Well, the database...well, so so I must say, Its better to ask if someone is working on something here. If its about badniks, as the main badnik artist right now, and I can tell you what's in the works and what's not. but If its about character sprites, ask Vincent, he's the man in charge of that things ^^ Also, about tilesets (emerald hill zone, for example) Ask Gambit. Its always better to ask here, we always read this topics. By the way, nice badnik right there. I like it, however there are some minnor details, like bright shades and some other things that doesnt look that good. Also, in the body, you should use a oval for the shine...
Now only if everything else was that awsome... EDIT: I zoomed out on my browser, and not even when Whisp was at what would be in-game size the hexagon pattern became some muddled dots. So, make the hexagons about twice as big or so in order for them to be distinguishable when playing.
Hi there Cerulean Nights! What a cool badnik you have HDized! I know this is the old revision, and that you have added even more and cooler shadings to it. I love it! In your first try, you nailed the perspective for the eyes! I think that is outstanding! I hope you will help us throughout this project.
This is great, apart from the new nose you've given it. The older nose was better ^official art, which admittedly doesn't look much like the sprite but might help
Nice upgrade Cerulean Nights! Could you post a correct 4X resolution version? As far as the other available Badnik Art, avoid any EHZ badniks / boss. The database's red dots are preferred. (including bosses as HTZ) Keep it up, If EL likes your metal shades too.. Then you've got talent!
Thanks guys. I'm really glad you all like it. I have posted what it currently looks like at the correct resolution. Personally I like the tiny hexagons, even though you can't tell they're hexagons that small, because to me it looks more like an actual fly's eye. The only problem I see with it is you really have to look close to see it. If you think it would look letter a little bigger, I can do that too. I have taken some features from the concept art, and some from the in-game sprite. I can see where the nose looks a little off, looking again at the sprite, it looks like there is a head and a nose, not just one whole segment. Is that what everyone else sees too? Let me know what you all think. Thanks!
Yup, it's abit too small to admire its hexagonal pattern. Try resizing it until its recognizable. My suggestions (sorry for the quick MSpaint work): -Add burn effect to the lower left area of Eye -Add a spotlight on the black area (instead of a gray line) -The yellow area looks very plastic like, try spicing it up!
I think it could be better if the hexagons are darker so they stand out instead of making them bigger. If you could do another mockup that would be great.
Maybe the nose should look more along the shapes of Imperfect Cell's mouth. And the black portion of the head could conform to the back eye if it concerns you that it is too connected the nose which was my impression from the sprite. The sprite has also has the eyes and the head all flat at the top, so it could just be limitations. Because when you stare at it too long you just see a Dr. Mario pill oval floating there. Or a limp penis. Looks great though. Maybe just take Vincent's advice because he is the daddy.
I like it a lot. The nose looks awesome. I'll play around with some things tomorrow, especially to get that yellow area to look good. Thanks for the suggestions! That's a good idea, too. I'll play around with some ideas.
I'm away for a few days and come back to see we have another very promising badnik artist around. Extremely nice job on that so far Cerulean Nights, welcome to S2HD. There's really not much I can add that hasn't already been said, so by all means keep it up. I'd very much like to see you take this approach to other enemies as well.
something bothers me on this and it's the Whisp's right side wing. Shouldn't the rest of it be in front of the Whisp's body.
Here is the latest. I think it has a better metallic look, not as plasticy, but I hope I didn't overdo it.
I think you may have; it looks a lot less cartoony and way too realistic. I'm not getting the same vibe at all. Sonic art is supposed to be colorful and expressive; you've made too much of an effort to make it look hyper-realistic, which is incredibly distracting. I liked the last revision the best, personally.
I took what you said, Tweaker, into consideration, and toned things down a little. I know what you are saying about it needing to be cartoon like, when you've been starting at the same thing for so long it can be hard to find a happy medium between the two. I hope you like this a little better.
Sorry man but it hasn't made any real difference to me tweaking the latest shading for me personally.
Great job! and so fast! However, does anyone else find the wings incongruent? I don't think they look as good as the rest, what about more of a mesh material, or more structure or component peices in the wings? Just to bring them up to speed with the rest. Am I crazy, no one else has mentioned them yet?