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Unpopular Sonic Opinions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Londinium, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I genuinely think Naofumi Hataya's song in Forces are good. By the way, I do think Sonic Forces has one of best and epic final boss theme. Game's may not got the best OST, and the final boss theme is pure fire.
  2. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Ghost Town is simply great, even the instrumentation is sound.
    Casino Forest is oddly something I like for the instrumentation, especially the drums.
    Green Hill is... I have a remix with better instrumentation saved, it's still not a great track.
    Death Egg has an awesome first two seconds, then the rest of the music is okay. One great bridge ruined a bit by the synths.
    Chemical Plant sounds the most like an actual Genesis song.
    Iron Fortress I weirdly love, even though it's the most "beep-boop" music.
  3. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    Yeah, I think Chemical Flow is a awesome song, but it suits better for a non-Sonic game, something like Shinobi or Streets of Rage.

    The Egg Dragoon MK. II... even if its a goofy theme for its boss, I think it's a catchy song. I think the only Classic Sonic is REALLY problematic in Forces is Faded Hills... like, what the hell happened here? Not even Sonic 4 Episode I sounds weird as this one.
  4. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    The homing attack has potential to be a really fun and interesting mechanic in a 2D Sonic game but Sonic 4's shitty implementation of it has seemingly gaslit people into thinking it's a horrible idea no matter what.
  5. I think it’s best suited for a shield power-up or limited to a character who can’t normally destroy enemies with a jump. I also think it would need to allow more freedom in movement after an attack instead of jump providing a little vertical boost with 0 horizontal movement. Sonic 4 implemented it like a 2D version of 06 which is super limited.

    I don’t feel strongly either way about its inclusion in 2D. It’s in most of the Dimps ones and I typically just ignore it since the level design never asks for it, excluding Colors DS and Generations 3DS.
  6. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    It took me YEARS to even realise Advance 2 had the homing attack lol.

    I honestly like it a lot in this game, it’s a nice little bonus that makes Sonic stand out from the other characters, but the level design isn’t entirely built around it with homing attack chains every 30 seconds :V
  7. Whoops, posted to the wrong thread

    uhhhhh, i don't mind the homing attack in 2D games either, just please nothing like sonic 4
  8. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I like the American and Japanese box arts for the Classic Sonic games equally. They're both really cool, but in completely different ways and I think that's a really cool contrast between the USA and Japanese sensibilities.

    Probably also something to do with the fact that despite me being a filthy zoomer, I've always been fond of the airbrushed look of a lot of 90s box arts. It's charming.
  9. Lyrica


    (Formerly: Donnyku) Oldbie
    Ontario Canada
    my unpopular opinion? I enjoyed and had fun playing Forces
  10. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Sonic 4's homing attack is actually pretty good, it's just that everyone activates it too early causing the recoil. Homing attacking an enemy from underneath stops the recoil, letting Sonic bounce directly into the enemies in a chain. If you're not doing that, it's a miserable experience; similarly, better to avoid using the homing attack when you don't need to -- it's only useful to gain height on a jump for similar reasons.
  11. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    No, that's not the homing attack. That's the air dash, and you're using it because the homing attack isn't locked on when you press jump for a second time.

    Any actual homing attack in S4 is accompanied by a sound effect and blue trail, and all of Sonic's horizontal movement will cease the moment he hits hit target. That's the way that its supposed to work. The fact that you can actually perform an air dash from underneath is just a fortunate bit of tech.
  12. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    Speaking about Sonic 4, I've re-played Episode II again recently and honetsly? I think it aged way better than I was remembering, graphically speaking (yes, I know Sonic Mania exists, but I'm talking about Sonic 4's own merit). The visual looks really cool and WAY beter than Episode I. That made kiiiiinda want a Episode III, but with a better level and gameplay design.
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  13. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I really, really want Sonic Boom to come back.

    The story, world, and characters were all honestly awesome, and it’s a massive shame that Rise of Lyric being bad pretty much guaranteed it would die, cuz everything about Boom besides the games themselves was awesome. Especially the setting and art style, it’s so unique, I love it.
  14. E107- Theta

    E107- Theta

    I think sonic boom had some of the best character animations. In ROL all the characters are very expressive.
  15. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    I wouldn't have thought so, given that you can't gain height from an air dash.
  16. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    You don't gain height from the air dash itself, that's correct. But in S4 you will always gain a small bit of height from hitting an enemy (this is behaviour not found in the classics), and that height is always the same. So what you're doing is using an air dash from below the targeting range whilst still being vertically aligned with the bottom of the enemy enough to hit it with the air dash. You get the height from hitting the enemy, not from the air dash. And the momentum of the air dash is what keeps you moving forwards, to the point where you'll hit all of the enemies in a chain with only a single air dash. If the enemies were spaced further apart, S4 physics would kick in and Sonic would stop moving before hitting the next one. And sometimes you might find yourself hitting the enemy from so low down that the gain in height isn't enough to get the next one.

    S4 sucks.
  17. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    There's this very unpopular opinion I just realized I have.

    I don't like the 16-bit Green Hill theme. I think it's something about the bass. Granted, I grew up with the 8-bit version, which would explain why I find it vastly superior. Still I can't help but notice how the 16-bit arrangement is a little grating on the ears, yet doesn't have nearly as much punch as the Master System version does.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2022
  18. E107- Theta

    E107- Theta

    i listened to both and the MS bass does sound a lil more varied, but i can't get annoyed by 16-Bit GHZ.
  19. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    There's that, certainly -- I like that the bass doesn't go all eighth-notey on me, which gives it the nicest little swing there, and also I like that the composition is lighter: it doesn't have all the counterpoint melodies from the original one, so the percussion has more space (simple as it may be). But something about the arrangement on a few instruments puts me off ever so slightly too, though it had never really bothered me that much until today, for some reason.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2022
  20. GHZ 16-bit definitely can and has historically grated on me.