For those that use mIRC and are still annoyed by Tina's text, add this to your remote scripts. Code (Text): on ^*:TEXT:*:#retro:{ if ($nick == _Tina_) { if ($window(@tina) == $null) { window -Cm @tina } | haltdef | echo @tina $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $chr(93) $1- } } As long as Tina sticks with the nick _Tina_, that should make all Tina messages appear in a new window, one that'll open automatically on first message.
Code (Text): on ^*:TEXT:*:#retro:{ if ($nick == _Tina_) { if ($window(@tina) == $null) { window -Cm @tina } | haltdef | echo @tina $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $chr(93) $1- } } Really should just use echo -t instead.
I added support for multiple file uploads (I hope) and some other things like deletions and moves. I still need to add support for restoring, since it's kind of silly to have deletions without it. But yeah, multiple file uploads should just report once and be done with it.
So now the bot is sheena and people need to log in to see it? It sort of defeats the purpose of encouraging wiki activity cause people aren't gonna register just so they can watch a bot. I think the bot should be on by default, and just let the users /ignore it if they choose.
Although I do not edit the wiki much, it is in my opinion that the Sheena service will not be used by many, and wiki activity will probably drop back to pre-Tina levels. I have experience with how fickle people are; those who would go the distance to log in and stuff would likely also edit the wiki with similar frequency, Sheena or not; wheras those who act more impulsively are likely to neither have their forum password on hand to log on, nor pay attention to notices (which, in mIRC, get shunted to the server window instead of the channel if you're not looking at the channel window.) That said, it's less work for me to not run the relay bot, so I'm not complaining; by all means, use Sheena. I would be curious as to usage statistics of the wiki now that the bot is gone, however...
The only other thing I could really think of would be to /notice #retro with wiki updates (which you could turn off via logging in if you wanted), and leaving forum updates to something that requires logging in. This way you'd get the same affect whilst still having the ability to turn it off if you wish.
While I appreciate the extra features Sheena brings to the table, I highly preferred Tina's style of announcing edits/topics in-channel by default and wish to see this returned. :|
Those of you who preferred not having to log in to view posts/Wiki updates: /join #reporting Tweaker: It isn't my problem if you decided to move to another ircd just for this... if you want people to use it, provide something that a) isn't instable (* Sheena No such nickname) b) doesn't require effort on the user's part to view things (AUTH name pass SET wiki on) c) etc. Basically I plan on running Tina until it becomes impossible for me to do so, wether by g-line or other. Of course, I wouldn't be against moving Wiki-reporting back into the channel. But Tweaker seems to love Sheena more, so he can take that up with Sazpaimon.
Based on the general feedback so far, I think that's the way to go, even though I'm fine with Sheena myself. I vote yes.
Or I can make it so Sheena announces wiki edits to everyone who joins #retro, which can be turned off simply by logging in.
There's still the problem with /notice since it causes a beep by default on some popular IRC clients, shows up in the status window if they aren't looking at any channel on badnik, and generally annoys some people no matter what. Additionally, people are always annoyed by opt-out stuff. Which is probably part of why everyone complained about _Tina_ even though they could just /ignore it and have no problem... if you make sheena opt-out, but you have to register and login in order to do so... yeah, I see some kinks in this plan.
The idea is to imply the updates on people. Those who don't wish to see them should use their own means to ignore it. We've simply provided a more meaningful solution than /ignore (which I think would even work in this case).
Well, if you're going to be messaging everyone in the channel except for people who ignore it... why not just bring the old one back? It did the same thing, but in a less annoying way.