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Things that made you rage as a kid

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    I have most of them memorized pretty well, since I've played them at least a dozen times each. Although for many of them that was in one run on the XBLA version, with me re-trying over and over. Control lag in the XBLA version doesn't help.

    I don't know what it is, but I just fuck up at the parts I know I should be able to pass easily, and I always end up jumping into a bomb or swerving past some rings I needed.

    But that's enough about that. I totally forgot to mention Metropolis Zone. That's the only thing aside from trying to get every achievement for Sonic 4 that has actually made me curse loudly at the TV. Fuckin' Shellcrackers, Slicers and Asterons, man. They piss me off to this day. Finishing EGG Station without getting hit was a bitch, too. Took me all day. Sometimes I get mad at Generations when I screw up on a speedrun really late in the level after getting past everything else pretty goddamn perfectly.

    But now I'm getting into much more recent rages, and the point of this topic is "Things that made you rage as a kid", so I'll end it here with the Genesis games' stuff.
  2. FlackoWeasel


    Blue cheese lover! Member
    Ah yes, I had the same problem with the Flickies Island game. Those moving platvorms pissed me off so much because when I jumped on platform, then 1 sec later Sonic slided off and boy it took me SO much tries to get up there. Even if I looked the shadow to see where I land, it did not help much.
  3. hwd45


    When I first played Sonic 1, when I was about 4, none of my family could get past the first boss. Even to this day, as easy as it is, I tend to get hit more often on that boss than on any other boss in the game. When I finally did get past it, I always used to get crushed by the spikes in Marble Zone.

    The Spring Yard Zone boss was is irritating, I always encounter the Labyrinth Zone boss with 1 ring, and the rest of the game is pretty easy.

    But Sonic 2? Chemical Plant Zone act 2 can suck a dick. Really. Well, actually, I find that bit really easy now, but then? *shivers*

    Oil ocean Zone? Booooo!

    Metropolis Zone? Why? Why does it have 3 acts? It's already too long with 2 acts?

    Death Egg? I have completed that once. Once.

    Oh, and how about the enemies in mushroom hill zone? And those things which you need to spin dash off of to escape from? Horrible. I never even knew that you had to spin dash.
  4. Raivop


    Ze Lurker Member
    The barrel of death in CNZ.

    At 2006 when me and my little brother (I was 10 at that time) were playing some Sonic 3 at Sonic Mega Collection+ normally. We came across this damn annoying barrel. We tried to solve it, like jumping on it all the time but nothing worked. We got "time over" so many times that I raged hard but luckly we opened "secret menu" so I used level select menu code and passed that damn level.
  5. Penguin


  6. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    Once I found it it, I always go the top route now which avoids the whole thing entirely; it makes the level SO much easier that way.

    This. Absolutely this. It's the most annoying boss battle to end all boss battles! In fact, I find all of GG/MS's Sonic 2 such a pain. I don't think I've actually ever completed that game because I get so fed up of that first boss battle (and then the paragliding bit, and then something else after that [forgot what it was now])
  7. Ashura96


    Alright, my childhood Sonic troubles.

    Sonic 1:

    Labyrinth Zone - pretty much the whole thing seemed alot harder than the rest of the game, that's the general theme with Sonic water levels apparently.

    Sonic 2:

    Wing Fortress boss w/o Super Sonic...and even when I could beat him legit, Death Egg bosses had me in a loop for years.
    Oil Ocean seahorses were annoying as fuck. I also had trouble with the boss, until a babysitter of mine showed me a cheap trick to not have to deal with the lasers at all.
    I had initial troubles with CPZ2 rising water, but I soon found not one, but TWO alternate paths to skip it entirely.
    That Mystic Cave pit? Never knew it was a problem for a long time, because it didn't take long for me to realize that taking the higher routes were usually in your best interest.

    Sonic 3&K:

    The crushing wall in Hydrocity act 2, that is until the S3&K layout made it easier.
    I was always irked by having to control Tails differently when fighting the MGZ boss.
    The CNZ barrel? Maybe once or twice, but I was able to figure it out.
    It took me awhile to beat Knuckles' bosses since they were harder. On S&K alone it was years before I could even make it to Flying Battery.
    and finally Death Egg 2 bosses always took me forever, so that usually meant there would be a time over somewhere after beating the first one, and then being forced to face the giant robot with no rings.

    Oh and of course, Sonic 2 GG. All of it.
  8. null1024


    Marble Zone, Labyrinth, and Scrap Brain in Sonic 1. When I was 6 or so, I'd only play GHZ and Spring Yard, I'd call my brothers over to beat the rest.

    Same with Mystic Cave and Chemical Plant in Sonic 2 [well, act 2 of CPZ]. Also, all of Metropolis [and 3 acts of that bullshit -_-]. Fuck those star things. Also, I never did beat Wing Fortress until I was much older and playing on an emulator.

    I hated Hydrocity act 2's intro section as a kid, and then Marble Garden's boss annoyed me to no end [actually, both still do bother me]. Never had an issue with the barrel in Carnival Night, but the time limit still got to me. Usually only had a minute to beat the boss [if I beat the boss :P].

    Everything in Sonic and Knuckles was hard for me, with the sole exception of Death Egg and Mushroom Hill. Really. I used to levelselect just to play Death Egg, favorite stage in the game. The act 1 miniboss can go suck a dick though, I have no idea how to do it without getting hit. It's like Sonic CD's last boss in that respect, but still actually hard.

    When I was a bit older, and was at my sister's boyfriend's house because he had a Dreamcast, I'd play SA2. Sky Rail bothers me to no end, even to this day.

    oh god, GG Sonic 2 first boss
    So, all I'd play was Sonic Chaos and some Terminator game on my GG, because I could not do that boss for the life of me.
  9. Malpass


    Fell at the Battle of the Wing Fortress, 1992. Member
    One that hasn't been mentioned yet:

    ^ Image from Zone: 0

    This gap annoys me to this day, purely because it doesn't kill you straight away. If a ring bounces off the wall and hits Sonic (likely), the whole process of invincibility then the trap, then the ring loss starts again. The Sonic series' first psychological moment! I pity the fool who falls down here.

    The other main one is the badniks of Metropolis Zone. Hill Top never gave me a problem...

    EDIT: Unintentional bumping - didn't realise how old this thread was. Many apologies Retro!
  10. BlackFive


    Trying to get all the emeralds in Sonic 2 as Knuckles would make me rage (When I was younger, I didn't even bother trying as Sonic, and considered it pointless as Tails). It was often easy, but if I lost the opportunity to get an emerald, either through losing all my rings Just before hitting a checkpoint or through accidentally running into bombs on the special stage itself and not getting enough rings to progress, I'd just turn the game off and start over. This was on Sonic Mega Collection Plus on the PC, before I started using Sonic Jam and eventually the game itself (I didn't get an MD until a few weeks ago)

    Rail Canyon/Bullet Station would (and still will, probably) make me rage. I had the PC version of Sonic Heroes, which I presume is built off the PS2 version due to its bugs and bad controls.

    I'm surprised no one mentioned the boss for Lava Reef. It could just be because I suck, but I always found it frustratingly hard. It's not as bad now.

    I also get annoyed by Sandopolis act 2, but that's because of how long it is, not necessarily due to it being hard.
  11. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    But yeah, for so long I swore there was a trick to getting out of there...
  12. Malpass


    Fell at the Battle of the Wing Fortress, 1992. Member
    That being the case, many apologies sir/madam.

    I didn't even need Super Sonic, I was literally THAT bad.
  13. Crasher


    Why hello there! Member
    I remember getting stuck in that pit. I actually never finished Sonic 1 or 2 or any of them for that matter (Played the PSX as a child :P) So I didn't expect that god damn pit to be there.

    Oh yeah, and I was Super Sonic as well.

    And playing Wing Fortress as Super Sonic annoyed the hell out of me. Trying to do precise platforming with a character that seems to zoom out of the way when you give it a freaking TAP seems nearly impossible. I've finished the games though. Trudging through S3&K now :D
  14. qwertysonic


    creating the biggest sonic collection

    This was me so many times. It made me so mad as a kid. Also Wing Forest as Super Sonic was the only way I could beat it for years. You could just jump over that one part on the wing and skip 2/3 of the level.

    The hardest part of the games for me was the casino night zone boss. You couldn't hit him on the top of his mech or on the bottom. The first time I beat him was like 2 years after I first got Sonic 2.
  15. Crasher


    Why hello there! Member

    Try SS on that boss. It becomes really easy.

    Another thing was that when you jumped in Sonic 2 and had 50 rings + 7 emeralds, you turned into SS. NOT ideal for platforming games.

    But than again, I was playing the Xbox Arcade Version.
  16. upg


    Sonic 2 (Game Gear): I have to say the first boss fight with Eggman, I'm still angry about this.

    Sonic 1: Scrap Brain Zone Act 3, getting that last air bubble in the labyrinth was always a bitch.
    Sonic 2: Death Egg, because losing meant starting from the beginning, and unless you knew how to beat him, you were going to start from the beginning.
    S3&K: Carnival barrel, I'm sure this is somewhere on everyones list.
    Wacky Worlds: Because I couldn't get over the frustration of thinking "This was supposed to be a Sonic game!"

    Honorable Mention
    Sonic 4: The labyrinth switch combination had me for a while
  17. Yuzu


    I have beaten this boss once and got extremely far in the game. This was the only boss I had problems with. D:

    I was constantly stuck on Marble Zone Act 2's fire and Chemical Plant Zone Act 2 as a kid, had to get my brother to help me with them. :(
  18. FlackoWeasel


    Blue cheese lover! Member
    Oh I remembered another thing what angered me off so much in Sonic 2, what was not even my mistake.

    For some odd reason, playing as Super Sonic and then later with Tails, I THINK something triggered the Tails gameplay so when you were in Wing Fortress and about to jump on a plane, Tails missed it and jumped into pit. I always raged when this glitch happened, because I had to start my game all over again from the beginning cause of this unknown glitch. Back then I had no idea why it happened,so I was in big fear when Wing Fortress came, I prayed this glitch won't happen.

    2nd thing what pissed me off. In Top Hill zone, where there is lava down there and you can bounce back up from 1 up, BUT when you fell in specific place, your game crashed = start all over again.
  19. Kogen


    Derp Banned
    Bouvet Island
    Last Party on the Moon
    I never understood the difficulty here. I always did it on my first try, either SMS or GG.
  20. Since a lot of the same problems I had have already been mentioned (although it's not a SONIC title), this game gave me serious trouble:
    I was probably 7 or 8 at the time, and I could grasp enough to know when Tails should use bombs, his robot, etc during the level, but doing the equipping thing at the dock/his house made NO sense to me at all as a child. I didn't know what it wanted me to do and I think I hit a wall and couldn't progress. I even tried to get my mom to help me (haha I was desperate for help). So Tails Adventures has been the game I've hated most because of it's sheer impossibility to even come close to completing it as a child.