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Unimex SC-3000

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Black Squirrel, Dec 29, 2024.

  1. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    Today on "tales from the Internet Achive"

    This German computing magazine mentions a variant of the SC-3000 I don't think we've seen before - one distributed by "Unimex". Unimex made Pong clones and Game & Watch-style handhelds in the early 1980s (and what looks like an interesting Atari 2600 "cartridge duplicator"). I'm sure there are experts.

    Anyway a bit of a search and


    A (West) German SC-3000, in white.

    I believe this is undocumented - did it ever make it to launch? Is there German SC-3000 software?
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  2. doc eggfan

    doc eggfan

    Are you pondering what I'm pondering? Wiki Sysop
    GreatMegaLD, GreatSC3k, Great SG1k
    This is news to me, although the SC-3000 does tend to pop up in lots of unusual places. I remember getting a used one bundled with games from somewhere in the middle east (I forget exactly where, might have been Egypt).
  3. Pirate Dragon

    Pirate Dragon

    Awesome find! I'm pretty sure this never released, Germany is too big of a market for a release to have gone unnoticed. All I've previously come across for Germany is this;

    So maybe some prototypes are out there to be discovered. Later PAL SC-3000 releases have multi-lingual boxes and instructions (English, French, Italian, German), so it seems that Sega still hoped to release there. Both France and Italy have some native German speaking regions, so the German translations weren't completely wasted at least.

    There was some coverage of the SC-3000H at CES (I think the Winter 1984 show) in a German magazine. I'll double check for any mention of Unimex when I have access to my PC again. I couldn't find it searching now, but did come across this SC-3000H feature in a German language magazine, where they say it had been shown at various computer fairs, but no mention of Unimex.

    A couple of odd peripherals in the OP;

    SC 3055 Modem: I don't remember Sega ever advertising a Modem, but maybe they listed one at some point. Of course, John Sands would later release their own version.
    SC 3056 32K RAM Memory Expansion Module: This was already included in the Basic Level III B cartridge which is listed separately.

    Yeah, it should be Egypt, it was somewhat popular there and there's at least one Ebayer from there who has listed quite a few over the years.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2024
  4. Asagoth


    Behold! The mighty, the flawless, salted cod eater Member
    wiki stuff... and a beer... or two... or more...

    That article in CPU magazine also says little... "The SC-3000 is a new computer from Japan... Blah, blah, blah...", "specs" and at the end "Nähere Auskünfte erteilt der Importeur... UNIMEX" (Further information can be obtained from the importer... UNIMEX)... which doesn't prove anything...