You can no longer lock your own topics. This is prompted by recent unnecessary lockings when discussions were still going on (or even before any discussion could take place!). Don't want to see replies? Too friggin' bad. Don't go into the topic. If you have a good reason to want to have your topic locked/trashed, PM me. Topic locking will still work in the Tech Hoaxes forum.
Um, no? You've always been able to lock tech hoaxes, if that's what you mean... that was never removed. EDIT: I've been proved wrong. Fixed, because you're not supposed to be able to. :P
Nonono, I forgot to put in the "only lock topics in Tech hoaxes forum" mod, which meant people could lock their own topics in any forum. I just fixed it now, if it still allows global locking, tell me otherwise.
Now please unlock this thread for me, I locked it as evidence: :P