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Video Game Source Code Repository

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Gil-Galad, Nov 16, 2010.

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  1. Gil-Galad


    I've amassed a great deal of source code over the years and have decided to make a repository to preserve this piece of video game development history. I am preserving many console systems as you will see from the link that I'm going to provide. I am mainly looking for official and reverse engineered code, not homebrew code or pieces and fragments of code in most cases. If you have something that I don't have, let me know here in the thread or via private message if you wish to be anonymous.

    I do have some Sega source code from many of the Sega consoles, also some development utilities that you can check out if you're interested. this is my site and you can access the source code from the left hand menu.

    I also found the Sonic disassemblies here on this site and I'm wondering if anyone has the original package? This is somewhat important as the files will have the last known time stamp. The time stamp usually tells when the development period of a project commenced and is good for authenticity. If no one has the original files I can try to copy and paste from the site. And also I'd like permission to add these files to my collection.
  2. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    You already have Cliffhanger, and that's the only source code I have.

    I hope you got permission from Chris Shrigley. (He supposedly also has the Sega CD Batman source code)
  3. Gil-Galad


    Oh yeah, I do have permission from Chris Shrigley. I talked to him a few times and he's going to help me with some information so that I can try to compile the James Bond Jr. prototype source code.

    He told me that he can't release anything else to the public.
  4. Andlabs


    「いっきまーす」 Wiki Sysop
    Writing my own MD/Genesis sound driver :D
    I've browsed your collection before; it's really impressive! But can you please explain why you would want the original disassemblies? These are community made things, not official sources, and they constantly get updated by dedicated members of the community — hence why they're on Subversion. You can get the older static archives at the wiki's Disassemblies page if you're interested in preserving that (and nothing says you can't mirror the disassemblies on Subversion on your FTP). Furthermroe, a few of them are still in the format used by IDA Pro, an advanced program for disassembling, and are right now not fit for being in a self-contained asm file (especially my Ristar disassembly, which has many bad cross-references and code blobs needing to go into subroutines).

    Just curious :)
  5. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    The Sonic Adventure DX PC and Sonic & Knuckles Collection disassemblies are at least as bad as that.

    And the Sonic Adventure "Disassembly" isn't a disassembly.
  6. Gil-Galad


    Thanks for responding to my question and also providing me with information.

    I think it's important when you have the original time stamps of files in a package. That goes for official and reverse engineered sources. Say, if you had one done in the year 2001. Even though it was fan made, some people would still be interested in knowing the development period. I don't have that for all of my files, but a lot of them do have the old time stamps.

    Also, I wanted the original package because a good deal of the source is embedded on HTML files on this site.

    Well, since you say they are being consistently updated; perhaps I will let these packages be for the time being. When I post a package I try to do so respectfully and get other's permission to do so. Which is another reason why I was asking about these disassemblies.

    Thanks again for your answer.
  7. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    Think you can get the MegaMan X series?
  8. Gil-Galad


    I seriously doubt it unless you happen to know where the source code is and who to talk to. SNES source code is even harder to come by than other console source code games.
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