Well, it is written on the manual! I'm puzzled as to why you didn't know that before! IIRC, touching the ball still does hurt you, though. 404. "THIS IMAGE OR VIDEO HAS BEEN MOVED OR DELETED."
Maybe I've never read the manual. At this point, I think I probably just forgot that shield protects me from electricity.
The weird thing is that the manual implies that ONLY the electric shield has the projectile-blocking property
Which is probably why some people don't know about this, you're very likely to get hurt by the ball before getting to try it.
Not really new knowledge, just a request. Does anyone have a music rip of the merry go round tune that plays in Pleasure Castle (from Sonic Adventure)? It's a dumb little tune, I know, but I can't seem to find a clean sample of it anywhere. I'm pretty sure it's not ADX or in a AFS file. I think it's in Twinkle Park's MLT file in DSF. I don't know for sure though. Here's a video of someone playing the tune on a keyboard. In fact, there were like two or three Christmas tunes that were featured in a Japanese exclusive downloadable event for the Dreamcast that placed small Christmas trees around Station Square and would play a tune if you touched them. I don't think the files for them are in a MLT file though, it might actually be in the original VMS/VMI file. EDIT: Here are the three tunes that will play by touching the Christmas trees in Station Square with this DLC. http://soundcloud.com/smash-adams-1/sets/sonic-adventure-xmas-dlc-tunes (come to think of it, retro should archive the DLC for both SA/SA2 DC...)
I don't know if this has been brought up before as my searches have come up empty, but this is something that has caught my attention for some strange reason. When playing the game Ristar you can hear a certain sound-byte during the credits. (0:32 in the vid.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9XmUUMuN4Y That sound-byte sounds like the voice saying "Hey!" in the Japanese version of Stardust Speedway Present. (0:20) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9bN8JBwk_s I know it isn't that noteworthy at all, but it is at least something I found to be slightly interesting. Also, does it sound the same to you guys as well or is it just me?
Sounds more like he's saying "hit it!" To me... But, yes. They do sound like the same sample. Good ear!
I could have sworn I mentioned this before in regards to the Generations version, it's probably in that thread. Yeah, I think the conclusion was that it was a stock sound. I'll go on pretending it was a reference though.
Amazing what we think is "New" and "Original" may just be stock sound that we have never heard before.
It's a sample from the Zero-G Datafiles sample collection. Naofumi and Masafumi worked on Ristar as well, so it's not a surprise the same sample would show up on the game. Nearly every Sonic CD sample came from this collection, it seems.
I may be incorrect in saying this but the same "Hey!" or "Hit it!" is played in Streets of rage 2 when a motorcyclist (Storm, Tempest etc.) throws a grenade. I'm fairly sure it's the same clip. It makes me curious if Sega used stock sound effects. Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPhGt1lpbl4&feature=relmfu at 3:27 the clip appears when a motorcyclist throws a grenade. Kinda hard to hear because of how busy it is but it's definitely there. Edit2: As showed in above posts. I guess it was stock sounds.
Viewpoint also uses a lot of those samples. Even the whole tune that plays after inserting the first coin was taken from there. Which begs the question, are those sample collections free to use now that they're not being sold anymore?
This is fascinating. It even has Streets of Rage drums. An excellent resource for musicians wanting to capture that 90s feel
I read that it was never sold with a commercial user license, but I'm not too keen on copyright laws.
Dissident for President 2012! Gold, King status! I never knew about this samples collection. This is incredible! I found so many familiar things in here! The "Woo!" and "Go!" samples used in Sonic 3's musics Drum samples used in Streets Of Rage's musics Drum loops used in C+C Music Factory's songs Beat samples used in Salt-N-Pepa's songs Beat and drum samples used in Bell Biv DeVoe's songs Woman vocal samples used in Haddaway's song "what Is Love" Drum samples used in Janet Jackson's songs Drum samples used in Sonic R's Main Menu music Guitar samples used in Sonic Battle's musics Brass samples used in Space Channel 5's musics The guitar sample used in the intro of Michael Jackson's song "Black Or White" Vynil scratch samples used in Sonic CD's Stardust Speedway Zone Samples used in ToeJam & Earl's musics Samples used as voice for the Mumbler monsters in Silent Hill 1 (pitched down)