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Unpopular Sonic Opinions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Londinium, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. Jaxer


    This opinion stopped being unpopular in 2018
  2. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    Unpopular opinion (because it's an issue nobody cares about): life counters that show the number of extra lives, not the number of lives you have (i.e.: you get a game over if you die while the counter shows 0 lives instead of 1), suck ass and need to go away in Sonic games that have a life system.

    (It doesn't really matter I just don't like them)
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  3. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    That fucks me up so much. I hate it.

    In games that matter, not Sonic. I never game over.
  4. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    I game over. However, that is usually because I am restarting so much which for some reason cost lives. And then when i reach zero, the only way to restart again is to kill myself.

    The fact that restarting from the beginning cost lives is one of my greatest annoyances in perfecting runs of stages, (outside loading screens) and is enough reason alone why I feel every Sonic game ever should have Mania's time attack mode with it's instant and painless restart mechanic. (Though cutting out bosses also helps)

    Also, I don't know why. But getting Generations running on my laptop with the low end mod and playing through it for the first time in a while just reconfirmed it:

    Seaside hill, both modern and classic, is actually my least favorite stage in the game. I just don't find the level design very fun for some reason that I can't explain.

    I get "freedom" or whatever. Sort of. But number of paths and the ability to cut some stuff by running on water has no bearing on a level's fun factor and quality to me.

    Also, the missions so far are very fun. I thought it was just filler, but nah. Trying to get through some of these as fast as possible is genuinely really good. The stricter s rank times, while still not insane, do help with that as well.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
  5. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    This has been one of my pet peeves for the longest times. Restarting a level from a menu OR dying without reaching a checkpoint should reset the game to the state that it was in when the level was first loaded. Zero progress and zero loss. Sonic games have stumbled with this for a long time. It especially bothers me that Generations hinges its S-ranks on no-death runs, but still withholds an s-rank if your only death was before the first checkpoint.

    It immediately stuck out to me when Penny's Big Breakaway didn't work this way and instead worked the way that it should.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
  6. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member

    This is probably not the place for this, as it is not an opinion on Sonic but Sonic retro itself, and it is about the way the forums work:

    It is absolutely terrible. Very tedious to follow for two main reasons.

    One, these threads have topics right? But there are so many different aspects of a topic one can talk about in a thread. And so I can come on here and the aspect of the topic being talked about is one that I do not care about at all, and so now I have to try and skim through and find when it switches to something else that I personally have more investment in.

    The other thing happens I mainly see when it comes to new stuff. Everyone wants to give their opinion on the new stuff. And that's fine. I also like to give my opinion on the new stuff. It's new. it's interesting. It's hot. The problem?

    The problem comes in when people are basically saying the same thing over and over and over again. I don't really want to read that either, but what are my options?

    Well, I can just ignore everything that was said and give my piece, just adding to the noise as it's probably also very similar to what's been said at some point. Or I go through the tedium of carefully scanning everything that has been said, pages and pages and pages of it, even though it is extremely repetitive, just to first make sure that what I wish to say has not already been said.

    Believe it or not, I have had to resort to both of these things on a number of occassions, and I don't particularly like either one.

    To be honest. I usually go with option C and be like, "You know what? I don't care that much about this. I'm just going to dip." And i just leave. lol
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2024
  7. Chimes


    The One SSG-EG Maniac Member
    idk i just post and then i watch netflix
  8. Hoiyoihoi


    tbh i really like the threaded comments of reddit that lets you have multiple conversations at once while in the same place, i wish more social media had that. The more stream of consciousness style of boards is why i dont like using places like discord.
  9. BenoitRen


    Tech Member
    For some reason threaded message boards never caught on and we're stuck with flat-threaded ones. I remember RPGBoard being one of the few threaded message board scripts, and it was pretty cool.
  10. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    A lot of this post doesn't make any sense. You say that people should accept other opinions. If it is fair to say Sonic Adventure is 6/10 then it is fair to say it is broken and a mess. Okay. But then you also say it jsnt fair to call Resident Evil 4 a bad game. Completely nonsensical. Suddenly it is now a problem for other people to have different opinions? Why is it only valid to say that dissenting views on universally acclaimed games are bad? There is no rationality here.

    I contend and I accept it is just my opinion that Sonic Adventure is not a broken mess. I'm not saying it is wrong to call it a bad game. I think it is fine to say any game is bad, including Resident Evil 4. My problem, and I suspect this is the view of many other people, is that a lot of critics greatly exaggerated how bad Sonic Adventure was. Put the score ratings to one side. When IGN, for example, said Sonic Adventure was a barely playable broken mess it just isn't true and we all know it. If they think it is bad then fair enough but they should have accurately reported what it was.

    This is a very seperate point to what we have discussed but the irony is that many review sites like IGN are far better now. I actually am a fan of current IGN. If Sonic Adventure was re released now I think it would get a far fairer shake up. But gaming journalism has taken a time to get to its current standard. In the 2000s magazine days they were just a disaster, filled with casual racism, sexism and fanboyism. Like OXM doing a double spread on DOAX because they thought Kasumi was hot. That was the sweeter side of it. The less good side was one of the Xbox Magazines saying they wanted tp see Hermione's 'Chamber of Secrets' when she was 12. Or PS2 magazines being filled with telephone sex lines. Their reviews were incredibly unprofessional and blase. OXM said Halo 2 was not perfect but still great like having sex with your wife. Now IGN and other online journalism sites in the 2010s were obviously a massive step up from this trash. But they still took a while I'd say to get to the standard of where they are now. I think it is valid to question the integrity of any game review pre PS4 personally.
  11. KingOfBunnies


    Probably not unpopular, but I'll post it anyways. Pingas was never funny. It never sounded like the word people so desperately wanted it to sound like and it also was way too overused.
  12. Chimes


    The One SSG-EG Maniac Member
    Well of course it wasn't funny it was 19 years ago :rolleyes:
  13. Piness fans, represent!
  14. DefinitiveDubs


    It wasn't the word itself, it was the fact that Dr. Robotnik from the Sonic cartoon show said it. Back in 2006, YTPs were in their infancy and making children's media say very inappropriate things was a new thing. It not really convincingly sounding like penis was part of the joke.
  15. Jaxer


    Stardust Speedway is a bad level.

    Between the springs and speed boosters constantly taking control away from you, the confusing foreground/background gimmick, repetitive visuals and the ridiculous amount of dead ends, the level is just a chore to get through. Especially if you're time traveling and looking for the Roboticizers and Holograms.

    The music (US and JP/EU), cool-looking backgrounds and the Metal Sonic race are its only redeeming qualities.
  16. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    Now Sonic CD is my favorite Sonic game and I say this with what must be an annoying frequency. I love every level, including Stardust Speedway. But the more I replay the game, the more I believe it's the level I like the least.

    Act 2 is still cool, I suppose, because it's more based on avoiding all these problems with the rotating springs and air time etc than on using the tunnels and boosters. But Act 1 is the only level that consistently annoys me, and I'm absolutely counting Wacky Workbench here.

    That said, and here's my unpopular opinion:

    Mania Stardust Speedway is (even) worse.
  17. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Stardust Speedway in CD is incredibly cool. But it also sucks immensely. Those two traits aren't mutually exclusive.

    It's plain excellent in Mania though.
  18. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    I would have preferred if Metal Sonic's boss in Sonic Mania was a race instead of what we got. Imagine racing him, and when the door at the end slams on him, Robotnik comes in, gives him the Phantom Ruby, and then he turns into Giga Metal.
  19. penBorefield


    Badniks, attack! Member
    Conquering the world
    To be fair, every zones from Sonic CD have been sugarcoated for decades including Stardust Speedway being mentioned.
  20. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    This is straight up untrue though. Sonic CD stages get a rep for being confusing and they're very divisive, and have always been. Poor Collision Chaos gets a lot of hate even though it's super tame as far as casino stages go.

    "But the boss" skill issue