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Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by McGuirk, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. SMTP


    Tech Member
    Most objects have no collision response to tiles and NO object has a response to other objects(not counting characters. :P).

    Also the tile collision engine is not checked unless a button on the controller is currently in use. This has been widely known for quite sometime though.

  2. Tweaker


    I fail to see how ANY of what you just said is "well known." It may be documented, but it doesn't mean everyone knows it.
  3. Sonic Boom

    Sonic Boom

    This is nothing too interesting, but I was playing Sonic CD not too long ago when I noticed that in the Wacky Workbench Good Future Act 1 stage near the beginning of the level, there is what appears to be a missing tile piece in the level's art...
    This is another area right underneath the first spot with the same tile chunk missing...
    After seeing this, I decided to take a look at the alternate versions of this level to learn that neither the Past nor Present version of Act 1 have a reoccuring in it's layout where the art would be placed like so other than the Bad Future version which, in the same areas as the above images, had the chunk filled in like so...
    I did some more research to learn that throughout all versions of Act 2, the level layout does not appear to have a occurance where the "missing tile piece" would reappear.
  4. SMTP


    Tech Member
    Oh come on, everyone has had to of messed around with debug before and seen plenty of things related in some way..

    @Sonic Boom: The pictures are not working.
  5. Sonic Boom

    Sonic Boom

  6. Liliam


    I just remembered I had a freak accident in Sonic & Knuckles the other day. Basically all I did was collect a flame barrier and take it to that pull machine that drags you through a tall tunnel at the end of Mushroom Hill. I raised it high enough for me to see the opening above, and then jumped out to try and land on it. I, however, used the flame dash to cancel my vertical speed right just above the point where it tells the game to drop the part of the level below from memory, but still low enough to hit the spring and fall back down the hole, right into a void and subsequentially my death.
  7. Whoa! What a crazy glitch. Surely, this is quite some glitch.
  8. Flygon


  9. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    Isn't that missing piece for a bit of plastic to slot into and prevent the user from removing the cartridge when the machine is turned on?

    IIRC, Asian Megadrives have "CARTRIDGE LOCK" written by the "On" part of the power switch.
  10. 87th


    FOX HOUNDER Member
    I can pull out my copy of S&K from my MegaDrive while it's switched on. I have a PAL MDII, though.
  11. Billy


    RIP Oderus Urungus Member
    Colorado, USA
    Indie games
    The 32X is missing the same little chip, in the same spot.
    Cartridges. And if you're a Nintendo fan, game paks.
  12. Flygon


    K, thanks for the help, your a true ledgend =P

    By the way, do Mega Drive I's have this lock function?
  13. Tweaker


    *you're, legend

    Anyway, MD1 systems tend to hold cartridges in a bit more firmly than the other models, so I'd assume they do have the lock function. If nothing else, it makes sense—my MD2 model doesn't have it.
  14. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    The Sonic Jam version of Sonic 3 and Knuckles has two bugs not present in the original game.

    1. This might be present in the original, but as far as I can tell it can't be accomplished because of the fact that there is no "easy" mode in the original game. In Death Egg Zone Act II, when Eggman is running away with the Master Emerald, if you kill his ship before he starts to run away (Like while he's floating up), he'll explode in place and the Master Emerald won't drop and the only way to keep the game going is to die and do it again. Luckily, it's easy mode, so it's not that hard.

    2. This is definitely not present in the original or any port I've ever seen. This version of S3&K still has debug mode, and like the original you can place the Super Monitor down, like in S3&K. But instead of turning into Hyper Sonic, you turn into a buggy Super sonic. Kinda all three stages of Sonic really. You get the glitched up Super Sonic since the mappings never adjusted to fit Super Sonic, he's yellow, and he has those 2 shadows running behind him. This I think only happens when you don't have 7 Chaos or Super Emeralds, but I'm not exactly sure since I have only tried it once so far (I just got the game today).
    UPDATE: This problem only occurs in Sonic 3 and Knuckles. The S monitor reacts normally in Sonic 3 though
  15. Tweaker


    I've encountered the first one in the original game, but not the second. Nice observations.
  16. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    More Sonic Jam stuff:

    1. Sonic Jam makes it so that Sonic 3's level select code is not impossible to put in like the genesis version. Instead of having to press up, up, down, down, up, up, up, up before the title screen, you can now just do it on the title screen like Sonic 1. Works every time I do it and it's very convenient

    2. Normally in Sonic 3 or Sonic 3 and Knuckles when you use debug mode on those carnival night barrels or those transport tubes in Launch base zone you just get a bunch of garbled up crap. In Sonic Jam however, the game freezes (the whole game freezes, not just Sonic 3 or S3&K). Kinda odd why this happens.

    Still experimenting with the game since I got it a couple days ago. Possibly more stuff later.
  17. Puto


    Shin'ichi Kudō, detective. Tech Member
    Portugal, Oeiras
    Part of Team Megamix, but haven't done any actual work in ages.
    In Sonic Jam, Sonic 2 uses Sonic 1's invincibility song, but only in 1P mode. In 2P mode, it uses the normal Sonic 2 invincibility song.
  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I noticed that it used Sonic 1 invincibility music in 1 player, but had no idea about two player. That's really strange.
  19. Sakura Courage Solo

    Sakura Courage Solo

    I am a Woodpecker! Except in Dirt! Member
    Lava Reef Zone
    A Sprite-Based Dollmaker and a Card Game
    Just to point out something I noticed (Even though its not really in a Sonic game), has anyone else noticed that the background music to Round 2 of Planet Sonata in Ristar (Which comes up as "RD4-2 Theme: On Parade" in the sound test) sounds quite similar to Dave "Baby" Cortez's 1959 musical piece "The Happy Organ"? Here's a page with a MIDI version of the song "Happy Organ" for reference.
  20. Robjoe


    Ever played the game on a real Genesis? It goes garbled for a sec, then takes you back to the Sega screen, sometimes reverting back and forth between S3K and S&K standalone "modes". I'd call emulation/porting inaccuracy on this one. I wonder what specific elements cause these discrepancies, though, since Genesis emulation seems pretty dead-on these days...

    Also Sakura your avatar is seriously creeping me out. His eyes are just... wrong. >_<