So, you want to play Valkyria Chronicles III in English? Yeah? Good. The translation project team has released its first version of the patch - it isn't complete, but appears to be rather substantial. You'll need to have a copy of VC3: Extra Edition (E2) to apply the patch, and by all accounts the process is rather finicky. Plus, you'll naturally need a PSP with custom firmware to play it. Still, it's a small price to pay for an accessible version of the game. Speaking of small prices: if you want to buy a copy of the game to show support for the series, the E2 release is currently discounted to ¥980 on PSN. Apparently this can generate a clean ISO for patching, so is a viable option. EDIT: Oh look, it's working and everything.
ha ha 0 replies :shittasteretro: With PSV up and running I guess I'll cave in and finally CFW my PSP D: