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Unpopular Sonic Opinions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Londinium, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. KaiGCS


    Oh, that's just the subtextual theme of Frontiers. My headcanon is that Sonic has trouble sleeping. He was tucking himself into his racecar bed, and had just taken a potent potpourri of Ambien and Nyquil, enough to be lethal for a non-speedster. That's when Tails burst in and said they needed to set out for the Starfall Islands, immediately.

    Sonic's lethargy comes through in his dialogue, and is projected onto us, the audience.
  2. CharlaChale


    Little Dolly Member
    Fuckin' Tails.
  3. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    How are a bunch of mutants living in sewers most of their lives specifically trained to be assassins suppose to act?
  4. Felik


    Well, assassinate someone for once :colbert:
  5. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    "First try" - Leo T. Nardo
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  6. Jaxer


    This just reminds me of how Mirage's Turtles were trained for the sole purpose of killing Shredder only for the guy to kill himself right in front of them
  7. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    That latest film iteration of TMNT had them more... teenage-ary.

    There's a precedent of "teenage" characters in cartoons not really acting like teenagers. See: (normal) Scooby-Doo - those "meddling kids" seem to run some kind of a business, with a custom van, and are never seen in school. Fred's voice actor is in his late 70s.
  8. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    You kids nowadays are just too lazy to run a mystery solving business while going to school :colbert:
  9. If Sonic characters resembled teenagers today, they'd stay inside and play games all day
  10. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Finally. Sonic is relatable
  11. CharlaChale


    Little Dolly Member
    *very loud, anguished sob* but I don't want him to be relatable!
  12. Vertette


    You mean be on their phone all day, most likely using TikTok or SnapChat.

    Last time I checked the Sonic site they removed all the characters' ages so who knows if that's even canon anymore.
  13. CharlaChale


    Little Dolly Member
    Aw, cmon! Give us teens a chance!

    .. Only most of us are annoying!
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  14. DefinitiveDubs


    That's kinda why in Zombie Island, they were aged up to be in college instead. Some incarnations have them that way as well. But later on they retconned it.

    Personally I hate the idea that teenage characters should act like "real" teenagers. Real teenagers are dumb and thus they're not fun to watch. Kids don't relate to characters just because they say things like "gyatt". When I was a kid, the whole reason I liked the TMNT and the Teen Titans was because they were only a bit older than me, yet they were so much cooler and more mature than me. I imagine it's like that for Japanese kids and anime protagonists as well.

    Considering most kids (at least in the US) don't really give a shit about Sonic anymore (no. shut up. they don't.), I think the Sonic cast should be adult-aged.
  15. CharlaChale


    Little Dolly Member
    I mean this politely, but i think you guys are misinterpreting what I meant. No, I don't want Roger to spout aave incorrectly, I'd just like everyone to have some more energy and youthful traits. Though in hindsight I think part of why I could buy Tails being 8 was because he was voiced by a kid in older games. But hey I'd like him to at least be cuter than he is lately, at least make him look a good bit younger than everyone. Again, I just think everyone's been so unbearably boring lately, and I think the lack of energy is a primary reason why. I don't want Sonic characters to be 100% accurate representations of teens today, I don't think they ever were supposed to be, I just want them to show their more immature traits more often in a natural manner.

    I could probably word this better, sorry.
    (edit: Now that I think about it, that doesn't necessarily require being written more closely to the canon ages, doesn't it? I wouldn't say Sonic is written like a 15 year old in Black Knight, and I love that guy! I dunno)
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2024
  16. This is never going to be true no matter how many times you say it.

    I think this has less to do with ages and more you feeling like the characters are written too plain to care about nowadays, which has been criticism cropping up recently.
  17. CharlaChale


    Little Dolly Member
    What's your opinion on the matter?
  18. Lambda


    I'm obviously not Sonic5993, but I do have some thoughts on the matter:

    Essentially, I think that Sonic came about and was defined during a time when "edgy" was in, especially in kids entertainment (the 1990s and early 2000s), and that time has ...kinda passed?

    I think "edgy" is no longer in, and SEGA have therefore sanded the rough edges off of a lot of the cast to follow suit, so now the characters are a lot more respectful, rational, and emotionally intelligent. Essentially, yes, they act more mature. Especially Sonic himself, and especially in Frontiers. I think the IDW comics strike a slightly better balance.

    I don't hate the change? I like the IDW comics and Frontiers, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I wish they'd dial it back, like, 15% or so going forward.

    On the flip-side, I think the movies take it too far in the opposite direction. I enjoyed the second movie, but I kinda rolled my eyes when Sonic was trashing the house while Tom and Maddie were away. I just don't see modern SEGA Sonic the Hedgehog finding that appealing at-all. Maybe SatAM/AoStH Sonic would think that's fun. LOL
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2024
  19. CharlaChale


    Little Dolly Member
    Satam probably, but not aosth sonic, he's a lot more cautious around property.
    aosth's the only sonic ever who went "art's cool, but don't vandalize things, that's a CRIME!"
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  20. I wanna preface this by saying don't let me or anyone else influence your own opinion. I know that I was the one who originally responded, but that was just my own hypothesis since you asked.

    Me personally, I feel like the cast are written less with the intent of a fulfilling story to tell the audience and more to sell a product essentially. It's less about the characters and the world they inhabit, and more about the brand itself. Everything just feels mostly safe and marketable nowadays, which just feels completely antithetical to what Sonic was supposed to be lol.

    Amy feels like the biggest microcosm of this change to illustrate my point; she had a fairly distinct character and role in older games, it was very divisive and a lot of people didn't necessarily like it, but she was distinct. Fast forward to today and now Amy's character is pretty standardized. She's the nice girl who likes to help everyone and is friends with everyone... that's it. It's certainly not bad and it's obvious it's made her much more likable to the fanbase and general public, but it feels like it came at the expense of her distinct features. So now she went from kind of grating and annoying but at times could be funny and endearing to just pretty bland and nondescript. A nice, safe interpretation that doesn't ruffle anyone's feathers either way. Feels like a pretty apt description of the franchise as a whole atm.

    Like I said, that's just MY feelings. I don't speak for everyone and it's plain as day that my opinion is the minority. So take it with a grain of salt.