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Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by McGuirk, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    Alright folks, here's the deal: There are many cool things out there in the Sonic games, comics, shows, and movies. This is the place to share it. The purpose of this thread is to share anything that people might get a reaction from.

    All those things you found in a game that weren't exactly...'significant' or were found using debug mode, thus not being worthy of their own topics? Post 'em. Don't think it's worth posting? I will find you. I will hunt you down and find you. Be it funny, sad, or just damn cool, it's here. If it's old, but not really that well known, go for it. Overclocking a genesis? Modding a Saturn for no region restrictions? There are no limits, with the sole exception of the loosely-enforced "It has to be remotely Sonic or Sega related" rule.

    In short, post anything anyone might enjoy reading about. Now then, Go!
  2. Tweaker


    I fully support this thread.

    I suppose this might be a good time to bring up Rivals - it has a lot of excellent hand-drawn designs of the classic Badniks, like Crabmeat, Snale Blaster... etc. Are there any more direct versions of this art? The textures from Rivals seem pretty low-resolution.

    I also thought it used to be interesting that the Oil Ocean rolling ball object was still in the final Sonic 2, fully intact and functional. Was its removal perhaps last minute, akin to the title screen change?
  3. CloverCC


    I apologize if anybody pointed this out before in sonic crackers, but at some point in the carnival level, there's an unsorted row of random tiles..
    [​IMG] [​IMG] Most of the tiles down there actually have good solidity.

    And finally, [​IMG]

    I don't really find it all that special, but I don't think I've seen anyone mention it.

    And also, people say that the 'drunk' animation wasn't in the gameplay of crackers.. If not done before, I can clarify that it's false;

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Hell, even tails too. [​IMG]
  4. Sith


    The molotov bitch Member
    S&C, I hope Esrael will patch this up too some day after S2alpha.
  5. In regards to Tweaker's comment about the OOZ ball, I found that interesting too. It's still in debug, so they probably didn't intend to remove and forget about it. They could have actually planned to have it be used in the final layout, but it's use simply was not beneficial at all.
  6. SMTP


    Tech Member
    Are they the same images from Sonic Jam...?
  7. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
  8. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    Yeah, those are from Sonic Jam.
  9. Liliam



    This particular 128x128 chunk is used in the layout for Emerald Hill Zone 2 in the drx proto, but is unused in both the Wai proto and final version.

    On another note, the parallax calculations used for the Emerald Hill Zone background in the drx proto are different to those of both the Wai proto and final version, and the outcome is a much less fluid graphical scroll.
  10. djdocsonic


    Testing YOUR Hacks Since 2005... Member
    Emerald Hill Zone
    Looking for a Rom Hack to Test.
    This will sound dumbass but what would have been the need for that Ball and Switch in OOZ? could it have been to ride across sections of Oil perhaps? In Sonic 1 prototype the Green Hill Zone ball was an obstacle wasn't it?

  11. Orengefox


    Snooping as usual... Researcher
    Right in front of my computer.
    Some artwork, a ZZT game, and a hack.

    I always thought the angled sprites (for example, the right sprite) for when Sonic would walk/run through a 360° loop were done by simply rotating the regular walking/running sprites (for example, the left sprite) at a 215° angle but ultimately found out (through a project I'm doing) that it wasn't the case. Unless what I'm saying is not true, then I should find out in that case what kind of programs are out there that can do a really good job of rotating graphics at any angle.
  12. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    Here's a little something:

    In Sonic 3 (Not S3k), via debug mode, I looked around some of the levels, and (this part is common knowledge) Knuckles' paths are all there. Some things that got my mind though, say, in Marble Garden act II, All of the Knuckles specific Robotnik cutscenes were there, and the part with the falling ceiling was as well; though, sadly, the boss was not present, nor the capsule (what the hell are those called anyway?).

    I just found it odd that all of the sprites/objects were present. I know this is only half of a game, but if they got that far on Knuckles' gameplay, why would they leave him out instead of just finishing? The vast majority of it all is already there.

    EDIT: Alrighty then, this is good shit here.

    I tried to go Knuckles' path in ICZ act I with Sonic and Tails. Using debug, of course, I got past the big pillars that normally block you. When I got to the boss area, I just kept going right past it into the act II area. But I kept going, and actually got all the way to Robotnik as usual. There was no title card or music change, though. Are the acts of each level separate in S3, or is it all one big...thing? Blah, this is probably just part of how Sonic 3 works, but I still was not expecting this to happen as it did.

    SECOND EDIT: I retract my first statement, Sonic 3's levels are split, as trying the same thing in LBZ act 1 with sonic and tails has just shown me. ICZ continues to puzzle me.

    To clarify what I just said: in ICZ, you can go from act 1 to 2 seamlessly, read my original edit for details. But I have currently found no other zone capable of doing this. Can anyone explain to me why ICZ can do this?
  13. Liliam


    A quick analysis of the situation using the debug HUD shows that the boss arena is already part of Act 2, and the transition is made at the horizontal coordinate of 69A0. In Sonic and Tails' game, an ice block closes down the path so the player doesn't realise the act has changed, but in Knuckles' game you can backtrack and hit the left edge of the screen. This also explains why if you trigger the last point marker before the boss, and return there either by dying or entering/exiting the bonus stage, Act 2's music plays instead -- for all the game knows, it is Act 2.
  14. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    EDIT: OMG waste of post, I was awnsering the question, but I didn't notice someone else already awnsered it for me.
  15. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Good luck finding them because there's no such thing unless you like anti-aliasing. You're going to have to rotate them yourself, and then fix up any of the mess that was caused in the process.
  16. Xenowhirl


    Tech Member
    You can get pretty close with the right programs though. For example (I used lots of sprites from your spritesheet because it was within easy reach)

  17. I found a long time ago that you can go from Sonic and Tails' Angel Island Zone Act 2 backwards into Act 1, without using debug mode. And I've also found a way to get Knuckles into Sonic and Tails' Ice Cap Zone Act 2, again without debug. I might be misunderstanding, but is this the kind of thing you're talking about?

    In a somewhat similar situation, you can get Knuckles into Sonic and Tails' miniboss arena in Angel Island Zone Act 1, but it will still activate Knuckes' miniboss in the room below. The missiles it fires will come up through the floor, and if memory serves me correctly, they'll impact on the floor of the room you're in, rather than going back through it again and hitting the floor of the room the miniboss is in.
  18. McGuirk


    The Egg-Man Cometh. Member
    Not really. I meant that the level would load into act 2 without a boss or mini-title screen thing.


    But uh, how do you do this?:

    That's cool, I wanna do it :P
  19. It usually takes quite a few tries to pull off, and to be fair, I've only ever done it on Sonic & Knuckles Collection for the PC (never tried on a Genesis). But all you have to do is go through the first pipe at the very start of Act 2, then go back through the other way, so that it spits you out into the room that doubles as both the miniboss arena and the first area of Act 2. Just keep rolling once you come out the pipe, and sometimes it'll just ignore the scroll lock and let you go right back into Act 1, which will still contain any uncollected rings and monitors. You can go all the way through Act 1 in reverse, up to the area where you first see the miniboss and it sets everything ablaze, but then another scroll lock prevents you from going back down the tree trunk and everything.
  20. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Which in reality isn't even there anymore because when the level is set on fire, it technically starts a new act/level, so you go from whatever location you were in act 1 where the level is set on fire back to the beginning address. While you appear in the same place, you aren't (Act 2 doesn't even have the tiles for that tree trunk thing stored anywhere)

    This is what I liked about Sonic 3 and Knuckles. There was so much variety in the levels which made each act interesting. Sonic 2 was fun, but it lacked the same variety that S3&K had.