Hero Chao just pointed this out to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePfdRBtD0Q4 This is from the SA2 OST. Go to 3:25, and listen after it ends. Why the fuck is there random laughter there? (This isn't just on this video, confirm with your own rips)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itiw4V83cuI Sound familiar? ...No? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Srx-lWpwcec Sound familiar now? Yep. Same Sample. Crazy how samples get passed around like that. Thank sammichbars from SSMB for the find.
Someone found something funny while everyone was recording, and it made it into the master? It doesn't sound deliberate.
Though I don't think its deliberate, it seems a bit unscrupulous for that to make it to the master. This is kind of hilarious though! Great Find.
I've had similar things happen when recording myself. Caught all-sorts, from laughter and talking, to the sound of someone sawing wood! =P
I made that font back in 1999. It was based on the SEGAWORLD logo. I also made the "Sonic Title Font" at the same time (the font used to spell out "RETRO" in the Sonic Retro logo). Both fonts are extremely outdated, and should be avoided!
Been going through photos of the Sega Video Game Illustrations book for Sega Retro. Matching cover artists with... covers... and the like Since older Japanese Sonic art is often talked about here Sonic 1: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fabiosantana79/4734426047/sizes/o/in/set-72157624359469342/ Sonic 2: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fabiosantana79/4734427987/sizes/o/in/set-72157624359469342/ the translations are pretty bad and the picture quality isn't great but I think you get the jist of it. Now you know the tools used to make the cover art.
James Rolfe (Angry Video Game Nerd) discusses his memories of the Blue Bastard. Oddly enough, when they show off footage of Sonic 1, they use Esrael's Sonic 1 Gaslight hack! Plus they use footage from Taxman's Sonic CD remake.
The fact the electric shield was resist to electricity in Sonic Generations made me want to try something in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Turns out the shield is resist to Robotnik's electricity from the Carnival Night Act 2 boss fight. It amazes me how I've replayed this game probably than any other game I have played yet I still discover new things. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is truly an amazing game. If you're wondering why the counter is at 9:59, I'm playing Ravenfreak's rom hack that disables the time limit. [LINK]
Yes, but there isn't a whole lot of electricity in this game so it's less obvious. >_> Edit- You know, I'm starting to wonder why it has taken me so long to figure this out.
^This. I always get the electric shield in DEZ. It makes it quite a bit easier. It's new to me that it works on the CNZ2 boss.
Pretty sure it also works for the things that the enemies which zap from floor to ceiling toss at you, but doesn't work for the dildo boss? That's about the extent of electrical hazards in Sonic 3, anyway.
It does work when it's in its retracted position. It doesn't when it's extended (presumably the part that sonic touches is, more than just electrified, also spiky or something; I always figured those grey bits were supposed to be almost like blades at that point).
It feels like forever since I've added anything to the wiki, and I'm not sure how to add new magazine articles in a new category. This one is "Birth of a Hedgehog", from Nintendo Power, Jan 2007. It's in honour of the crappy Sonic Genesis for GBA, but it does have some cool info from Rieko Kodama about making the zone art on Page 3. Page 1 | 2 | 3 (I believe there is supposed to be a 4th page, but I can't find it.)
It's interesting to see they mentioned making Sonic an armadillo. Which seemed to fruit into the character we all know and forget named Mighty :P
hey guys Sonic 1 is now available on OnLive. I can't see this being too useful for most of us, unless you play on a bunch of devices and want cloud saves. Sonic Adventure and Sonic Spinball were put up there too, a while back. All three of these are included in the $10/mo playpack I'm part of.