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Unpopular Sonic Opinions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Londinium, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. RDNexus


    There was one such version with the water sparking as if it was real.
    Never played it, though...
  2. The generational argument has some validity, you only really have to look at people's favorite versions of certain iconic characters to know that.

    The problem is, and I'm guilty of this too, is that people use it to validate their biases as opposed to just treating it as simple information. "Oh you like Modern Sonic more than Classic? You must be a filthy millennial filthy zoomer."

    Of course, this is because a lot of people lack the social skills to understand that others are allowed to feel differently and enjoy things that you don't really care for and that franchises will inevitably move in different directions to appeal to new demographics.

    Of course I know a lot us are old and set in our ways now, so that's not really easy to readily accept. Which is why I just opt out of the shit I don't care for nowadays and don't even bother to talk about it with people. If it's something I like, I engage with it. These are video games at the end of the day, they aren't worth stressing over.
  3. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    Finally decided to (once again) give watching Sonic X a try, and am doing so currently. The idea is to really try to finish it this time after quitting every time before now due to boredom.

    There are...

    ...Definite issues here.

    But one thing I previously viewed as an issue, that I think most probably do, is how absolutely kiddish and goofy this show gets at times. I don't view that as an issue anymore. In fact, not only do I not view that as an issue, I'm kind of enjoying how stupid this show is, honesstly.

    Like, if you're going to sit here and talk about the episode where team Sonic plays a game of freaking baseball against Eggman and his goons for the chaos emeralds, lying and telling me this isn't peak fiction, you better at least be able look me in the eye while you do it.
  4. I preordered the recent Blu-ray release after 20 (wow) years of not even making it to the Adventure arc but haven't popped it in yet. I lost track of the show when it was originally airing and by the time I was old enough to know how to watch the original JP version, it's just been too silly for me to get into despite trying a couple time. I figured buying it physically would give me the push I need to actually make it through. I've been traveling a lot lately so I'm going to give it another go when I get home, so I hope I'll have the same feeling as you.
  5. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    I've finally caught up to this week's recording on edits, and my notes are all done for the early 2000s era of Archie Sonic, so I'm probably going to start Sonic X tonight. I'm gonna be honest and say I barely remember anything about the show, and I'm sure the laundry list of small changes (and big ones) between the EN and JP versions will make it feel like a fresh experience. I hope I actually do like it.
  6. The KKM

    The KKM

    Welcome to the nExt level Member
    IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
    I think a bit of context a lot of Sonic fans don't have when watching Sonic X in Japanese and why it makes certain choices in format and tone is that it's basically trying to copy the formula of classic Tatsunoko children shows like Time Bokan. A lot more about Sonic X makes sense when you realise that.

    Of course, when you do, you'll also realise that Time Bokan etc are better than Sonic X lol
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  7. Ura


    Does Time Bokan have Sonic the Hedgehog tho?
  8. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    Sonic Shuffle is an interesting concept and it should get a HD remake.
  9. Dek Rollins

    Dek Rollins

    size of a tangerine Member
    Sonic X (in Japanese) is and will always be a fun watch, and how anyone could call it boring or too silly or something like that is beyond me. The Discotek Blu-ray is worth a purchase despite the errors, which admittedly make me kind of upset.

    The show isn't without its flaws though, particularly in the Adventure game adaptations.
  10. DefinitiveDubs


    Sonic X being too silly isn't an issue, what is an issue is it's not funny. Like, at all. It's painfully unfunny almost every time it tries to be, with some rare exceptions. And ironically a lot of those "funny moments" are improved by the 4kids dub (which is my unpopular opinion for the day). Say what you will about 4kids's writers, but they at least knew how to write jokes.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
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  11. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    A point Twitter has been bringing up too with movie news is that the 4Kids censorship inadvertently made Maria's death more dramatic by cutting away before the GUN agents open fire on her. It's accidental, but another point to the English version!
  12. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I like how everyone just conveniently leaves out the part that directly follows it, ruining any impact of said edit.
  13. I think this always going to be a huge problem with Sonic X; it's probably the most Japanese thing the series has produced, which of course is going to over people's head, especially when most of Sonic's fanbase is from the Western sphere. Like even watching the original Japanese dub doesn't really alleviate that issue, so I'm not shocked a lot of people don't care for it.

    I feel like I would have appreciated X a lot more if I understood half of the shit it was referencing.
  14. Linkabel


    Sonic X is up there with animes that have a strong first episode. But I gotta agree with others that it's just not a good show, and I am talking about the original version.

    The writing, music, art direction and animation leave a lot to be desired.

    The show does have its highs, and those moments were great. But I just don't think it balances all the lows it has.

    I don't think Sonic fans not realizing it's going for a Tatsunoko children show angle it's the issue. After all many of those shows aired outside of Japan and had great success. I remember watching stuff like Speed Racer, Casshan and Time Bokan to name a few in Mexico a couple of years before Sonic X aired.

    I just think the issue is that it wasn't well put together as it could've been. Doesn't need to go deeper than that.

    At the same time, the show definitely had success. Still airing on live TV in many regions, a lot of streaming platforms have it in their catalogs, a lot of YouTube channels wish they had the numbers of views the episodes have on TMS channel.

    It definitely brought a lot of fans to the series, so it had to do something right that clicked with a lot of people.
  15. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Still need to know what the hell was going on with those 3-bit color depth backgrounds. Half of my disgust for the show is because of this.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
  16. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    I'm not sure what you mean. How does it ruin the impact of said edit? I think not outright stating what happened and only having it alluded to makes it more dramatic. Am I missing something?
  17. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    The 4kids dub goes out of its way to remove any direct cause of deaths. The scene directly following that just says they took her away and sealed off the area. There's another scene right after with some additional detail in the Japanese version. 4kidz dub keeps it intentionally vague as usual.

    Out of context clips in a Twitter post? Sure it looks good. But when you're watching the actual show, it's hard to buy the implication with its history of edits. Especially when this is the same localization that gave us this beauty.
    If you know, you know​
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
  18. kazz


    16-bait Member
    Speaking of death in Sonic X, Tails having to "Old Yeller" his first girlfriend is inappropriate and weird and it's not made any better by him crying over it more in the Japanese version. Just seems like they wanted to force some Evangelion melodrama onto Tails and I don't understand why it's often lauded as one of the best parts of Sonic X. Maybe I'm just being a weird fanboy but I don't see why Sonic's right hand man can't just have a first girlfriend, if you're gonna go there.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
  19. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    The best episode of Sonic X was the pilot where it's just Sonic and Eggman fighting in a cool city full of anthros. Hell, I'm pretty disappointed the actual series didn't take a direction more in line with the pilot. That pilot's a lot of fun.
  20. Ura


    I love Sonic X, but the series really starts to nose-dive after episode 26, with only a few good stories scattered here and there. The last stretch of episodes before Sonic and his stupid friends™ go back home is the absolute worst, and I can't for the love of god remember anything about the Murashia (?) arc