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Wave, Storm, Blaze, wtf?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Artis Oracle, Jan 16, 2006.

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  1. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    You can also play as him in the SA2 kart racing crapgame.
  2. Really? Weird. Is that only in SA2, or SA2:B as well?
  3. Liliam


    It was a submitted downloadable to the Dreamcast SA2 Website. It was then patched up with a couple of samples (the ones also used for Metal Sonic in SADX) and a detailed shadow for SA2B.
  4. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
  5. Interesting. I was under the impression that the Egg Robo models had been completely dropped from the games post-SA in favor of the E-Series robots.
  6. Rlan


    I'm pretty sure the Eggrobo was originally a downloadable kart on the Dreamcast, and was than added in to the SA2B version.
  7. Liliam


    Three posts above yours -_-

    It was submitted to the website, the website guys made it into a dowloadable, and then it made its way to Battle. Here's the original download page.

    They call him a character. That doesn't mean jack squat to me, though, that text was most likely the work of some random bub they assigned it to.
  8. Blazer


    To answer that last question, Mecha Sonic used Robotnik's Egg -O- Matic at the Sky Sanctuary Zone, while playing as Sonic or Tails.
    Who is a character too, like the Eggrobo of Knuckles' story.

    So? That doesn't mean a thing.
    That was my answer to what Lemming said about Metal-Sonic being a character because he appeared in many games.

    Egg-Robo didn't rebuild Mecha Sonic. He was up there in Sky Sanctuary all that time. And he is a normal Egg-Robo; one of the endings shows an Egg-/Robo coming out of the rubble of the Death Egg, I believe.
    Yes, he is, but they turned him in a character in Knuckles' story.

    Can you please learn how to actually freaking quote people? It's very hard to understand your points when they're all jumbled and disconnected like that.
    Is not my fault that these forums don't acept more that a few quotes in a single post.

    I don't know where you're getting this idea (maybe you just haven't played S3&K in a while) but none of this ever occured. Egg Robo never built or rebuilt any badniks, and certainly never stole the Master Emerald.
    And what the fuck do you think that the Master Emerald was doing in the arena of the final fight? And do you that that the badniks that were destroyed in Sonic and Tails' story rebuild themselves? And what about the gadgets that Robotnik used to kill you in Sonic's story, but that Sonic & Tails destroyed, and that later reappeared being used by the Eggrobo in Knukles' story?

    Calling him the main enemy is silly for reasons already stated, and I'm pretty sure that any of Robotnik's humanoid minions are capable of operating the Eggpod.
    Sigh. I really feel like if I were discussing with a retarded. I would give you the reasons because I think what I am saying again, but the points that I said in my previous proves that the arguments that you posted are pure bullshit. So, if you want to know why you are wrong, simply read what I said in my previous message.
  9. Who's a retard now?

    I didn't even bother to read that whole post. The way you write, it's impossible to follow from one point to the next. LEARN TO QUOTE, or get out. Also, you can call me names all you want, but it won't make you right (especially when you can't even execute a one-word insult without screwing it up, it seems). I've not called you anything nasty, so I don't see why you see fit to call me "a retarded" for disagreeing with you, particularly when, if you look back, you'll see that you are the one with all the spelling/grammatical/general English errors. Until you can find a way to prove your point besides just repeating the same thing over and over, and until you can press the two buttons required to actually coherently quote a person, I'm ignoring your posts directed at me in this topic.

    Yes they do. I just did it, see?
  10. Tweaker



    I hope you get the point of this. I really do.

    As for the whole Metal/Mecha/buttfucker Sonic, the official chain goes as follows (if my memory serves me right):

    Silver Sonic - Sonic 2, Sonic Adventure (Cameo), Sonic Pocket Adventure.
    Mecha Sonic - Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
    Metal Sonic (and corresponding evolutions) - Sonic CD, Knuckles' Chaotix, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Adventure/DX (Cameo/Bonus), Sonic the Fighters, Sonic R, Sonic Adventure 2, *insert more here*.

    No need to overcomplicate names, guys. It's just a game, he's just a fictional (albeit kickass) robot, in a fictional game. It'd be fucking hilarious to see you argue like this in person.
  11. No, I don't. I was merely displaying to Blazer that it is, despite his belief, possible to quote however many times he wants in one post, and that he is not being restricted by the board. If you want to pull some grand insult out of that, Tweaker, and be nasty to me in reponse, by all means, feel free, but that was not my intention.

    Back on topic, I gather that the Egg Robo in the racing mini-game from SA2 was initially a fan submission? So I guess that probably rules out seeing more Egg Robos in future games. A shame, because I liked that design quite a lot. Would've been cool to see them marching around on the Egg Carrier or something.
  12. Guardian


    Pending Member
    Sonic & Mario
    I too hate this. Having more characters in the scene, fine, but too much is enough. Sometimes I think that maybe it should have just been Sonic only.
  13. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    Blaze is the only sorta okay character made since Knuckles
  14. Shade


  15. WiteoutKing


    The artist formerly known as WiteoutKing Member
    Worcester, MA
    Two-Bit Pictures and The D-Pad
    You know, games with just Sonic and Robotnik would get real old real fast.

    Apparently I'm the only one here who actually enjoyed Shadow the Hedgehog and thought the Shadow Arc (SA2, SH, ShTH) was actually a pretty good story.

    Regarding new characters, have you noticed that half the characters they introduce are never used again? Has anyone seen a playable Big in the last three years?

    New characters in important roles keeps Sonic games from getting one-dimensional. It keeps new stories coming out of it, and stories are what often get us interested in games to begin with. I mean seriously, if the next Sonic game was "Sonic Journey in Bageltown" and it was all about Robotnik stealing bagels, you wouldn't give a crap, even if the actual gameplay was amazing. You have to lighten up a bit and try to explore the games instead of just standing next to it and complaining.

    EDIT: And I still miss Fang.
  16. Dark Mirage

    Dark Mirage

    I once played a game called "Fat Boy Raids the Cookie Factory" and thought it was the greatest thing ever because of its "story"... But than again, I was 12 :P.

    Shadow's story arc was decent right up until they introduced Black Doom. He just felt so chucked in there. The whole idea behind him being created to destroy what actually made him is interesting, but they should have aluded to it in the previous games a lot more. Sonic heroes is really what tore up the continum I suppose. There were only two important thigns that happened in that game: A) We learned Metal Sonic was kicking around and B) We saw Shadow clones. They haven't even done anything with Metal Sonic since then. You would think there would be a really great story they could whip up since Shadow and Co. took him in, but no. Sonic Team didn't even scrape by mention of him in Shadow or Rush. By the way, what happened to Gemmel? Cream is allowed to transist from the GBA series to the big screen, but Gemmel (who is probably one of the best written characters they have created thus far) is a no show? Come on here.

    I think the biggest complaint I have personally with the series IS the story telling, even though it's really the only reason I have to buy the games (I wanted to see what happened to Shadow I admit). Everything after Adventure 1 and Battle has been mostly erratic or happens just because. Less so with Adventure 2, but it had its moments. The new series absolutely needs stories to drive it along, but nothing spectacular has come along. Even more so since Sonic Team has completely destroyed the transitions between levels. They aren't even coherant anymore. There's SO much content they can make use of, but they don't. I just wish they would write more intelligent stories for the series.
  17. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    I kinda enjoyed the game, but the story was horrible. They focused too much on the "choose your own adventure" thing. Some of the stories didn't even make sense.

    No, you are wrong.

    Sonic Adventure introduced Big and that Robot. Both were playable in Sonic Heroes.

    Sonic Adventure 2 introduced Rouge and Shadow. Both were playable in Sonic Heroes.

    Sonic Advance 2 introduced Cream. She was playable in Sonic Advance 3 and Heroes.

    Battle introduced Emeral. He appeared in Sonic Advance 3.

    Rush introduced Blaze, but it's too early to say if she will come back. (although the end of Rush makes me think we will see her again)

    What other new character have there been?

    That would be a fun story, IMO. I enjoyed Parappa the Rapper 2, so :P
  18. FinalBeyond


    Gamma and Omega are different characters.
  19. WiteoutKing


    The artist formerly known as WiteoutKing Member
    Worcester, MA
    Two-Bit Pictures and The D-Pad
    That was over two years ago, and they came back because of the re-releases of Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 on other systems (thus effectively perking interest in them again)

    Big was made in 1999. If it wasn't for the remake of SA, he probably never would have been in Heroes five years later.

    Let's count how many games these "side characters" have been in.

    Tikal - 1 (Sonic Adventure)
    Chaos - 2 in 5 years (Sonic Adventure, Sonic Battle)
    Big - 2 in 5 years (Sonic Adventure, Sonic Heroes)
    Gamma - 2 in 5 years (Sonic Adventure, Sonic Battle)
    Rouge - 4 in 6 years (Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Battle)
    Shadow - 4 in 6 years (Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Battle)
    Cream - 4 in 4 years (Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Advance 3, Sonic Battle)

    Also, regarding Parappa. Rhythm games don't need story. Adventure games (nowadays) do.
  20. Actually, in SA3, that was Gemel, who had pretty much the same body design as Emerl, but was nonetheless a seperate character. Thus, you could count both Emerl and Gemel as characters that were not reused (or at least, have not been yet) since their introductory games.
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