Here's a decently unpopular opinion, I really like how Sonic's modern model looks with short quills. I see people hating on it all the time but honestly? He looks pretty cool this way. ignore giant realistic octopus i couldnt find a better image to demonstrate
Well yeah? I saw that you were the one who started this by criticizing the idea that they're different worlds.
Same. I've always thought Sonic's model looks weird with absurdly long quills. It's one of those things that looks fine in the 2D art but not in 3D, imo
agreed, this alongside the added texture detail is the best sonic has looked *in stills* ever in my opinion. The problem now is just to fix his rig and make him more expressive. I think he looks great in frontiers, quills short and all
Wow, what the hell was I thinking? I wrote that terribly, didn't I? I think I meant to say that I was never under the impression that you wanted the series to be on different planets, because you seemed to be critical of your buddy for thinking it should.
My problem with the shorter quills is just that I don't know why the rest of Modern Sonic can't be shortened up by the same logic. The shorter quills just look awkward on top of Sonic 06 legs, not to mention it makes his side profile look even less circular.
This might trigger some people but I like Sonic Omens and no I didn't buy it. As a matter of fact, it's free now for everybody.
There was a whole thread about the monetization fiasco, and then it spun off into another about the game itself and the devs' behavior. To cut a long story short, the way they monetized someone else's intellectual property had the potential to set a bad precedent if they went unchallenged, and the ways they could be challenged could set a bad precedent of its own. Their responses to this ranged from dishonestly hiding some monetization efforts and claiming to simply have forgotten about others, talking shit about their fans, and just generally being toxic towards critics of their business practices and products alike. Them talking themselves up as "better than Sonic Team" while directly profiting off a lot of things Sonic Team worked to establish probably didn't help. Also, someone on that team wrote weird jokes on the textures for Maria's panties...I feel like I shouldn't have to explain what was objectionable about that one. And all of this was in service of what was really not a good game. The story is this absurd waffle about adult Chris Thorndyke collaborating with a Metarex who betrayed him or some shit, and then he dies? Also random attempts to emotionally torture Shadow. The gameplay is built off of Infinity engine, which I've never personally liked, but that foundation was not given great material on top of it. Some Sonic or Shadow stages could be okay at times (though still always incredibly jank), but a lot of them were soul-sucking, nobody liked the tornado missions, and the whole game was coated in this cheap slime of "this is what AAA games do, right?". It was honestly the hideous overproduced visuals that got to me. Muddy lighting and vignettes and blurs and screen-shake and overbright particles everywhere. If the game had less-vomitous post-processing I may have been kinder to it, but that plus the total immaturity of the people producing it made me not even want to touch the thing. It smacks of Hunt Down the Freeman in a lot of ways.
Despite the poor quality of 4Kids' handling of the series, I believe that Sonic X had done a fantastic job in rejuvenating enjoyment for Sonic & Co. in regards to mainstream appeal for North American audiences, while also continuing to outshine more recent efforts. I remember the amount of fanwork being so visceral in amount, from AMVs to re-edits and fanfics, that you literally couldn't escape it's clutches. That is a win in my book. Were visual novels a consistent bi/tri-yearly experience instead of a one-off title released on April Fools, this hypothetical might've been able to out-do or at least live up to the efforts S:X made. To specify, I'm talking about media with active involvement of Sonic's friends - the recent Fast Friends Forever campaign, even with the explicit purpose of highlighting Sonic's friends, felt more like receiving one of those flyers about the oncoming Rapture... Though, I'd be sorely remiss to not mention that getting fanartists in on the gig was the smartest move they could have ever made. Probably would've been dead in the water, otherwise. --- Additional unpopular opinion: Green is absolutely Omega's best accent colour, but I cannot for the life of me understand the purpose of having it be a bulky thing on his cod-piece. Is it a flashlight? An external panel others are supposed to look at? Spooky dick lighting??
holy shit that's some milkshake duck right here (to me since I had seen like the first gameplay video that pops up in Youtube).
The person that made the Maria model is a woman and apparently it was a sort of joke about the type of thing they'd see girls wear or joke about wearing when they were younger. If so, it's a lot more benign of a situation than the conclusion jumping that is "perverts drew a crude texture to get themselves off and forgot to remove it" People also complain about her model having the sort of Barbie doll anatomy that it apparently does but that's really just a standard way of modeling a character so that it can be better clothed, rigged and animated. (Plus some modern software like Marvelous Deigner amounts to basically real workable tailoring tools which need workable anatomy to look right... like Barbie!)
Whether that's them coping or not (definitely is), it's actually extremely easy to just not be weird about your work. For a project so filled with bad signs from the beginning they should have known that it would be stupid to include that