As per Anime News Network: An accomplished voice actor, Chalk is well-known as the voice of Dr. Ivo Robotnik in Sonic Underground and Grounder in The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. More recently he made an appearance in the first live action Sonic the Hedgehog film, in which he played the Navy Chief of Staff. My thoughts are with him and his family at this time.
Well, that's just not prime. Any time I hear about cancer it's always news that I never would've imagined, like what happened to James' voice actor a bit back. This shit sucks. I'm really hoping that he can recover...
Sad to see this. Hope he can be cured. Just looked it up and even stage 4 is over 50% survival rate. I mostly associate him as Optimus Primal. Love Beast Wars. It’s what got me into Transformers.
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was my second introduction to Sonic, only next to the rereleases of Sonic 1, 2, and CD. Grouder was really funny to me when I was younger, mainly from his voice performance and dynamic. It would be sad to see him go and I hope he gets the treatment he needs.
Hoping for the best. Not only a big fan of his work on Sonic and Beast Wars, but also a huge fan of ReBoot. I've seen a large outpour of support from that fandom as well.
Chalk's a fantastic actor and a major veteran of the 90s. I know him more for Transformers related work than Sonic, but in truth I heard him as Grounder first, so love his work in either case. I wish him and his family nothing but the best and very much hope he beats and gets ahead of this. So many more cancers are treatable now, and it sounds like he's being proactive with treatment, so hoping for the best here.
We also lost Rachael Lillis to cancer earlier this year. It's not been a good year for voice actors lately. Hope things aren't so tragic this time.