Randomly picked up the game, and already well aware that Xbox Live has been decomissioned for original Xbox games. Is there a way to get the downloaded content from somewhere else? If possible, it should definitely go up on Sega Retro for prosperity.
Not sure I if I can help you regarding the DLC. I'd say that if it's not available on Xbox Live you stand no chance. I suppose you could go the long way round and find it on the net; download it and burn it to a disc. I am betting however that the process of installing it that way would be a nightmare; if possible at all. One thing I would ask you though is this: is the game any good? I bought an original Xbox specifically for the Sega support (Jet Set Radio Future and the rest of the hardcore Sega exclusives the console received). This was one game I never tried because of the negative reviews. How does the game compare to the Genesis/Megadrive entries?
Yes! I downloaded a torrent years ago that had all the Xbox Live content for most older Xbox games. And here's the torrent... with no seeds... http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/6459682/Original_Xbox_DLC__Title_Updates__Etc. Hopefully I have a copy on my hard drive at home, I'll have to check. Maybe it's somewhere else on the internet also. EDIT: I forgot to mention you will need a modded / softmodded xbox to copy these onto the hard drive, but softmodding an Xbox is pretty easy.
Just found some DLC installers, all you need is a modded xbox: http://digiex.net/downloads/download-center-2-0/consoles-homebrew/675-xbox-offline-xbox-live-downloadable-content-dlc-installers-downloads.html
I just picked up the game and I'm trying to collect Xbox 1 games, part of it because I'm interested in seeing system link games working. Plus to put up content for Sega Retro and what not. Turns out the content is also found on an Xbox demo disk. Exhibition Vol. 2 to be specific.
DLC on a demo disc? Interesting. EDIT: The disc has all three characters plus the two levels, correct? EDIT II: Actually I can't find anywhere on the internet that says that these are the only DLCs for the game.