I've just noticed that SEGA has registered their "The Typing of the Dead" trademark again, just a few months earlier than their SEGA Heritage trademark... So get your fingers ready, as they're probably releasing this on Steam soon. + - first @ retro =P
There were rumors a few months ago about Seaman on 3DS so...it might not be that crazy of an idea... I would LOVE to play Seaman on 3DS
You can already get Typing of the Dead through their online store. That is if they still have their online store. Also this family friendly version of House of the Dead 2.
I'd totally buy it if it was any of the 2003+ versions, there were a LOT of Japanese only TOTD editions (like this one, which you can find on our own Sega Retro Wiki... TOTD Syoukai ) and I totally love them! The latest version was released 2 years ago and had some cool job-related stuff. I used some to train my japanese actually :P Gain speed writing and sutff.