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What are some of your favorite obscure Sonic Characters?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by AlliaTheEchidna, Feb 23, 2023.

  1. AlliaTheEchidna


    Here are some of mine to start:

    Aurora: I really wish they would have expanded her story more than they have


    Medal Knuckles: Kinda self explainatory


    Bunnie D'Coolette: Another character I feel they could have done soooo much more with


    Princess Sally Acorn: I love her personality and that she still has a strong moral compass despite being royalty

    Shade the Echidna: Can we give my goth boy some more screentime please?


    Doctor Zachary: He is a really fun villain and I am sad he has not been brought into any of the games or shows, if you do not know who he is please do yourself a favor and get into the Sonic the Hedgehog comics


    Julie-Su: Another comic exclusive character, she is my profile photo actually, well a fan render concept of what she would look like in modern games anyways. She is a kick--- Chaotix member, she is also Knuckles' partner in crime.

    Mina Mongoose: She is an adorable little pop star, and honestly I like her better with Sonic than Amy, she really needs to be brought into the games

  2. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    Anyone who says Eclipse the Darkling is "too edgy" has not actually seen anything with him in it, and are solely looking at his visual design and out of context panels. Change my mind.

    And I'm admittedly a sucker for people who seem like villains initially but then shows they actually do care a lot about their family or something, which is probably the sole reason I cared at all about Dimitri before Flynn got a hold of Archie.

    I may only like Mammoth Mogul for his visual design, but I like him nonetheless.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2023
  3. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    From the games I like Fang (such a fun character, it's a pity he was abandoned) and Mecha Sonic mk2 (best robot Sonic design). From the adaptations I guess I like Cosmo, Dr. Zachary, and (even though I'm not a big Archie fan) Mina and Dr. Finitevus (great reimagining of Zachary).
  4. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    I always liked Julie-Su. I wouldn't mind a character like her in the games.
  5. DefinitiveDubs


    Most of the obscure characters I like are based on what I wish they were, rather than what they actually are.

    Like, I like Fang, but I like him because the idea of a bounty hunter in Sonic has a lot of potential. We have enough treasure hunters already, but I'd like it if Fang was a cartoonier and more Texan but still badass Boba Fett within the Sonic universe, not the incompetent pop gun-wielding hillbilly he is in canon.
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  6. From Archie and SatAM I was always fond of Rotor, Antoine, and especially Bunny. I'll ever bring a child into this world, but long ago it was decided that should I ever happen to change my mind then Antoine would factor into their full name.

    For actual game characters the Chaotix are collectively up there for me, with Espio being my immediate solo pick. Blaze ain't all that obscure, but it is about damn time she finds herself in something other than a spin-off. Fang is great, but Bark the Polar Bear gets my vote for the most obscure character that I'd love to see fleshed out in some future entry. Won't ever happen, but at least IDW has given him and Bean some love.
  7. kyasarintsu


    I like Fang, Bean, and Bark individually. I don't think they belong as a unit whose only justification for existence was "they were all in that one semi-obscure fighting game".
  8. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    I'm not really into any obscure Archie character (I mean, I like Sally, but that's about it), but when it comes to the games I have this unexplained, completely baseless attachment to Marine.
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  9. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Like the obscure music thread, this feels hard to flex any obscure knowledge and feels more like "which infrequently thought about thing do you like the most", but I guess I'll say what I think fits the best.
    I really, really like Manic. It's depressing that the thing people shit on Underground for, the robot baby thing, is part of the best thing about Underground, which is the tangible evolution of Manic as a character from a theif raised from childhood to compulsively steal everything he can to survive, to someone genuinely trying to make a difference in the world and make sure no kid has to live like that again. It's a genuine shame Underground didn't get to actually resolve that for him.
    (On the other end of the spectrum, Bartleby can go fuck himself, it's annoying him and Sonia's relationship wasn't absolved the second he started acting like Robotnik's third goon.)

    Shade the Echidna is also neat but suffers from her dialogue only ever being exposition about what the Nocturnus Clan was up to in the Twilight Cage. All we really know about her is that she's all buisness and willing to do anything for Nocturne but she draws the line at conquest of the entire world.
    Similar intrigue + criticism for Nestor the Wise, who was banished from Nocturne and lives hiding from the Kron, and suspiciously uses a near total copy of Super IX's model, swapping out the electro staff with a wood cane, and exists only to read off Precursor Tablets talking about a potential greater threat named Argus.
    I really wish we knew more about the ideas they had for Chronicles 2, but it's possible nobody really remembers that with how small that team really was.

    Specifically Archie post-Super Genesis Wave Mighty I find interesting. I say specifically because it's all I really know about Archie Mighty. A really good redesign paired with an interesting strong-but-defensive-pacifist dynamic makes me sad we'll never get to see that again.
    Eclipse and his Dark Arms are a pretty good answer. They helped expand on things we've never really gotten a good chance at seeing in a context that cares about those concepts in particular, even if it wasn't the "real" answer.
    I'll agree with that but I'll add that my vision is less comical and more of a potential rival for Shadow or something (D-Pad YouTube channel turned me on to that idea) - basically a Team Chaotix level "Modern" revamp of the character where maybe he has a cool unique space gun or something, and team ups with Bark or Bean are mainly for less serious affairs where they're basically just go-to muscle for him for some reason.

    Funny basically all my answers have to do with characters who've been cut short by external forces. What a waste.
  10. AlliaTheEchidna


    Sega seems to love to randomly abandon characters and plot points at will sadly
  11. I always feel like I'm half-having a stroke whenever I come across stuff from the Archie comics. The designs, plot points, etc., all give the impression of a fever dream. I mean I read the comics as a kid, but I guess it never made a big enough impression on me to stick with it as I got older.
  12. AlliaTheEchidna


    The Archie comics are definately a free for all for writers, I am glad I read them though as they did have some good characters that stand out still to this day
  13. Rafa Stary

    Rafa Stary

    Last edited: May 16, 2023
  14. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    No one's said Honey yet? Would love for her to show up in an official capacity for the first time if we're ever lucky enough to get another classic title.

    Bunnie and Rotor are really cool too, if any Archie characters were to make the jump to the games I think they'd fit in the best.
  15. I don’t think Honey really counts considering she’s not really a character. She’s just cut content that the devs made as a jokey, visual homage to Fighting Vipers. I think she gets disproportionate attention from the fanbase actually all things considered. Although I wouldn’t mind her getting to be an official Sonic character, I’d prefer Sega to actually bring the real Honey and Fighting Vipers back (either in their own new game or as part of a new crossover with VF).
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2023
  16. Rafa Stary

    Rafa Stary

    Last edited: May 16, 2023
  17. Fighting Vipers is Honey’s original title. Fighters Megamix is the VF x FV x extras crossover game.

    Quick edit: Void. Void has always held a weird fascination for me which I can’t explain too well. I guess he just looks cool and I like the name. I wish he and the rest of Shuffle were readapted into something better.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2023
  18. Rafa Stary

    Rafa Stary

    Last edited: May 16, 2023
  19. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    Honey being a joke character doesn't make me like her Sonicified design any less, but I too would love a Fighting Vipers revival
  20. Yeah, she is. I assumed you meant her original title. Megamix released after Sonic the Fighters anyways so it’d be weird to say she’s from Megamix.