So I may be getting a japanese Sega Saturn off eBay, with MK's help. And I live in Europe. And here enter the power issues. Japan and America use 110 volt plugs, while Europe uses 240 volt plugs. How can I use a non-european Saturn here without blowing it up?
SMTP is wise and knowledgeable. You'd do well to listen to him I had the same problem with plugging my US Nuon into the OZ power supply. You can get a transformer at any good electronics store, but check the wattage first. You'll probably only need the smallest wattage rating, which means cheapest price, because the damn things can be expensive. I can't think off the top of my head what the Saturn's power usage is but I'm 99% sure it isn't much. It's not like it has a heating element of anything.
Just get the proper AC/DC adaptor instead of using the packaged one, you should be able to find one easily =P Just make sure it matches your model (either model 1/3 or model 2).
Works fine for me. I need another one though as this one's mostly occupied by my American 32X now. Good thing I currently don't play with my PC-Engine Duo-R that much, otherwise that'd be in the way too! Ones with multiple sockets? Want. Oh, and one thing you should know is that when using an European RGB cable with a Japanese Saturn it only outputs Composite but not RGB. I haven't found a solution for that yet.