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Trying to implement physics from the Sonic Physics Guide... issue

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Travelsonic, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. winterhell


    Do they have to be constants?
    You can have a function that changes the values depending on if you are under of above water and if you are super or not super.
    Well if you are using a pointer to an array and just changing the pointer, then I guess its the same.
  2. Travelsonic


    For whatever reason, I thought that it'd be less intensive (and less of a clutter) to have the array swaps (yes, by changing the pointer / I am using ptrs to arrays).

    I mean, unless I am mistaken, the values (friction, accel, deceleration, grav, etc) for above water, underwater movement, and Super Sonic movement in of themselves don't change - just which particular set (Super Sonic, above water, under water, etc) is being used, so I'd figure that I'd do a swap when transitioning from above to under water, from under to above water, when going Super, when losing Super, etc, rather than cluttering my movement function(s)* with additional checks for these things, then acting based on those conditions.

    * Since I broke up my movement into 5 separate functions, one for each of the 4 modes (floor mode wall mode, ceiling mode, and air mode), and one for when sonic dies/drowns. My Sonic object has a var that holds the current mode Sonic is in, and when it comes time to move sonic, the move function called calls one of these 5 functions based on what this variable's value is (= 0 dead mode, 1 = floor mode, 2 = wall mode, 3 = ceiling mode, 4 = air mode)
  3. Travelsonic


    EDIT: Nevermind, jesus christ, I gotta stop trying to do this while sleep deprived, I miss so much shit in the guide. -0_0-