but just look up the second definition of “effect.” I guarantee almost every dictionary’s example sentence for it will contain the phrase, “effect change.”

    To “affect change” would be making change happen more slowly or something. To “effect change” means making changes occur. The whole “affect”=verb and “effect”=noun is just an easy way for kids to remember the primary usages.
  9. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    There are weird translations all over the series. Even when the characters are saying English words, the subtitles can say something different. It's offputting, but at least they're not flat-out removing content anymore.

    My two personal bugbears are:

    - There are occasions in Yakuza 0 where the subtitles say "you're doing me a solid", which is a phrase I am 100% sure is never used in Japan, and 1000% sure was never used in 1980s Japan. Or 1980s... "anywhere".

    - Yubitsume, the act of removing a finger, is never referred to as such - they call it "chopping off your pinky" or words to that effect. Bearing in mind this usually comes up in serious situations when characters are typically angry. I know why it's a thing - "little finger" is apparently less common in American English, but there must be a better way (though given this is a UK version... maybe a British English localisation is in order!).
  10. I think yubitsume is still a ways off from general knowledge. We’re just now getting around to keeping honorifics in Japanese media lol.

    As for “do me a solid,” I don’t remember what scenes this is used in so I can’t give you a more accurate translation. Usually for favors, characters in Yakuza will say, “tanonda zo,” which (literally) means, “(I have) requested, or “tanomu,” “(I am) request(ing).”

    Just writing the literal translation makes it pretty clear why you need to take a few liberties with Japanese. Still, there’re many levels between absolutely literal and what most localisers give us. Yakuza and Sega are typically among the better ones. There are very few instances where I have to bring up big differences between what the audio says and the subtitles to my girlfriend as she’s reading (as if she fucking cares - can’t stop me though).

    There was something else thrown into the remaster of Yakuza 3 for the west. In the secret battle with Amon, the text reads, “…and that’s for the defeated to live on in his weakness. Or hers. His or her weakness. “Theirs” works too.”

    Nothing after the first sentence is in the Japanese lol.

    Edit: Made half my post in italics by accident and corrected it.
  11. Hivebrain


    53.4N, 1.5W
    Fair enough, I double-checked and you're right. To confuse things further, affect is also a noun.
  12. For me the it had the best story in the series, the plot twists were amazing. I liked how I hated the likes of Nagumo at the start only to totally root for him at the end of the game. I just can't get into Yakuza 7
  13. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short


    I can't say I was expecting Kiryu's interlude game to go this hard on new moves. That's rad.
  14. I’ve yet to watch, but Sega is going off rn (intentionally and unintentionally). The new Sonic, the Persona leaks, now this. Amazing past two days for me.

    Edit: Watched now. Great as expected. Still need to play Ishin though. Holding off until I get a PS5 since buying it on the Series X would feel wrong
  15. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Seems Gaiden is digital only in America.
  16. Looks really good. I couldn't careless if it's digital. I would have liked to see in current gen only mind
  17. Well that’s annoying… Just checked, and there’s no word on whether there will be a physical copy for Europe yet either for those wondering.
  18. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.

    This is Yakuza 8, right?
  19. Xilla


    Last edited: Jun 11, 2023
  20. I’m down. Is that supposed to Hawaii or something? I’m not big on beach vacations so I can’t tell.