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Things to mirror

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by Black Squirrel, Mar 6, 2020.

  1. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
  2. Rlan


  3. Ted909


    the future kick your ass Member
    Yeah I linked that in the Harmony topic earlier. Was indeed once told out of everything Japan had, Harmony issues were the hardest thing to get any access to (i.e. essentially not allowed at all) for people involved with Sega Forever content posting... which is why it's fortunate that people like @RyogaMasaki then took matters into their own hands with it.

    Shame that it isn't being posted fully uncompressed on the YouTube community tab like everything from Forever was too.
  4. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
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  5. Ted909


    the future kick your ass Member
  6. Pirate Dragon

    Pirate Dragon

    Just his section by the looks of it, still good to see.

    Edit: Yeah, just his "Segasta" section. I noticed before that this was also on SoJ's pre-web online presence "Sega Game Station", along with some other similarities to Fax Club, so I think there was a lot of cross-over between them.

    How Fax club worked is that you would just get faxed the sections (boxes) that you wanted. The contents of the February 1995 issue are on the Segaretro page, there's 25 boxes (plus the contents) spread across 9 blocks. Takezaki's Segasta section is just one of those (Block 7, Box 2), so there's still loads missing.

    I do have a folder of pictures of a handful of pages. Someone has a lot of these at least, so hopefully they'll get scanned one day;

    Last edited: May 24, 2024
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  7. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    For the adventurous among you:
    PC-8000 series software, plus scans. Most have pages on NEC Retro, it's just a case of moving stuff (though obviously we only want the NEC-related material).

    As far as running the games goes... well this is why I want to push it onto someone else - I have reaquainted myself with the emulation setup I had x years ago, but it sucked and was confusing and there has to be a better way.

    I could get results but I've no idea if it's running with the correct settings.
  8. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Which Sonic-related media has a page number in the thousands? To my knowledge, none. Then why is it, that Sonic the Hedgehog Table Book Pgs.1-241.7z has such a large file size? Mysterious, mysterious.

    Two weeks ago or so, I downloaded about 60 GB of data: the Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Art Book. Guys, I wasn't ready for this. Pages have been split up into chunks of four. That's roughly over a thousand JPGs. Did I do it? Call me an egghead, but nope lol.

    I've got my own copy of the book and sent it in to have it digitized by a company for me.

    I feel a bit bad (I mean, no one likes switching to Easy mode when you're at the final boss), but the result is gorgeous. It's currently uploading.

    Enjoy, you stinking little hedgehogs.

    Edit: A quick rundown of all the uploads from the Internet Archive:
    2.3G Advance Map and Cover rescans.7z
    276.3M Hero and Dark missing pages.7z
    11.5G Life in Sonic's World Artbook, Colors Ultimate Box, and CD Scans.7z

    815.2M Life in Sonic's World CD (English Title).7z
    815.2M Life in Sonic's World CD JP.7z
    9.7G Mario and Sonic at the 2008 Olympic Games.7z
    91.0M Navigation Guide missing page.7z
    205.2M Shadow missing pages.7z
    23.2G Shadow the Hedgehog Japanese Player's Guide.7z

    9.3G Sonic Advance 2 Guide with Map.7z
    14.0G Sonic Advance 3 Official Guide.7z
    12.9G Sonic Advance Sega Official Guide.7z
    10.2G Sonic Advance Strategy Guide.7z
    19.5G Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Strategy Guide.7z
    22.6G Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Perfect Guide.7z
    14.8G Sonic Adventure 2 Hero and Dark Manual.7z
    862.6M Sonic Adventure 2 Perfect Guide Rescan Clean Pages.7z
    21.9G Sonic Adventure 2 Perfect Guide.7z
    24.3G Sonic Adventure DX Adventure Mode Guide.7z
    19.8G Sonic Adventure DX Soft Bank Strategy Guide.7z
    15.0G Sonic Adventure Navigation Guide.7z
    15.4G Sonic Adventure Operation Guide.7z
    25.3G Sonic Adventure Perfect Guide.7z
    11.5G Sonic Battle General Guidebook.7z

    939.5M Sonic Chronicles Posters.7z
    27.7G Sonic Heroes Guide Book.7z
    13.8G Sonic Heroes Mini Guide.7z

    14.4G Sonic Jam Guide.7z
    780.0M Sonic Mania Plus CD Rips.7z
    5.2G Sonic Mania Plus JP Scans.7z
    29.3G Sonic Mega Collection Guide Book.7z
    10.9G Sonic R Official Guide.7z
    22.9G Sonic Riders Strategy Guide.7z
    20.3G Sonic Rush Adventure Strategy Guide.7z
    19.4G Sonic Rush Strategy Guide.7z

    2.1G Sonic Superstars Comic Book.7z
    6.2G Sonic Team August 1998 Brochure.7z
    29.3G Sonic and The Secret Rings Guidebook.7z

    8.5G Sonic the Hedgehog 1 Beginner's Guide.7z
    13.3G Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2 Strategy Guide.7z
    15.0G Sonic the Hedgehog 2 General Book.7z
    7.5G Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Game-On Guide.7z
    772.5M Sonic the Hedgehog Dark Sonic Team Special.7z
    778.0M Sonic the Hedgehog Hero Sonic Team Special.7z
    58.5G Sonic the Hedgehog Table Book Pgs.1-241.7z
    9.4G Sonic the Hedgehog Table Book Pgs.242-280.7z

    5.6G Team Sonic Racing Scans.7z
    187.8M missing pages for sonic's life world artbook.7z
    175.0M sonic team august 1998 missing pages.7z
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
  9. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
  10. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
  11. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
  12. Pirate Dragon

    Pirate Dragon

    Last edited: Jul 8, 2024
  13. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
  14. Rlan


  15. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.

  16. Pirate Dragon

    Pirate Dragon


    Famimaga Video 1988-09 [Issue 1] VHS Rip
    5:32 Space Harrier preview

    Famimaga Video 1988-11 [Issue 2] VHS Rip
    27:11 PC ENGINE FAN
    27:15 Space Harrier
    28:59 Dragon Spirit

    30:23 World Court
    30:57 Alien Crush
    31:38 R-Type I
    32:02 Pro Yakyuu World Stadium

    36:57 Fantasy Zone II
    41:27 Alien Syndrome

    Famimaga Video 1989-01 [Issue 3] VHS Rip
    15:00 MEGA DRIVE FAN
    15:05 Space Harrier II
    16:00 Super Thunder Blade
    17:04 Altered Beast

    18:36 PC ENGINE FAN
    18:46 Fighting Street
    19:27 No-Ri-Ko
    20:12 Son Son
    20:49 Dungeon Explorer

    21:34 Gaia Master
    22:27 Fantasy Zone
    22:50 Keith Courage
    23:05 Power League

    41:14 After Burner II

    Famimaga Video 1989-03 [Issue 4] VHS Rip
    24:21 PC ENGINE FAN
    24:28 Tengai Makyou: Far East of Eden Ziria
    26:51 Wonder Momo
    28:29 Dungeon Explorer

    29:51 MEGA DRIVE FAN
    29:29 Phantasy Star II

    Famimaga Video 1989-05 [Issue 5] VHS Rip
    23:52 PC ENGINE FAN
    23:57 Twin Cobra
    26:53 P-47: The Freedom Fighter
    29:43 Pac-Land

    32:32 Space Harrier
    32:58 Fantasy Zone

    33:33 MEGA DRIVE FAN
    34:38 Super League

    37:37 Turbo OutRun
  17. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
  18. Introducing the overseas version of Coin Journal: Japan Amusement Monthly! Amusement Monthly October 1994/mode/2up

    Lots of great coverage on the Japanese and international markets in English.

    Also: Someone on Twitter took pictures of an issue they owned a whole back. Here's the PDF they uploaded on Google Drive.

    Never named dropped them before on here, but Detchibe, Hubz and the Gaming Alexandria folks in particular have been doing a really stellar job with the magazine scans as of recent.
  19. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    As you might have seen, over the last few days I've been mirroring Retromags' recently unlocked Game Informer archive. Virtually every issue was under lock and key because Game Informer still existed as an entity selling magazines. Now it doesn't.

    I'm up to issue #73 at the time of writing this - that's giving each PDF and OCR layer then adding all the reviews (and any other interesting titbits that turn up). I'm aiming to push to #100 - the theory being that a) the Sega console coverage will be done by that point, and b) I'll be sick of this task by then. #58 is touch and go because it needs rescanning, but I don't know how long I'll be bothered to wait.

    Obviously there'll be more issues that are within our scope, so if anyone wants to touch later issues, we shouldn't clash, so be my guest.

    As for the 2 people who might care about this magazine... ehh. Most of news was picked up by EGM and GamePro, and while it doesn't read like a glorified advertisement like many US mags do, it's very... "mainstream", probably because it wanted readers to buy products from FuncoLand. It has that "video game are just all awesome guys" problem for the first year or two, never touching the lower half of its review scale, and while I'm not sure I'd go so far to say there's an "anti-Sega bias"... let's just say it likes Nintendo more. Even when it likes the PlayStation more, it really likes Nintendo more.

    Certainly if you were expecting to be "informed" this isn't the magazine for that (at least, any more than the others). I still think (and yes I am biased) that if you want to read multi-platform video game magazines from the 1990s, you're better off with CVG (for general "I like video games") or Edge (for the video game industry as a whole)*. No video game magazine of the era had consistently outstanding editorials, but at least you know these ones aren't trying to sell you something.

    Although Game Informer probably went upmarket once the (physical) competition dried up.

    *Somebody's going to mention Maximum or something - I think the secret point is "British".
  20. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    I'll add OCR to the remaining ones and upload them when they're ready. Hope that's OK!