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Unused sprites in Sonic Advance?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Ragey, Dec 10, 2005.

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  1. I hate to make my first post to possibly be a false alarm, but I think I found some unused stuff in Sonic Advance. =0

    Chao sprites, totally different from the ones used in the Tiny Chao Garden. I know these sprites were used as a mouse cursor among the files of Sonic Adventure DX's PC version, but I don't remember these being anywhere in Advance at all.

    Item box icons, and some rings I forgot to remove. I've never seen (or can't remember seeing) the last six ones, nor that explosion one. Are those multi-player only or something?

    [LINK because it's hella huge] Large Chao sprites, almost like the Advance 3 menu sprites
    I'm definite that these are unused. They're not in the Tiny Chao Garden, nor anywhere else, and I can't see where they'd fit in with multi-player.

    If it helps any, I found these with YY-CHR, in the (E) ROM, the first Chao sprites were found at 3C17F4, the item boxes at 3C3B74, and 458654 is where those giant Chao sprites started at.

    Once again, apologies if this is a false alarm. =(
  2. LocalH


    roxoring your soxors Tech Member
    Rock Band 3 Deluxe
    Without piecing the tiles together, I would guess that the large Chao is the one that shows up on the VS waiting screen (go into VS, choose either single or multi, and you'll see a Chao looking left and right).
  3. McAleeCh


    The Chao are used in one of the multi-pak multiplayer games, IIRC - I'm fairly sure, though I've only actually played it multi-pak once.

    The 'unused' monitor icons, as far as I remember, are all used in multiplayer, both single and multi-pak. I assume when you say the 'explosion' one you're referring to the invincibility monitor icon, which in the picture you posted is the second-to-last on the top row.

    If someone could check all this to verify it'd be greatly appreciated, since I haven't played Sonic Advance multiplayer in a while and could be remembering wrongly. =P
  4. I just checked a couple of things, and the bottom sprites of the large Chao ones are on the multi-player waiting screen (as LocalH said), and the exclaimation mark box is found in the single-pak multi-player. I presume the rest of the things I posted are only available in multi-pak multi-player, and in that case, I can't verify anymore. =(
  5. The Mighty Boosh

    The Mighty Boosh

    Stupid like a FOX! Member
    They're used in Multi-Pak Multiplayer. I just checked it out, all the monitors are random and change every second or so. I took a load of screenshots, and pieced them together (badly, too lazy to make it neat).

    I can try them all out and see what they do if anyone wants.

    Screenshot here
  6. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Cool, but what are those for?
  7. The Mighty Boosh

    The Mighty Boosh

    Stupid like a FOX! Member
    The monitors?

    Well I tried one of them, I know the blue one with the hand teleports your opponent to your location.

    I'll try the others too, later if you want.
  8. Heran Bago

    Heran Bago

    Ah! It's Puyo battle then. Tech Member
    One makes the screen incredebly mosaic.

    Boosh beat me to saying they're in multiplayer =(.

    edit: you 100% sure all those chao sprites are unused? Pretty cool. A couple a ceratinly recognize, like playing the trumpet.
  9. LOst


    Tech Member
    Chao Garden anyone?
  10. Lostgame


    producer/turnablist. homebrew dev. cosplayer. Oldbie
    Toronto, ON
    The O.I.C.
    So am chao.


    But seriously, who wants to go around carrying a sub-machine gun, looking for Cream the Rabbit, just to find her, not shoot her?

    That would be the only reason I hate Shadow.
  11. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Yes pls.
  12. Squints


    All souped-up. And DESECRATED! Member
    Poughkeepsie, NY
    One of the multiplayer modes (Single-Pak, I think) is a Chao hunt. I think that's where the Chao sprites come from. I'm not 100% sure, though.
  13. Dioxaz


    Sonic Rush No Vocal
    For the monitors, I remember discovering them 3 years ago when someone finally told me that they were used during multiplayer mode. I managed to display them during a normal gameplay sequence and thus having the correct palette. Unfortunately I don't know if I still have the screenshots (anyway this pointless, I just wanted to add that precision).
  14. LOst


    Tech Member
    Were you the one hacking Sonic Advance series back in 2003?
  15. Heran Bago

    Heran Bago

    Ah! It's Puyo battle then. Tech Member
    Eric_JS claimed he found unused monitors like these in Sonic Advance 3. I pointed out then too that they were multiplayer ones.
  16. Dioxaz


    Sonic Rush No Vocal
    lol, it means we all fell into the same trap. :P

    LOst: yes, it was me. (and no, I no longer have those screenshots...)

    But I still have my handwritten notes! In Sonic Advance 1, you can play with the character's appearance by changing the value at the offset 03005A79 in internal RAM and you can only swap between character animations. In Sonic Advance 2, it's 03005A48 and 03005A49 and you can even have objects, text and even level patterns this time.
    And now that I remember, it's in Sonic Advance 2 that I made those "discoveries" (some people may remember the 'TGS ver.' and 'red cross' tiles). But I forgot where the monitors were (I mean which values they were at).
  17. LOst


    Tech Member
    I only investigated Sonic Advance hackingwise because I wanted to find some debug mode, ang to know the GBA tech stuff. The games themselves are not worth spending time with.
  18. Heran Bago

    Heran Bago

    Ah! It's Puyo battle then. Tech Member
    I think you should practice typing "IMO." Certain parts of the game seem worth looking into to me.
  19. LOst


    Tech Member
    Help me then :P
  20. Mama Luigi

    Mama Luigi

    Can't complain. Member
    u mama
    Mystery something game
    Moniters: going in order: life, life, life, life, shield, magnetic shield, (unknown), speed shoes, rings, rings, rings, (unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown), ring sprite, ring sprite, ring sprite, ring sprite, invincibility sparkle, invincibility sparkle, invincibility sparkle.
    As for the Chao sprites, they are sprites used in the Tiny Chao Garden.
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