Ghost Blade, by HuCast, makers of Dux. If that's an in-game screenshot (it's obviously pre-rendered, but if that water convingly reacts in relation to that ship...) then we might have a new contender for most beautiful dreamcast game ever, toppling the mighty Under Defeat and soon to be released Sturmwind. Yes, I know, it's another shooter, but I'm not complaining - I loves me shooters *pre-orders*
Irides: Master of Blocks Wind & Water Puzzle Battles Rush Rush Rally Racing Gunlord Yeah most, but not all. What bugs me a little is that every shooter is space themed. Where's my Parodius parody?
I was really bummed out that the 3D Fighter project didn't pan out. I'd love to see a genre other than a vertical shooter or puzzle game. I think a 3D platformer would be a nice pick but I doubt anyone has the time for that...
Just wait for the Dreamcast port of this to come out. Also, I pre-ordered my Dreamcast copy of Pier Solar HD last night. I highly doubt it'll be as in-demand as the Genesis version was, but still, I could've had the Genesis version way back when it first came out and I decided against it for some dumb reason and now I'm kicking myself so I just HAD to jump on the Dreamcast version.
Oh look, a-fucking-nother one. Can we PLEASE ESCAPE THIS FUCKING GENRE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I support new Dreamcast games, but I'm just not buying another god damned top down shooter. This is the originality equivalent of all the WWII FPS games we got in the early-late 2000s. And is it really too much to ask for a 3D homebrew game, if only in demo form from time to time? I don't care how basic the game is, the Dreamcast is GPU-accelerated arcade hardware from the last few breaths of the 20th century. Surely something can be done.
I love these, if for no other reason than the ability to say, "HA! The Dreamcast isn't dead! Who is is laughing now?!" /insanelaugh That said, yeah, a WWII themed shooter would be refreshing... or a game that's just not a shooter.
A new Dreamcast Kickstarter has er.. started. Leona's Tricky Adventure Despite having some unmistakable talent behind the project, I think they'll struggle to meet their optimistic £35,000 target. I pledged anyway, looks interesting AND IT'S NOT A SHOOTER Also, Yuan Works (responsible for Wind and Water Puzzle Battles) is working on a platformer that *could* be converted to Dreamcast, but they aren't sure if they'll go down that road. Little Ninja
I need to check my funds but I want to pledge for this so hard. This game needs some attention from SEGA fans. =)
Yeahhh, a resume isn't usually a great sales pitch. Still, I definitely hope they get momentum. A new Dreamcast game that isn't a shooter and Chris Huelsbeck doing the soundtrack... I'd love to see it.
I don't think they get that the game itself is the problem, not the graphics/sound people. I didn't see much to be interested in, I mean, if you've seen one topdown RPG, you've seen them all, pretty much. This looks completely bland, not adding anything new or interesting, rather blending existing tropes and gameplay.