This — and a hint at a Russian game "Commandos" on BootlegGamesWiki — is all I/we know about this developer. In fact, I'm not entirely sure which games were Tomsoft's and which were Dragon Co.'s. The guy never talked about his unlicensed game on his site as far as I know, but BGW says there was a Command & Conquer later version screenshots on some website it never links... So what is with this guy?
You could try asking Brandon Cobb? He seems to be friends with Tom. He posts on Assembler games sometimes, here is his profile:
Um, isn't Tomsoft who made that old C devkit that seems to have been used by some pirate games? The one that supports zlib (o_O) and uses MIDIs for playing music (as in, the sound driver actually uses MIDIs as its data).
This is complicated by Cobb being Super Fighter Team... and that I've entered the fan translation fray... I'll explain later. ((EDIT or maybe not? he continues to defy my expectations of him as a person... though the point I wanted to make will still stand) Yes, exactly him — I note that SDK on the article =P In fact at one point I was looking at Iraq War 2003 to see what the passwords were, but apparently since the game is in C... I might take one last look.