The problem there was that many people emailed her asking about "dust Hill" and she admitted in a different interview that she always just called it The Desert Level. I brought that up once. Isn't that the one that says Mystic Zone instead of Mystic Cave? See my point?
It's also possible that they had a proto like ours that has Dust hill on the level select but Mystic cave on the Level card.
Well, that kind of suggests it in of itself :| Goddammit why do some people have to fight against sense. This too. As far as I know Dust Hill wouldn't be in an "early" proto like most of us think. Rather it was an INTENDED level they made a place holder for. And some idort put MCZ in there :|
I think you misunderstood me. You asked (or someone asked) if in any of the prototypes we have if the title card says Dust Hill. I was answering the question. I said, "Not in the earliest prototype I have with title cards" I'm really getting sick of people misreading my posts and assuming I'm being an asshole or something. Yeah maybe in the past I was but after not even being welcome at freaking FUS anymore, I'm not. I've learned my lesson. I'm with you on this one. I WOULD HAVE BEEN if I hadn't been shot down so many times in the past and I for one am glad this mystery is solved and that we can call that desert level Dust Hill.
I KNEW IT! Anyway, I always though Dust Hill was pulled right at the last minute for Mystic Cave instead, I mean just like Genocide City, that's the reason it appeared in the Wai prototype in the Level Select, yet wasn't it pulled for an extra level for Mz? Dust Hill could just be the same reason why it appeared in the Level Select.
I wouldn't count on that, IceKnight's yet to comment I'd still like to know how the name ended up being assigned to Mystic Caves
I think it's because people's confidence in magazine articles, hacking, Occam's Razor, people's memories, etc. are shaken-up and people are trying to cope with it. Who or what can the community trust in? - If the magazine journalists are human and capable of making mistakes, can the community trust them? - If people used hacking to determine that things in the ROMs = 100% fact in that instance = 100% fact in every other instance, but were wrong in certain instances, can the community trust them? - If Occam's Razor was used to associate evidence from the magazines and hacking, that something was fact because the burden of evidence was placed on one side, yet is now incorrect, can the community trust Occam's Razor for everything? - If skeptics will associate interviewees and the interviewee's memory on events from 15+ years ago as bad memory, can the community trust the interviewees? I think trust in what people read, who people listen to, and whatever else is a significant issue that will continue to show up.
To be fair the magazines weren't wrong, the prototypes were. They were just deriving info from the prototypes which at the time called Mystic Cave Dust Hill. And I'm not arguing with anyone or anything, I'm just saying that the magazines really didn't know any better.
Exactly. It would have been better for the journalists to interview the developers. But that would be wasting the time of the developers considering that the developers had an approaching deadline (end of September).
Anyone say Dust or Sonic 2? Meh I remember saying that Aquatic Ruin was Genocide City... who knows? Maybe I wasn't too far off
Christ, I hope not. Otherwise we'll be debating in 2020 whether Casino Night had a different name or whatever...
... I'm NOT ARGUING!... :v: I'm just trying to imply that there are times out there when the proof and evidence we have leads to wrong conclusions. IE Dust Hill being the beta name for Mystic Cave. I'm not saying I was right I'm just saying that who knows, with this new evidence, some of our old theories may have been not too far off.
Strip Club Zone But yeah, I am happy this is all finally cleared up. 10 years of arguing settled by... 5 or so sentences.
Did I even mention you? I said that because now people are going to argue if Neo Green Hill was the original name for Aquatic Ruin or not >_> EDIT: and I don't know if it was you who started this because I didn't even pay attention to that >_> EDIT 2: checked and it wasn't you so stop complaining =P
Unfortunately, this new realisation isn't gonna drive common sense into peoples heads. Now its gonna be people questioning things that don't need to be questioned.