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Unpopular Sonic Opinions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Londinium, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    He wouldn't know that, even then.

    The Master Emerald looks like a giant Chaos Emerald, so it's fair to assume similar 'infinite power' rules are in play. And even if he leaves to get a scan on it first and confirm the Chaos Emerald energy output like in the Japanese manual, that still means he knows where it is and can send a robot after it.

    Hell, go for a twofer and send Mecha Sonic to frame Sonic if Knuckles happens to be in the area when it happens.
  2. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    Sonic Forces may not be a good game, but the final boss is one of the series' best. Does a great job blending the three gameplay styles to highlight their different strengths, has a ton of spectacle, and the music goes incredibly hard
  3. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    The final bosses have been so bad for the last 20 years I'm inclined to agree. The final phase may just be Nega Wisp Armor again but in retrospect it makes sense that that was the boss they brought back twice because it does indeed work, where Devil Doom, Solaris, Perfect Dark Gaia, Time Eater, and to an extent The End and Bestial Supreme (though just because of all the absolutely no guidance the game affords you) are a load of crap.
  4. Wraith


    Heroes is the winner of the final boss bowl by default due to it using the same control scheme as the main game and asking you to apply some knowledge from it. It's length turns it into a bit of a chore but I'd take it over the anti-climax of Nega Wisp v1-3.
  5. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    An unpopular original. As we all know, Shadow dies at the end of SA2 (I'll die on that hill). Now, project that onto the ending of Sonic Heroes and imagine everyone sacrificed themselves to defeat Metal Overlord. Sonic and co cease to exist, and the Black Arms never found their way into the series.

    Then Sega reboots the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise from ground up and makes it perfect. Would you like it?

    Edit: I like that Sonic is always Sonic, I guess. No matter when, who (so to speak, in terms of design) or where.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
  6. Probably would never look at the series much. What got me really into Sonic in the first place was seeing clips of the day stages in Unleashed commercials, and this was after already having played Heroes and Shadow 05. Even now after playing most of the series, Boost gameplay is still where my preferences are and I don't see it existing in this hypothetical.

    ...What would even count as "perfect" anyways?
  7. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Hitting the sweet spot of old and new fans, I'd say. ^^

    What if the reboot was a 10/10 boost game. Or something entirely new that wipes the floor with everything that came before.

    Would nostalgia for what came before still be strong enough to split everyone's opinion?

    If none of this makes sense to you, just ignore it. I simply had this thought that Heroes would make for an interesting point to start from scratch if they've changed the ending.
  8. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Sonic Unleashed
  9. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    I feel like someone's definition of "perfection" for Sonic includes the entire cast and original continuity not being nuked from orbit.
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  10. Wraith


    Kind of a boring answer I guess but I don't see why this is needed. Sonic is set up so that you can make new types of stories about whatever you want right now. Continuity exists but it's not really a burden that's stopping it from doing anything.

    Like, I've thought about reboots before but I realized most of the good that could come from it could also come from just writing better stories right now.
  11. If I were to say that the existing "lore" was stopping them from doing's because the way it's been introduced was so poor that you'd want them to never address it again. Or SEGA themselves never want to do it again.

    Like...Black Doom.


    The Ancients.

    Neo Metal Sonic rebelling

    Emerl ---> Gemerl

    Silver T. Hedgehog

    Blaze T. Cat

    It's all pretty lame stuff and it's extra lame that the only things done with any degree success all involve Eggman's family. Directly
  12. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    I do think that Blaze and Silver being native to a different dimension and the future respectively limits what kinds of stories can be told with them, especially since we hardly see the damn places anyway. But like others have said, those are solvable problems now, you don't need to burn the entire timeline for it.
  13. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Why hath I been summoned?
  14. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    It is okay that something you like has problems. Even if something is your favorite thing in the universe or whatever, it is okay that it’s not actually an 11/10 when you look at it more critically. You don’t have to feel the need to defend and justify every single possible aspect of it one can find problematic.

    No one probably wants to hear that from someone of my views on things if they pay any attention to them, but it’s still the case. And I think sometimes it is very easy for people, myself included, to get attached to things that in reality aren’t very good but are tradition or whatever. Being opposed to genuine change.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
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  15. Wraith


    Yeah I agree I just think the problem there is the writers in that case, not the lore. Sonic isn't a series where characters take permanent turns or die, so if they want to take another crack at Blaze they can do it literally whenever they want. No reset necessary.

    I'm saying this as someone who isn't married to this stuff. I think most of the storytelling is mids at best after the classic era. I just also think the key to fixing it isn't as complex as people think.
  16. They literally just did that with Shadow Generations too; it took concepts that were initially unpopular and did something nice with them that the fandom (mostly) appreciated. No reason that can't happen with Blaze or Silver.

    I used to entertain the idea of a reboot, but I ultimately felt it wasn't really needed in the end. Contrary to popular belief, Sonic isn't really so tight on continuity where its unsalvageable. The games are all pretty self-contained to begin with, so "fixing" them is mostly just... not sucking.

    The fandom's constant whining about continuity and lore is whatever, but Sega deserve just as much of the blame for even entertaining those people and trying to "fix" things that didn't need it.
  17. They didn't exactly make Black Doom any better...

    They just put Shadow's character arc from his own game...into a better game.
  18. That's still an upgrade.
  19. HMMMM...

    Ya know, if you still dislike that Chaos Emeralds being from space because it contradicts Unleashed...that's fair, let the dislike leak out of you.

    There was an EXTREMELY easy fix for this.

    Expanding on the lore for the ancients a bit more, they could've been definitive about where they got the Chaos Emeralds.

    All they had to do was imply that the last scuffle between Dark Gaia and Light Gaia...Dark Gaia somehow threw the Emeralds into that the world couldn't be restored by his next re-awakening. The emeralds leading the ancients to the Master Emerald...would then obviously be because they're trying to get back to Earth.


    That would've been better than a reference that only exists to imply scale.
  20. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Personally, I never saw a conflict.

    Chip mentions that he and Dark Gaia have been doing the cycle of Dark Gaia destroying Earth and he healing it since time began. In the Japanese version of Sonic Unleashed, the Gaia Manuscripts mention the last instance as sometime tens of thousands of years ago, while Chip says Dark Gaia takes millions of years to grow. Hence why Dark Gaia falls apart at the start: comparatively, they've had a 30 minute sleep before Robotnik came along and blew an airhorn in their room.

    I don't think Chip needs the Chaos Emeralds to fight Dark Gaia normally, but Robotnik came along and messed up the cycle, resulting in both being weak in comparison and Chip requiring help in this one instance.

    As for the temples, the Chaos Emeralds were probably just an easier and quicker method for the 'rebuild the world' part, since that's what they're said to do in the manuscript: Humans discovered agriculture 12,000 years ago, so the last instance of the cycle was within that timeframe, yet obviously Humanity isn't extinct. I suspect the Chaos Emeralds let Humanity survive that instance, healing Earth faster compared to previous instances and preventing an Extinction Level Event, hence the construction of temples towards them and the fact there's a manuscript mentioning "yeah, the Earth blows up every so often..."

    Basically, from what I've seen the Chaos Emeralds are more a massive anomaly in the Gaia Cycle, rather than something that's supposed to be there for it.