Today on "weird things that turn up on" Localisation documents for Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes. This is multiple documents stitched together, and there's probably a story somewhere explaining why they're here. I don't know the game - someone more qualified will need to make sense of it all.
I'm recreating the covers of the tec toy brazilian releases (for personal use) and while looking for some of the artwork I found this little bit of trivia about the art for the cover of rolo to the rescue. "An overlay has a notation to remove the tail of one of the critters (it is written "Scitek tail out," a likely reference to the Scitex imaging workstations, which may have predated Photoshop). Curiously, while the tail was removed from the US release, it can still be seen on the Japanese, Korean, and Brazilian releases of the game; alternate art was used in European territories."
Added to the wiki. Thanks! Formatting might not look too pretty right now, the wiki's heckin slow for me today.
Anyone fancy a fight with Deluxe Paint Don't know if there's anything else of value to us in this archive:
I dont know japanese but going by google translation, one of the devs for the game hybrid front shared some interesting stuff about the game development in november.
Morning Perfect Guide/ (there'll be another upload later by Detchibe to correct a few scanning errors, so no mirror yet though)
I'd completely forgotten it existed until seeing this but yes, at Niigata Joypolis. Although I think it's one of those that Sega parachuted in and didn't develop themselves. See also: Alien War at the Trocadero, just before Segaworld came in
Im not sure it is wiki worth (not a SEGA Exclusive game) but again looking for some of the artwork in high quality I found the artist for the art in the power monger cover.
Football Manager 25 has been cancelled... which means there's a job to absorb as much information about the project as possible before it's swept under the rug.