Will the years of begging finally come true? Though most people just want a 2+3 (Extra) HD Collection at this point. EDIT: If this is true all the fucking DLC better be in there by default.
https://twitter.com/SEGA/status/526884918677471232 Official tweet says it is coming. Awwwww yis. This game had one of my favorite artstyles of last gen and if the port is halfway decent enough I'm going to love seeing what it looks like with some horsepower behind it. Hopefully it finds larger audience and SEGA decides more ports are in order. PSO2? Yakuza? Vanquish? Anarchy Reigns?
I think because it has such a strong artstyle, no amount of extra horsepower will change it, very much. just play it higher resolution than 1080p, and maybe speed up the loading. I do hope they include all the DLC, it's one of my fav ps3 games, it'd be great to LP it without having to trail cables back and forth between my ps3 and computer.
Yeah I'll take high resolution, AA, and 60 frames thank you very much. That is if they don't screw the pooch and botch a port. I imagine its not as simple as flipping it like an Xbox game since this was a PS3 exclusive. I hope they take the proper steps to bring it up to par. I know modders will do it for them if need be but come on.
SEGA just revealed details: http://segabits.com/blog/2014/10/30/segas-valkyria-chronicles-officially-announced-for-pc-here-are-the-details/ TL;DR: - Release date is November 11th - Will cost £14.99/€19.99/$19.99 - All DLC included
Sorry, euros are still the same number. They still fucked it up. Also it's up for pre-order and 10% off, go buy it: http://store.steampowered.com/app/294860/ EDIT: You can also get it here for 25% off: http://getgamesgo.com/product/valkyria-chronicles
If it makes you feel any better, $20 is at time of writing £12.50, so there's still some overcharge there =P
Hope they haven't changed the save system at all, I loved abusing that for perfect scores. Select character > Line up shot > save > Miss > reload save > shoot again > critical > Continue lol especially useful with the Lancers XD
So frantically checking Sega's twitter paid off. The game natively renders resolution to whatever you've got it set to, will run at 60fps, has remappable controls, full controller support, steam achievements, and all the DLC with 10%-25% discount depending on the retailer for pre-ordering. No steam trading cards though. Shit port. Won't buy.
:v: Anyway though, I'll be totally honest... I've never played this game, and until now I had no idea what the gameplay was even like. Assuming this port pans out, I think I'll give it a shot. I certainly like the art at least!