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The Sonic the Hedgehog Headcanon Thread of Lore and Time Stones

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by BlackHole, Aug 31, 2022.

  1. Rafa Stary

    Rafa Stary

    Last edited: May 16, 2023
  2. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Nah, I mean directly after Sonic Blast. You see Sonic or Knuckles on the cliff tossing the five pieces as they watch the Silver Castle fall into the ocean.
    You also see the Chaos Emerald that breaks have the 'brilliant' cut.

    Honestly, they look like the brilliant cut with a slightly elongated top. So I chalk that one up to it being the brilliant cut at a funny angle like the game itself.

    Sonic Blast only saw one shatter: if the six seen are fragments, then Sonic would only have two: the six shards refused and Knuckles'.

    I'm happy to say that was just the Chaos Emerald on it's side, like how the IDW 30th Anniversary comic showed Sonic hold the brilliant cut Chaos Emerald aloft on its side to resemble the old games version. You also see said Brilliant Cut with a hexagonal top in Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island's Saturn version.

    (I assume this is also the explanation SEGA are actually going with for the classic Chaos Emerald's appearances.)
  3. Rafa Stary

    Rafa Stary

    Last edited: May 16, 2023
  4. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Nah, that's me using an element introduced later to retroactively justify multiple Chaos Emeralds sets, due to the confusion caused by Angel Island having a set until just before the Death Egg crash, despite Sonic using them on South and Westside Island and arriving at Angel Island with at least one of them.

    Aka, an actual retcon.
  5. Rafa Stary

    Rafa Stary

    Last edited: May 16, 2023
  6. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    Probably for the same reason Eggman has his classic design for most of the game and switches to his modern design for the final boss, and Sonic's sprites are basically Classic Sonic with green eyes. SPA most likely began as a classic-style game and was hastily reskinned with the Dreamcast designs late in development.
  7. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I would imagine the Chaos Fragments are not as powerful as the Chaos Emeralds whole, so there's no real point to repeating it.

    Like I said, the headcanon is that it happened after the Perfect Chaos Incident, aka that time the seven were consumed and used to wipe out a Great Civilization. Split them up between islands and if Chaos gets out again, he has to locate more than just the seven.

    Still no idea why that happened. Sonic Adventure was out for a nearly a year, and the designs weren't exactly hidden in the release build up.

    What do you take me for, a rank amateur? :eng99:

    Adventure Era
    'Current' Era*

    *I'm planning on redoing this and splitting them into the "Fire and Wind Era" (Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) to Sonic and the Black Knight) and the "Wisp Era" (Sonic Colours to Sonic Forces). Sonic Frontiers I'm going to put as the start of a "Frontiers Era" once we get more games.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  8. Rafa Stary

    Rafa Stary

    Last edited: May 16, 2023
  9. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    They could have also just swapped out sprite with the one you see later as he flees Sonic. The second one would pretty much cover what's needed:

    Yuji Naka was also supervising. One would think he'd see the old designs being used and step in early on, but...

    May you have had a good rest, and ask away when you're ready.
  10. Rafa Stary

    Rafa Stary

    Last edited: May 16, 2023
  11. The Sonic Adventure design of the Tornado reappears in later games such as Rush Adventure, so it was likely rebuilt after Adventure.

    Personally, I place Advance 1 and 2 after Adventure 2. Sonic’s Soap shoes were canonically stated to assist him in grinding, and I would argue it makes most sense for Adventure 2 to precede any game in which Sonic grinds without the need for Soap shoes.

    Sonic and Tails never encounter Nega outside of his disguise in the Rivals games. I suspect this is precisely so as not to call attention to the fact that his backstory has completely changed, so the only characters previously aware of Nega are never made aware of his presence. That means Tails’ belief in the Olympics game that Nega was defeated is consistent with his knowledge from the main series - although I wouldn’t put too much stock in information from the Olympic series given its lack of canonicity.

    Eggman is the only one to be aware of Nega both in Rush and Rivals, and for that reason I would argue Rush would precede Rivals. I think it makes more sense for Nega to lie about his origins to Eggman and join forces before ultimately betraying him and taking his place, rather than taking his place first and then making up a convoluted new backstory to team up with him.
  12. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I would disagree. Amy has not seen Sonic for a while, implied to be the gap between Classic and Adventure eras, but has been on an adventure within that timeframe?

    Tails also flies the Tornado in Sonic Rush Adventure, and Sonic's legs spinning are the only Classic look. He lets his arms fall back, which only Sonic the Hedgehog CD did but Sonic Adventure established as his new running pose.

    On a related note, does anyone else find the Sonic Advance running look weird? It looks like he's spinning his knees...


    No wonder he winces repeatedly...

    Anyway, as for the lack of homing attack, that's fair, but he (and Amy) also railgrind which people use to argue it's after Sonic Adventure 2.

    For me, the four primary cast members of Sonic Adventure (minus Big, who has Froggy, and E-102 Gamma, who kinda died) are working in tandem and this is an adventure after Sonic Adventure, still within the area of Station Square.

    You never actually encounter them. Story Mode has Sonic face off against Amy, Tails, Knuckles and Metal Sonic. Not to mention NiGHTS already has an established existing pinball table in Casinopolis.

    Shadow is also on the tournament list, one would imagine Robotnik would have also set him on Sonic if he was mind controlled like the rest of the cast.

    Funny thing: no one actually recognises Nega immediately. Even Silver, the one hunting him, mistakes him for Robotnik initially and was intending to simply ask Robotnik about Nega, and Shadow suddenly sees Nega when Silver says that the Robotnik they've been chasing must be him:

    5:02 and 32:35 for the relevant cutscenes

    It suggests there's some sort of perception filter in effect, so anyone who doesn't know Nega's true identity just see Robotnik. And since Sonic, Tails and Knuckles are never informed over the course of the game...

    Meanwhile, Nega betrays and imprisons Robotnik twice over the course of the duology. I would highly doubt he'd trust Nega with anything after such betrayals...

    When does that happen? Last interaction I recall is them racing each other through the tunnel at the end without words...

    Anyway, it's between the first two games, and is the earliest point it can take: Sonic Riders has a flying carpet be the treasure, which Sonic assumed was "the work of folk tales". I doubt he'd say that after being taken to the literal world of the Arabian Nights, which feature flying carpets.

    It also can't be before Sonic Rivals 2, since when Erazor Djinn unleashes the Ifrit, Sonic responds with recognition to the name with a "is that..."

    Since both appear in Robotnik factories, and both look to be in pieces, I viewed them as under construction in preparation for the upcoming war, personally.

    That came later, didn't it? And also from TailsTube, which I'm currently ignoring since it also overwrites the AI aspect for the small creatures?
    Not sure if there's something I'm missing where Sonic had the SOAP Shoes to learn grinding other than that.

    EDIT: so many typos... need to try and sleep more...
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  13. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    Rivals duo makes more sense AFTER Rush duo.

    Eggman Nega firstly presents himself as from the Sol Dimension and teams up with Eggman to rule the world. At the end of Rush Adventure, Eggman Nega goes berserk and tries to kill everyone including Eggman. In Rivals he presents himself as from the future and tries to kill Eggman because Eggman's defeats tarnished the reputation of his family name, so his death in the present would change Eggman Nega's future.

    During the final events of Rush Adventure he talks to Sonic as he's not that familiar to him ("your name is Sonic, right?" or something like that). In Rivals and Rivals 2, Sonic and Tails never found out that it was Eggman Nega who was the bad guy.

    So probably the best interpretation here is that in Rush he was actually lying about being from the Sol Dimension, and helped Eggman because that would change his future without having to kill him. At the end of Rush Adventure, he gave up on his plans and tried to murder everyone, including Eggman. Then in Rivals he is still trying to kill everyone.
  14. I don’t know about TailsTube. I’m referencing an in character q&a with Sonic on the Sega website shortly after SA2’s release. It’s cited on the Sonic wiki’s page for Soap shoes.

    "Darrell C: Why did you change your shoes in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle?

    : Those were special shoes that were specifically made for grinding. It was something that I've always wanted to try and it sure came in handy! Look forward for some more intense and extreme grinding in my next adventure, Sonic Heroes."

  15. Rafa Stary

    Rafa Stary

    Last edited: May 16, 2023
  16. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    A lot of media when making this "this character is actually that character in disguise" doesn't approach the change in voice. The whole Saint Seiya's Sanctuary arc could be doomed if that was to be taken into account.
    Even so, the characters recognized Eggman Nega's laugh as different from Eggman's. Maybe their voices are indeed very similar. Or maybe (headcanon) Eggman Nega has some machinery that changes his voice, which is nothing absurd since we kinda already have this today and he is from the future.
  17. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Is there a Japanese version or source of similar information, out of curiosity? Just wondering if this is a SEGA of America thing or not.

    And Sonic Pocket Adventure.

    Tails also poses with it in his Fin screen of Sonic Adventure, which are usually implied to take place at some point after the adventure.
    (except Chaos', since the altar is intact in his and Sonic Battle later confirmed he stayed around)

    Considering a robot assault happened, I'd wager another adventure can take place, especially since he and Jet don't see one another in Sonic and the Secret Rings.

    He only considers that it's a world within the book. Considering a hostile entity is ravaging said stories and stealing them from the world, which he has to act to restore.

    Considering Shahra brings up a flying carpet and Sonic doesn't react to it, versus his impressed reaction and commentary in Sonic Riders, I'd still consider it a case of him seeing a flying carpet beforehand.

    But that begs the question, did the Babylonians inspire the writings of the Arabian Nights?

    It was only the one, but that one was wrecked and they had to get it back to working.

    Beyond having the same voice actor anyway, just different inflections, the perception filter also seems to affect the manner of speech.

    The filter seems to ensure Nega is undetectable completely, appearance, voice and all, until Silver breaks it with the truth when realising something outside the filter, the camera Robotnik's using, means the person he's seeing is not actually such.
  18. I couldn’t say, I discovered the citation through the wiki.

    For what it’s worth, the Tails 30th Anniversary Comic also suggests Sonic uses the Soap shoes to practice grinding. And of course, that’s what the real life Soap shoes were designed for.
  19. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Probably as a callback to that Q&A, since Flynn has a good nose for references like that.

    I'll see if there's anything regarding the SOAP shoes elsewhere.
  20. Rafa Stary

    Rafa Stary

    Last edited: May 16, 2023