Does anyone else think Ashura was really playable in Sonic 2 at one point and he had the same moves as Knuckles? and before anyone says it, I'm kidding. Your post was right after mine so one would assume you were speaking to me. Not sure WHO you were talking to then. I just hate FUS.
People are posting so much here you simply can't rely on post continuity. Heck, for the first time I've been meet with triple post clashing. Um, heck, I'm just following this trend with this post. Oh, well. So suggestion: always quote to who are you responding here if you aren't talking in general as post continuity here doesn't exist. We should bring in some Internet scientists to explain why is this strange phenomena happening =P This is going against Internet Universe laws XD
Well, it's "Critical Thinking". EVERYTHING should be questioned, really. Of course this can lead to some infinite regression where you question logic itself, so you have to apply this with some sense. If someone wants to make a thread theorising Neo Green Hill was R2 or something, so what? If you don't like the thread, you can always just read another! I think people need to learn to avoid posts about crazy theories if they don't like crazy theories. I don't like the idea of "Content moderation" on a messageboard. It's just something we've got acustomed too and it's a little scary.
You know something else I'd like to know... who called Dust Hill Dust Hill in the first place? If all we had was these prototypes where it was Mystic Cave, how'd it get the name originally? Well to a point. I've always hated "GENOCIDE CITY HAD GHOSTS AND DEAD BODIES WALKING AROUND!"... it's like.. uh what? And we KNOW Tails wasn't the guardian of the Master Emerald or anything. As long as theories have basis I don't see what's wrong with them. (Like the Flying Battery at dawn one)
I can't say I expected this. Yeah, that still doesn't make sense. But if everybody's happy now, let's all pretend it does. :v:
Fair enough. I'm happy. No one did, I WANTED it but I figured it wouldn't happen. Oh well good job to those who did the interview and made it possible!
Question 1: Did Sonic 2 ever get a final release? Or perhaps I should have just gone with Scott Adams and been all "But Of Course There Are Obvious Exceptions"
Well, this is something I'd like to know too, actually. Apparently there was some sort of logic to it at the time, though reading the theories from around that time seriously makes me question that. If we could get, like, Jan to come up in here and explain it, maybe there would be some credible insight. I doubt the reasoning back then applies today, but it would be interesting to know what did trigger its widespread use. Out of curiosity, ICEknight, how are you feeling about this discovery? Shock? Indifference? I know not everything makes sense about the situation given the other factors involved, so I'm sort of curious if you still have any differing views about the whole Dust Hill debacle.
I'm not demanding anything here but I'm just asking, will we ever do a full interview with Yasuhara? He knows so much that I bet he could answer all our questions.
This was addressed earlier. I'll sum it up by saying it's a possibility, but I'm not going to promise anything. I'd certainly like it to happen, but there are factors that may make it difficult.
Iceknight really needs to learn something from this. I was flicking through a thread where he came off like a jerk talking about people spreading "Misinformation". When I google Dust Hill most of the images are of Mystic Caves. You have to respect both reasoning and opposing opinions. We don't need to pretend it makes sense. It does. And it turned out to be right. Because Iceknight was so fixed in one way of thinking he couldn't see other people's.
Hey hey now, come on, I was giving you credit for not being arrogant about this and you DO have that right, but this isn't all IceKnight's fault. After all I would have fought along side you if it hadn't been for Tweaker convincing me that Dust Hill was nothing more than Mystic Cave. He was fooled just like the rest of us. And before anyone says it, I'm not trying to start anything with Tweaker but he was the one who convinced me otherwise.
I just don't like that he's being let off the hook without an apology. He was the main person spearheading the whole thing and has jerked a lot of people around about this. Look at pretty much any of the DHZ related threads in the archive. Tweaker very much admitted he was in the wrong and actively went after the truth, so I can't blame him for it any more. I really really don't want to come off a dick as I promised I wouldn't. But I don't want people to miss the point of this whole thing and it be nothing more than an issue over a silly level name. I don't want something like this to happen again, but it will if we don't learn from this. Maybe it'll set people against me for pointing this out, but that's no different from what I'm used to. We need to learn from this.
I just voice my oppinion based on the things I see, much like everybody else does. But this is not a topic about ICEknight, or is it?