I recently bought a laptop, it runs Windows 8. I'm having different issues with gaming on it. I'm going to assume that the problem is Windows 8, considering it's a fairly capable laptop otherwise. A few examples: Older games (Rollercoaster Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon, Rise Of Nations) will run, but have no sound. Except for Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, which goes blank before it reaches the main menu. Sonic Adventure 1 goes to a black screen after the Sonic Team logo, while SA2 runs but doesn't have sound. Sonic Generations worked the first few times I tried it, but one day I opened it and after the Sega logo I got "Critical error. The detected configuration does not does not match your current hardware. Please re-run the configuration tool." After trying different things with the configuration, I just re-installed it and now it won't launch at all. Sonic And Sega All-Stars Racing works fine. All-Stars Transformed's sound cuts out once it gets to the main menu. Batman Arkham City has no sound. Surprisingly, Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite run just fine. So what's the issue? And if Windows 8 is causing it, what should I do to fix that? I'd rather not switch to Windows 7, because I actually like a lot about it. If I could dual-boot, that'd be great, but I'm not quite sure that's possible on my laptop.
Really no answer for this. Driver issues are the cause for most sound problems in any version of Windows. Did you install the correct drivers for your audio and video devices and are they up to date? Bare in mind I have never used Windows 8. Can't help you beyond suggesting finding the correct Windows 8 drivers for your hardware.
My drivers are up to date. I figured it was a compatibility with Windows 8. But I really have no idea...
All I can say is that you really should check if other people have compatibility issues with a similar setup to yours on each of the games you mention. Typing in Rise of Nations Windows 8 brought me to this so it's just going to be a case of searching websites finding patches and workarounds to get them working properly again.
I got that similar thing on my wife's laptop... funny enough, hers is a Toshiba boasting Win 7... IDK if Win 8 is the issue.
I'm running on Windows 8.1 and all my stuff (transferred since my XP machine, through my Win 7 machine, and now upgraded to 8.1) has run without a hitch. I mean, outside of S&K PC having framerate issues, but that has a an easy fan-made fix.
Thank you for your informative and insightful input. I run Win8 and I had this error, but I don't remember how I fixed it. I'd try one of the fixes posted in this discussion.
I fixed it. My laptop said everything was up to date, but I decided to manually download the newest thing I could find anyway. I didn't bother testing it, because it was mostly out of desperation, and I figured it wouldn't work. But the next day I found that all my games worked perfectly again. For such a simple solution, you'd think I would have figured it out a lot earlier. :specialed: Thanks for the advice, guys.
It's how I do it, a lot of times. Manually download the newest driver. I usaully avoid beta drivers and go for the most recent stable version for a given operating system I'm using. You're welcome, from all of us.
8 is marginally faster, it's just all the Metro shit constantly gets in your way. Once you've installed unofficial patches and hacks to turn all that crap off, it's basically just 7 though, so I don't see why anyone running 7 would pay for a bunch of patches. Moreso when their OS is still being updated.
One reason why I haven't touched 8 at all is all that Metro shit. Everything else under the hood sounds nice. It's a common problem. A Windows problem happens in a new version of it and third parties decide to rip off people looking to get the functionality back that was lost. By the time someone comes around to offering a free honest fix that operating system is being put in extended life-cycle and the new one has issues that the old one didn't.
I haven't had any problems with it really. I thought I was going to hate it at first, and I'll admit, there are 1 or 2 things that bug me, but overall it's just fine.
After you get used to it you can do what you did earlier with less commands and in a more pleasnt way. And it's not just marginally faster, the boot times are cut in half or less. You can have a PC with no SSD booting to desktop in 10 seconds with it.
Even if the boot time was 0 seconds, it doesnt make a difference to heavy users who turn their computers once or twice per dozen hours of usage. Also Win 8 does not increase regular programs' boot time. Try to start 3ds max on HDD and it'll eat away the advantage from the OS boot time.