Anyone remember the show Bits? I found the episode where they talk about the end of the Dreamcast. Interesting to look back on:
It's a shame the second and third series of Bits (and some of the first one) are nowhere to be found on YT, the second series in particular heavily featured the Dreamcast in the run up to the UK launch. Spoiler Also.........Emily Booth <3
Some clips of those series are scattered across it in places - e.g. this feature on Shenmue: But for one reason or another the main bulk of Bits just hasn't ever been on there, doubly a shame as by the fourth series the review segments/skits were less opinionated; the Kim Justice video on it and Thumb Bandits cites much the same. Incidentally - looking back through that, I do notice the Ian Lee gaming documentary briefly mentioned has an intro shot on-location at Tokyo Joypolis.
I must have that on tape somewhere. I didn't mind Bits, but for me, Bad Influence was the best along with Game Over. Sky.TV was an amazing channel, I was gutted when it was dropped
7 episodes from the first series are on this channel. I *might* have some of the 2nd and 3rd series episodes on VHS somewhere, although it'd be an absolute mission looking for them. I never wrote down anything!
They might have, although Bits at that time was trying to emulate Vids so the reviews pretty much took a back seat to skits and sketches with the hosts. (Vids incidentally was bloody brilliant)
Thanks , I know what you mean with no notes on VHS tapes LOL. I have a few BITS Ep on my channel too Switch Retro Gaming - YouTube