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What was your FIRST impression of Sonic?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by astroblema, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. Sonic 1.

    It was pre-school for me. My older brother got a Genesis for Christmas, with the titled game...and I got to stay home and play it while he went to school. It was much too difficult for me to beat at my age (in the first few dozen tries anyway) but I did memorize the level select code and got to play through all the levels. Eventually I got good enough for the emeralds and etc.
    Sonic was not my first videogame. I definitely started out a Nintendo boy. Even dressed as Mario for my first Halloween thing my Mom brought me to. Skate or die, Excitebike... smelling my sibling's awful breath in the nintendo cartridges when blowing on them before putting them in the dock.... Good times.

    Before Sonic I watched all the Batman cartoons and played all the Mario games. I continued to like both after Sonic and always have---especially in the release of N64 and Mario 64, that game was hype---but Sonic dominated my life after Sonic 1 and progressively more so with each major release. From Sonic 1 to Sonic 2, to Sonic Spinball....on to Sonic 3 & Knuckles, which changed me forever.

    One of my greatest loves and also somewhat of a curse because SEGA and Sonic Team are very, very far from what they used to be, and each year that goes by and I look for better times for the blue ring boy I'm reminded how long I've been waiting for them to figure it out. When I take a break from the fandom and go about my adult life, every now and then I peek back in and see how pathetic things have gotten. I'm really quite an optimistic person in general but when I look at this franchise, its difficult for me to see any fundamental reason to support Sonic going forward. And to be honest, if Taxman/Stealth or some analogous group are not given a promotion in some significant way (assuming they're interested in continuing to make Sonic games) I will finally let go of Sonic. I'll cherish the memories I had from long ago but accept that this franchise flat out stinks, and move on to find other simple things to enjoy in my busy life. It'd be for the best.
  2. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    I barely remember watching AoSTH as a three year old. I didn't know who Sonic was at the time, I just liked the cartoon. Then about a year later or so my cousin Travis had me play Green Hill Zone Act 1, and I've been hooked ever since. See my other cousins had a Genesis back in the day, and they decided to bring it over to my grandparent's house that day so us kids could play it. My parents, sister, and I were living in my grandparent's basement at the time. Besides a boring ass pong game, Sonic was the very first video game I've ever played. I was determined to make it pass GHZ, but I just couldn't at that age. In 1998 my dad got me my first Genesis, along with a copy of Sonic 1 and when I was about 9 or so I finally beat Sonic 1. Though I was a fan, there was a point in time that I loved Pokemon better than Sonic, when I was 10. Now though, I love the Sonic franchise more than any other gaming franchise, despite its ups and downs.
  3. I've been playing Sonic since before I was fully cognitive, so I can't really say.

    I probably liked it though???
  4. Tomadom


    Sonic Mega Collection and Shadow the Hedgehog. I don't know which one I got first or how exactly I got them, but I assume my parents got them both around the same time after getting our GameCube, since they usually just bought whatever looked cool on the shelves of GameStop.

    For both games, I was mostly just intrigued by the speed that the Classic titles (and Shadow) had. It was different from the other games I played like Spyro the Dragon or Super Mario Sunshine. I always loved exploring the multiple routes, and it always felt like I was playing a new level when I found a new route (or just couldn't remember the different routes because I was so young :P). It had an interesting setting, interesting characters... my younger self loved it, even if I grew up with both the cartoony original and the edgy, "mature" atmosphere. Probably why I'm so used to both types of storytelling in Sonic games, the silly and the edgy.
  5. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    Was introduced to Sonic via AoStH as a kid. Don't recall what my impression was, but I know I liked it, because I kept watching it. Shortly after, I watched SatAM as well, though I didn't enjoy it as much as AoStH, as I preferred this one's lighter tone. A few years later (while still a kid) I re-discovered Sonic when a friend showed me Sonic 3. I loved it and became a Sonic fan for real, so I bought a Genesis and tracked down every Sonic game and VHS I could find (the cartoons were no longer on air here), though I was puzzled as to why the games and cartoons were so different one from another, and why the latter were so lame compared to the former, being missing so many cool characters and stuff from the games such as Knuckles, the Chaos Emeralds, Super Sonic, Metal Sonic, the Tornado, etc. My friend would troll me by saying that Knuckles appears in later SatAM episodes, so I trolled him back when I lent him a VHS that contained the episode "Super Sonic" and told him that it featured Super Sonic.

    Kinda ironic that I was introduced to the franchise via the DiC cartoons, considering that I loathe them now :v:
  6. Aesculapius Piranha

    Aesculapius Piranha

    つづく Oldbie
    1) First sonic game was Sonic the Hedgehog
    2) I found out about it from my friend who had a copy and had parents who bought them a Genesis at that time
    3) My first impressions I think were that it looked cool and had good music. I went home and annoyed my mom with trying to hum the songs to her. Just imagine a little kid humming Sonic 1 music at the highest pitch they possibly could and I imagine that is probably what I sounded like. I really liked the look of the zones and the special stages. Ironically I asked my parents for a SNES to get Star Fox a good while later on and got a Genesis with Sonic 1 + Sonic 2 voucher for my birthday instead. Wasn't a bad call on their part imho.
  7. Gammatron


    I can barely remember all of this because I was 6 years old.

    1 - What was the first Sonic game you played?
    I'm really not sure - I might have played Sonic 2 or 3 on a store display or video rental store first. I do vividly getting a Genesis + Sega CD for Christmas in '94 with Sonic 1 + Sonic & Knuckles. Soon after I got Sonic CD, 2 and 3.

    2 - How did you find out about it?
    The cartoons really, both AoSTH and SatAM. That, plus you know, from the other kids at recess during school. Kids still played pretend back then and this was the 90s, so instead of cops and robbers it was Jurassic Park, X-Men, Sonic the Hedgehog and Power Rangers...

    3 - What was your initial reaction to it?
    I was obsessed. I got all the games, watched the cartoon religiously, bought the comics in the store, slept with a stuffed Sonic and had a Sonic backpack...
  8. MartiusR


    1 - What was the first Sonic game you played?

    Sonic 3D Blast.

    2 - How did you find out about it?

    It was one of the full versions attached to one of magazines about PC/video games in Poland. It was back then one of my main sources of games (other one were some cheap re-releases). Sadly, I didn't had back then contact with some better stuff with Sonic, which I regret.

    3 - What was your initial reaction to it?

    I gave it a lot of patience and attention, but eventually I gave up. I didn't like almost anything in this game - graphic style, uncomfortable style of control, gameplay style (it wasn't even about flickies, because I considered also platforming and fighting with enemies as boring). (BTW - the only good thing in PC version was music, but the version I owned had some technical problems and it didn't play music at all). I've finished it about year or two ago, but I've played in MD version (the emulated one, from MD classics for PC). But I can't say why I was even bothering with this.

    Up to this day I consider it as the worsest Sonic game I've played. Even widely hated on this forum Sonic 4 (episode 1) brought me much more fun. And I'm definitelly not going to give it second chance with DX version.
  9. Miles3298


    1 - What was the first Sonic game you played?

    Sonic 1. I am only a couple of months younger than Sonic 2, but we didn't get that one or the others until a bit later. I actually got to experience these games in near rapid succession, which was fun. I faintly remember The Video Store (pretty sure it was named exactly that) having some graphics up for Sonic & Knuckles, which was basically just that one logo going across the shelf a few times.

    2 - How did you find out about it?

    It was in the same house I was in, in the model 1 Sega Genesis that was in front of me, in the room where I lived. That Genesis was on. And I was playing it. It had Sonic 1 in it. How that came to be, I don't remember, but my finding out about it was through simply playing it.

    3 - What was your initial reaction to it?

    This is mostly lost to time. I don't think I was all that cognizant when I first experienced it. First actual memory I have is of a group of relatives in my room sitting on my couch-bunk-bed hybrid thing still in bed mode being perplexed at the Green Hill boss. One of them said something along the lines of "We have to wait and see what happens." Second one is a very weird association I had with the yellow special stage fade and card thing and a half section of a hard boiled egg. Whatever my initial reaction was, I sure stuck with the series, so I guess I liked it. :v:
  10. EnderWaffle


    Ghostly Friend Member
    1) Sonic Chaos for the Game Gear.

    2) My uncle had passed away back in '99, and when I was born in '02, I ended up with some of his things, but most importantly I got the video game-related material. His Game Gear was the first portable system I owned, and it Sonic 2, Sonic Chaos, and some others.

    3) In my eyes (I was 3-4), it was the best game ever. It was also one of the two games I played until my dad brought home a working SNES with Super Mario World that he found in a garbage pile (he was a garbageman). The other game was Sonic 2, but I hated Underground Zone with a passion, and didn't really play it as much.
  11. 1 - First Sonic game I played: Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

    2 - Found out about it: from playing it once with my little brother at my mom's boyfriend (Ex-boyfriend? Friend?)'s house when we were little. I'm guessing it was the mid 90s.

    3 - Initial reaction to it: I was kinda leery with it not being a Nintendo console (and my little brother liked Sonic, thanks to the cartoon, so of course I, the elder brother, couldn't like that little-kid crap. Haha), but I did enjoy it. I got stuck on the underwater stage.

    I didn't play a Sonic game again till my cousin got a Dreamcast and I played Sonic Adventure. I only remember playing Windy Hill. It was pretty fantastic actually. I mean, those graphics... But that was it for Sonic once more.

    ...Till my little brother got Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. And I became a huge fan, played it to death, recorded the vocal songs from the sound player with a voice recorder and listened to it like a Walkman, and eventually bought the vocal album and Sonic Adventure DX. :D
  12. Knucklez


    1. Sonic & Knuckles Collection PC (Sonic 3 & Knuckles).

    2. My grandfather, who I have not seen or spoken to in 15 years, randomly gifted me with this when I was about 7 years old. Besides SMB1 on my NES and Bonk's Adventure on my TG16 (which I still have all of), this was my only PC game. Looking back it's pretty cool to know that my first games and intro to gaming were none other than the industry's Holy Trinity of mascots.

    3. I have to say I was 'mesmerized' by all the color and the scenery throughout the levels and oh god that beautiful PC soundtrack no one on here appreciates. Once I figured out the basics and got going, I just couldn't put the joystick down. I got past CNZ barrel with ease while using joystick but for the life of me couldn't figure out how to do it using the keyboard once my joystick broke lol. It was a trip though. I was a lonely kid and it pulled me into another world I just couldn't get enough of.

    I played this game for 4-5 straight years alongside Age of Empires 1 & 2 and Age of Mythology. It wasn't until middle school that I figured it all out and finally managed to snag the Super Emeralds and become Hyper. THAT was refreshing after so many years. And then my old desktop that could run the old Windows 98 game broke down. Got a laptop after that which ran Vista and my games were toast. I know all the compatibility workarounds now, but at the time I was clueless and just dealt with being forced to abandon the games because Vista wouldn't run them. I jumped onto Pokémon Emerald, Diamond, Platinum... while simultaneously on RuneScape for 4.5 years... and in quitting that waste of time after clocking over 6000 hours, I picked up my S&KC and yearned to play it again somehow. Did some research and lo-and-behold I discovered that roms and emulation existed... in Dec 2010... yes I know... I was living under a rock. However, when I booted S3K up for the first time on Fusion I burst into fucking tears. I did more research and I discovered THIS PLACE AND WOW THERE'S A SONIC 1!!! AND 2!!! SEGA GENESIS!? THE HELL IS THAT!?!?!? Thank you Retro. You pulled me out from under the proverbial rock. Above all though, thank you Grandpa George. I'm sorry we can't have a relationship but I will always be grateful for your random gift that would define so much of who I am. Sonic 3 runs deep for me in many ways and it will forever be a part of who I am.
  13. Circlestar


    SS Rank Tricks! Member
    If I remember correctly, the first Sonic game I played was Sonic Heroes; specifically the PS2 port (shudder). I have no idea how or why I had the game but I played it to death.
    I remember having a pretty fun time with it; Team Rose was the first story I completed since you didn't have to deal with the chase sequence in Lost Jungle.

    I eventually managed to beat all the teams' stories, collect the chaos emeralds, and beat Metal Overlord, but after I did that I had this strange glitch where every prerendered cutscene no longer had sound; did anyone else with the PS2 PAL version have this problem too?

    After that I went on to play Shadow the Hedgehog on the PS2 (ugh), the Sega Mega Drive Collection on my PSP 2000 (I still have my old save files, including some debug-enabled save states of the Sonic games), and the Sonic Mega Collection Plus on my dad's old Compaq laptop.
  14. DetoNtn


    Layout Master Member
    1 - Sonic Adventure.

    2 - My dad is a Sega fanboy - he still believes to this day that Sega does what Nintendon't. When I was sort of young in 2006, he showed me his collection of all his Sega stuff. He had a Dreamcast on top of all the stuff in his storage chest / trunk thing, and he pulled that out, along with Sonic Adventure. He plugged in all the cords in the TV and booted it up, and began right at the beginning where you have to fight Chaos Zero.

    3 - At the time in 2006, I was busy playing on the Gameboy Advance I had. I played Pokemon Ruby a lot, and I also liked Metroid Zero. I never really played on console much, because the console I had hooked up in my room was a Playstation, and I didn't really like playing Crash Bandicoot or Final Fantasy because they were hard. As soon as I saw my dad pull out Sonic Adventure, I thought it was pretty dang cool. I never saw a game like it before. I loved it because I liked homing attacking stuff, and being able to explore. It became my new favorite game.

    After I got hooked to Sonic, I began to play the Dreamcast a lot more, and it became my favorite video game system of all time. I even bought my own Dreamcast with my allowance, because I wanted one for my room that I didn't have to share. I may not play it as much as I did back then, but it's still my favorite console, and Sonic Adventure is still my favorite game.
  15. 1 - What was the first Sonic game you played?
    Sonic Heroes o Xbox, but I stumbled upon the blue blur way sooner.

    2 - How did you find out about it?
    About Sonic? I think it was some trailer on TV, but the memory's old and blurry and searching YouTube only directed me to Sonic 06. After that thing was over (Yes, I actually watched it to the end, no judging), I started flying through
    "Recommended" section to newer things, and dealt with the crazy stuff somewhere in the middle of a Sonic Unleashed Let's Play. It was a wild ride, but I learnt to enjoy it.
    As for Sonic Heroes, that was completely random. My dad bought from his friend (who "upgraded" to PS3) an old Xbox, just because he liked the way it played movies. I was about 12, curious little girl, so one day when I was home
    alone, I started it up to mess around with it for a bit. A week before that, I found out that my grandma's TV had some games on it, so that's what I checked for. I found about fifty diffrent titles. Mind blown. I paced around the room in
    excitment for a while, and decided to pick one to play. I would've probably picked something else if not for the colourfull icon, but! After learning the mechanics and button layout on the controler, I had a fun time.

    3 - What was your initial reaction to it?
    "This is exciting!" "God, I hate Omochao." "The controls are slippery..." "Nobody can stop me from playing this game."
  16. hypertense


    Christmas Island
    Parallel Consequences (writing)
    1 - What was the first Sonic game you played?
    Oh jeez... It's hard to know the exact one. I'd say Sonic CD, because it was the first one I remember playing.

    2 - How did you find out about it?
    It was a huge trend, how could I not happen to hear it?

    3 - What was your initial reaction to it?
    Kind of iffy. I didn't know whether to adore it or play it and move on. I will admit that the television series AoStH got me into Sonic.

    It is a "General Sonic Discussion" forum, so it should fly fine!
  17. Just-in


    1 - What was the first Sonic game you played?
    Well... it was a fan game... not that I can remember which one... okay I'll just start off with my first being Sonic Unleashed...

    2 - How did you find out about it?
    My parents just got it one day along with a Wii... not much here

    3 - What was your initial reaction to it?
    I really enjoyed the day time stages just plain fun and fast though the controls could use some work... but I never beat the game due to the annoying nighttime stages... not a good first impression but its not like I wasted a birthday or Christmas present on it. In the end I still liked Sonic as a character and Sonic Rider ZG which I got not to long after was a much more fun game (in my opinion)

    1 - What was the first Sonic game you played?
    Well... it was a fan game... not that I can remember which one... okay I'll just start off with my first being Sonic Unleashed...

    2 - How did you find out about it?
    My parents just got it one day along with a Wii... not much here

    3 - What was your initial reaction to it?
    I really enjoyed the day time stages just plain fun and fast though the controls could use some work... but I never beat the game due to the annoying nighttime stages... not a good first impression but its not like I wasted a birthday or Christmas present on it. In the end I still liked Sonic as a character and Sonic Rider ZG which I got not to long after was a much more fun game (in my opinion)
  18. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
    An older bump but a bumpable thread nonetheless.

    1 - What was the first Sonic game you played?

    Sonic the Hedgehog for the Game Gear. My parents bought it for me for Christmas. My family did a lot of travelling in the early '90s because our family was spread out. The backlit Game Gear was a present to help me pass the time on the long car trips.

    2 - How did you find out about it?

    I might have seen or heard about Sonic prior to the Game Gear but Christmas gifs are Christmas gifts.

    3 - What was your initial reaction to it?

    Honestly? It was a toy. I played with it as a toy. Sonic did not actually click into my life until a bit later.
  19. Fadaway


    1 - What was the first Sonic game you played?

    Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)

    2 - How did you find out about it?

    Television commercials

    3 - What was your initial reaction to it?

    The overall atmosphere was a sexy thing to get immersed in on my 11th birthday! I got the game bundled with my Genesis as a gift. The only two consoles I had before that were the Atari 7800 and the Texas Instruments TI-99 4/A, although I'd played a bit of NES and TurboGrafx-16 at friends' houses. Coming from those humble beginnings, goddamn—the parallax alone got my endorphins slam dancing.

    The music was unforgettable (especially Star Light Zone), and there was so much onscreen animation in every corner of every zone. Labyrinth Zone was a mind-bending, maddening slough. I still loved it. I spent so much time exploring every pixel of that game, it's permanently burned into my brain.

    The first time I got to the last boss, I hit it well over 20 times but that pissy pig fucker just wouldn't die. I later found out I glitched it. My favorite level was Marble Zone. Nice challenge, and I dug the exploration there.

    The game is one of my top 3 fondest experiences playing a video game ever. It was so memorable, that now whenever I smell the aroma of wrapping paper in any given situation, my mind rushes back to that day when I first unwrapped my Genesis and fired up Sonic 1.
  20. inakilbss


    Sonic Rush on a flashcart I was gifted. Thought it was neat, so I bought Sonic 1 a few years later on the Wii shop. Sadly, I bought the Master System version, presumably due to price, and could only barely get past Green Hill.