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Theory on the Hidden Palace

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by BtCE, Aug 16, 2003.

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  1. About the Emerald tube...
    Everyone knows that when you go in the tube (with debug mode) , you fall
    to death. And I find this strange , this is like a big piece of the level missing here.
    Perhaps that there was to be an invisible "level bumper" that brings you to
    something like the Seven Chaos emeralds and the Master emerald room in
    Sonic 3...
    Just a theory...
    And too , excuse me for my poor english :(
  2. Rob Jinnai

    Rob Jinnai

    Not really master of theory debunking anymore Tech Member
    Custom Game Engine Prototypes
    ... more likely it's just a big hunk-o missing level. ;p

    I'm just saying... nothing about Sonic 2 even remotely suggests all this crazy stuff. Super Sonic was probably just an isolated idea. "The emeralds are supposed to give you some type of great power... wouldn't it be cool if Sonic could use that somehow?"

    Personally, I'd bet anything that's exactly where the "story" ends. None of this great emerald shrine business... it just wasn't time for any of that yet! Sonic 3 was the one that decided to take on making things more story-ish.
  3. Trigahd


    I am your gahd!! Member
    Somewhere in the skies
    Nothing worth mentioning
    Who knows. Maybe they were planning the whole emerald thing from Sonic 3 from the start but didn't have enough time, or thought it had enough space. Sonic 2 could have probably had a storyline to but was cut for space or something. But then again, a storyline for Sonic 2 wouldn't make much sense would it???
  4. Quexinos


    Since 1997 Oldbie
    No, your theory is stupid and not to mention completely moot. As much as I hate to say it, you people need to listen to what Rob is saying.

    He's talking about an interview that was conducted between... someone(Area51 or this place) and the guy who did the level designing for Hidden Palace where he was asked about 10 times "WOT'S TEH BIG EMRULD 4??? IS TI 4 SUPERSONIK??"

    And he constantly said NO NO NO it was just there to break and he was asked, "DDI TALSE GRAUD TEH MADSTER EMRULAD IN SONIC 2???????!!!!!" and he told us to get a life (I remember him actuallying saying that) and that once again, the emerald was just a block to the tube.

    And to the question "why is there another path to take then?" well there are always TONs of paths to take in Sonic games. One thing fan games always seem to forget... but anyway

    I know you guys like to come up with theories but WHY ARE YOU CONSTANTLY THEORIZING ABOUT SOMETHING WE HAVE AN ANSWER TO? that's like me saying, "I think in Sonic 3 Sonic and Tails had a huge fight and killed each other" when we know they don't and that it's not true.

    So get over it; the Emerald was a block to break just like in CPZ or HTZ, that's it. It wasn't coded yet, the level isn't done and it never will be! Go home... shoo SHOOO!... okay sorry Im done :unsure:
  5. Simon


    lol... Sonique hit the nail right on the head.

    In the HPZ section of the site right here, it also says "After years of investigation, it's now believed that it is nothing more than a breakable object for Sonic to go through."

    I have a link to ICEknight's interviews with SonicTeam staff but apparantly people didn't bother to read it...
  6. Quexinos


    Since 1997 Oldbie
    I guess I can't edit my post O_o;

    But uh, I found the interview and here it is:
    and my favorite:
    so there ya go, the whole interview is here:


    EDIT: Simon, I made this post right when you were making yours :( so sorry if there's overlap
  7. Simon


    It's ok :( Nice post.

    I'll stick Craig Stitt's quote directly in the HPZ section of the site, since people are too lazy to visit other sources ;) This Master Emerald fetish should be put to an end once and for all.

    btw the edit time has been extended to 24 hours for everyone.
  8. BtCE


    Alright I was wrong. I read the interview, and his claims seemed extremely valid. So, it was probobly just a breakable block. I never thought the "emerald" lead to a super sonic shrine, just an alternate level, and then an alternate ending. that's pretty much what I thought until I read the interview. Thanks.
  9. SupperTails66


    Tech Member
    Yeah, well, a while back you were busy agreeing with Trigahd about that theory that it DID lead to a shrine.
  10. Rob Jinnai

    Rob Jinnai

    Not really master of theory debunking anymore Tech Member
    Custom Game Engine Prototypes
    Don't hate me if I don't hate you. :)

    Anyway, kids, let us not bother BtCE any further; he was debunked with evidence, don't rub it in.
  11. BtCE


    Thank You, Rob Jinnai. By The way, can you close boards? Its sort of pointless to keep this board open, sinse my theory was WRONG *sniff*. Or Delete the board or somthing. Thanks.
  12. Rob Jinnai

    Rob Jinnai

    Not really master of theory debunking anymore Tech Member
    Custom Game Engine Prototypes
    Well, first of all, the term is typically "thread". You want to lock the thread. And yeah, it is normally possible to do, but only by administrators (Simon) or moderators of a forum.
  13. Simon


    Locking topics isn't really my cup of coffee, but I'll honor your request and lock it.
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