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Yakuza General

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by TimmiT, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member

    Was just announced at PlayStation Experience. PS4 version only.

    EDIT: Okay, so a bit more info:

    - It was announced as a PS4 "console exclusive", which they usually only do if there's a PC version as well. So yeah.
    - Unlike Yakuza 5, it's going to have a physical release as well as a digital one.

    EDIT 2: SEGA said that they can't confirm a release in Europe yet. Welp.

    EDIT 3: Actually just checked the trailer and it says that it's coming to Europe there. So uuuuhhh dfsiondfs
  2. Sappharad


    I'm glad that the series seems to have gotten the attention it needed. Yakuza 4 was the first one I actually bought and played (excluding the demo of 3) and I pre-ordered 5 the day they opened pre-orders for it on PSN.

    Even if it doesn't release in EU (sorry guys) it's not really too big of a deal since it's getting a physical release and PS4 games haven't been region locked yet. I've had to do the opposite for a few games (Shenmue 2 on Dreamcast, Last Window on DS), it's usually worth the hassle since it's so easy to order online.
  3. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    It doesn't really matter if it gets a physical release for us when it comes to how easy it would be to get. It's possible to make an US PSN account and just buy it using that, after which you can play it on your normal account. Getting the physical release actually has the potential to cost more cause of customs potentially adding money to it.
  4. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    >Barely any interest in this game from people here.

    You all disappoint me.
  5. The KKM

    The KKM

    Welcome to the nExt level Member
    IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
    Look, whenever I have the money for I'll get a PS4 and finally go through these, and I'm happy to see them brought over, but first I'm awaiting kinda breathless to see how well Yakuza 5 does so I know what to expect in terms of future releases :P
  6. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    HELLO, IT'S ME, THE ONE VERY EXCITED FOR ANY AND ALL YAKUZA. The Yakuza future is bright and it feels so good. Gonna party it up Tuesday when 5 hits like the sad manchild I am.
  7. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Don't expect too much from Yakuza 5 sales, considering it's a digital only game on a last-gen console, also it's the worst game to start at if you just started with the series. Yakuza 0 has more potential, as it'll be on PS4, have both a digital and retail release, and is a better starting point. It's still best to start with Yakuza 1, as there are references and such to later games, but you probably won't get confused by what's going on in it if it's your first Yakuza game.

    Really though, the games don't have to be big successes to do well. If they did then Atlus, NIS America etc. wouldn't be in business. I imagine that Atlus now being a part of Sega also played a part in Yakuza 0 being localized.
  8. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
  9. Aesculapius Piranha

    Aesculapius Piranha

    つづく Oldbie
    Good. This is the reason I didn't buy Yakuza 5.
  10. SuccinctAndPunchy


    Always mad on the internet. Member
    Perpetually trying to find more games to speedrun.
    Fuck yes.

    It's so sweet to hear Europe isn't getting the shaft this time around.
  11. IrishNinja


    so, so very hyped for this - I'm a huge Yakuza fan, and it's pretty clear we barely even got 5 at all (with Sony's help, way late at that) the fact Sega's not only trying again, but a physical release with bonuses? Really hoping this one does well! It's the perfect jump-on for the series (even Kiwami, the reamke of 1, is said to have had changes to follow the events of 0), my only concern is that it's being released around some other high profile games (RE7, KH 2. whatever, etc)...hoping we see good #'s here, and an announcement on 6 & hopefully Kiwami down the road as a result!
  12. VolgShan


    WEASEL FAN Member
    Texas yall
    super excited they continued the series (and didnt edit stuff out of it.) I've been importing them because I can not wait to play them. Hostess clubs in this game is amazing! Hopefully if this does well we will see kiwami.
  13. Sappharad


    Now that this thread is back... It seems like Sega has been doing a lot more promotion of this one than any previous game in the series. They've been doing the weekly character spotlights on social media for example, they have a physical special edition, and they brought the game to most major game events since E3. The amount of promotion it has been getting right now seems rather high considering it's not allegedly due out until early next year.

    I found it odd that they'd need over a year for localization when Yakuza 5 was announced at PSX 2014 and released at PSX 2015 a year later. Do you think this will drop earlier than expected, or will they keep it as next year due to Last Guardian launching right after PSX?
  14. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    I don't imagine that they want to compete with The Last Guardian, or any other holiday game with Yakuza 0. Still, it doesn't help that other publishers have announced that they're releasing Japanese games in the west in the same week as Yakuza 0 after Sega announced the release date. Resident Evil 7, Gravity Rush 2, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, and Tales of Berseria are all releasing in the same week.

    Also, I imagine the extra marketing might have something to do with Atlus USA. It's pretty normal for them to be putting out this many trailers.
  15. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    So Yakuza Kiwami (remake of the first Yakuza game) and Yakuza 6 were just announced for the west. Kiwami has been announced for Europe already by Deep Silver, 6 hasn't been yet but the PlayStation UK Twitter tweeted about it so that's seemingly coming as well. (EDIT: Yup)

    So release schedule for next Yakuza games coming to the west:

    Yakuza 0: January 2017
    Yakuza Kiwami: Summer 2017
    Yakuza 6: Early 2018

    It's a good time for Yakuza games.
  16. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Deep Silver? Doesn't that technically mean it was handed to Atlus?
  17. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Sega America and Atlus USA are one and the same. Atlus USA has been handling Sega America's localizations, including Yakuza 0, for some time now.

    Also, the Deep Silver deal was for both Atlus USA and Sega-branded games. So from now on, most of Sega's more niche Japanese games will likely be published by Deep Silver in Europe. This is because Sega Europe now mainly focuses on digital PC games.
  18. I'm STOKED about Kiwami and 6 getting announced. I expected 6, but not Kiwami. I've got Zero pre-ordered, I'm on Chapter 10 of Yakuza 2, and I have 3-5 ready to go when I finish 2.

    I've fallen in love with this series. So good.
  19. Sappharad


    I got a chance to play Yakuza 0 at PSX yesterday. Overall it was as expected based on seeing previous videos about the game. I'll buy it.

    The one thing that surprised me about it was the map. You invoke it via the PS4 touch pad, but the neat part is that it supports pinch to zoom and you pan the map iPad style by moving your finger along the touchpad. I don't remember reading about that online and I thought it was one of the most useful ways I've ever seen the touchpad on the controller used.

    I've got a video of the live crowd reaction to the announcements of the new ones, might post it to YouTube if anyone is interested. I was too busy watching the trailers that I didn't notice my camera wasn't pointing at the screen for half of it though.
  20. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Also did not expect Kiwami, but am so glad we're getting it. It's insane that we waited 3 years for 5, and now we have 3 games planned over roughly the next 1.5 years or so. I was very worried this series would stay in Japan after 5, bless whatever strings were pulled to allow this to happen.

    My final dream is for Y2 to get a Kiwami styled remake, or for Y2 to be put on the PS2 On PS4 program. That game is ridiculously expensive second-hand.