Hi, I wanna capture my SMD with 60Hz. Everything has failed, either because no NTSC support or TV card doesn't have Scart. Well I've seen a TV card in an OEM PC by "MEDION" which had a scart connector thouhg. Now, anyone give my a quick hint on that? My SMD is a modded PAL one. Thanks in advance, Oerg
Probably just has a scart adaptor built in which takes the composite and S-Video outputs. What I used with mine is and RGB to SVideo converter which has a SCART socket. If you want TRUE RGB, you can get the Sweetspot card.
Does that Converter get you color on 60Hz? I should say again that this is RGB Scart, not split up in 3 Cables (R, G and B).
Yeah you'd have to get an RGB Scart Adaptor to split it out to seperate plugs like that card wants. In regards to 60Hz, that is a tricky issue. My old cheap TV tuner supported PAL 60 through the btwincap drivers, which are custom drivers for BT8x8 based cards. However my newer one, a Theater 550pro based card, never supported PAL 60, which was incredibly annoying. As for the sweetspot, it probably does do PAL 60 as it uses DScaler which also supports it.