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The Sonic the Hedgehog Headcanon Thread of Lore and Time Stones

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by BlackHole, Aug 31, 2022.

  1. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    Generations treats the modern characters as being all from the present (aside from Chaos), with the classic characters being from the past. So I understand that the same holds true for the boss battles. The Metal Sonic, Death Egg Robot, etc. battles are set in the past. The Shadow, Egg Dragoon, etc. battles are technically set in the past too, but with the characters pulled from the present.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2022
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  2. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    • Egg Reverie is set in Null Space.
    • Before Sonic 4 Ep 3 was canned, S4E2's true ending would have shown the Death Egg mk2 crash-landing on Angel Island. Ep 3 would have mimicked the events of S3K, with Sonic and Tails traveling to AI to destroy the DE and free Little Planet, while Eggman attempted to repair it and put it back in orbit. Knuckles would obviously have gotten involved and become a playable character.
    • The mysterious space dragon boss from the S3K concept art was going to come out of the Master Emerald (ala Chaos in SA1) after the player defeated Eggman in The Doomsday Zone, revealing that the legendary dragon "egg" mentioned in the Japanese S3 manual was actually the ME. The final zone being called "The Doomsday" was referencing the fact it would have consisted in Super Sonic fighting the legendary dragon to save the world. The mural in Hidden Palace would originally have depicted the dragon per the manual and early level sketches. Unfortunately, they were unable to implement the dragon boss due to time constraints and/or technical limitations, forcing them to cut it and alter the mural.
    • Bridge Zone, Jungle Zone and Sky Base Zone from S1 8-bit were based on levels concepts originally planned for the 16-bit version. The original concepts were later brought back as Ocean Wind Zone (which occupies the same spot as BZ on the South Island map), Wood Zone (same spot as JZ) and Flying Battery Zone (which is also a blimp, and was originally set during nighttime ala SBZ). Emerald Coast and/or Jungle Joyride were possibly inspired by Ocean Wind Zone. Green Forest might have been inspired by Wood Zone.
    • The in-universe reason the Master Emerald was moved to the outdoor altar before SA1 was that there was a yet-to-be-shown event (most likely Eggman trying to steal the ME again) that resulted in the Hidden Palace altar getting damaged to the point it could no longer transfer the ME's energy to the island, forcing Knuckles to switch to the "backup" altar.
    • Alternatively, if Sonic Mania is taken as canon to the modern games (which Ian seems to be hinting to be the case now), the underground altar never became functional again after the Phantom Ruby disabled it in Mania (which is something that happened according to Christian Whitehead, explaining why AI was on the sea), forcing Knuckles to switch altars. This is supported by the fact that Mania Adventures shows Knux seemingly moving the ME somewhere (possibly the outdoor altar).
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2022
  3. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    That last one is really interesting, given Angel Island was also in the ocean in Mania Adventures…
  4. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Silver stays in Sonic’s past because he no longer belongs in the good future he’s created, because all of his friends and family from the future that was destroyed by Iblis no longer exist due to the timeline altering so drastically.

    Essentially, he shouldn’t exist anymore, so he stays in the past.
  5. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Well, he was erased with the rest of the Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) cast, but it could work with the Sonic Rivals version of Silver's future instead.
  6. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    After Sonic 2's and Sonic 3K's Death Egg, Eggman tried to launch the Death Egg 2 in Sonic the Fighters. There's also another Death Egg in Sonic Drift 2, and there's a Death Egg mk II in Sonic 4.

    My headcanon is that Eggman rebuilt the Death Egg in Drift 2 as Death Egg mk I, and then Sonic 4's Death Egg mk II is a sequel to Drift 2's.
  7. Headcanon: Chaos Control isn't just stopping time, but overclocking your body to move so fast that it looks like time has stopped. Doing so severely taxes the body, which is why Sonic doesn't like to use it and why Shadow can use it with impunity since he was designed for it.
  8. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Uh, I thought the concept was it "de-synch"ed you from time to go faster than it usually goes, not that it stops time or affects anyone's body, though this last option is a reasonable side-effect of breaking the rules you usually live under.
  9. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    So a thought occurred. Sonic Blast's manual says Robotnik shot a Chaos Emerald with some sort of beam and it shattered and formed into five gems.
    Five jewels...

    Cocoa Island
    South Island
    Westside Island
    Angel Island
    Flicky Island

    All said to be the resting place of the Chaos Emeralds since ancient times...

    What if this wasn't the first time something like that had happened to the Chaos Emeralds?
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
  10. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Chaos guards the Master Emerald when Knuckles is away dealing with a major crisis. Knuckles could return guardianship of the Master Emerald to Chaos, but he doesn't want a repeat of Perfect Chaos should someone come to take the Master Emerald and harm a Chao, so won't let Chaos take over the role permanently: instead he will allow it temporarily if there's a major crisis going on that he'd be better off attending to instead of leaving and potentially seeing everything lost, or on occasion when Tikal lets him know it's alright if he wants to go explore.

    When Rouge comments about taking the Master Emerald in Sonic Heroes, Knuckles chuckles, then remembers there's a literal water god currently guarding the Master Emerald and frantically chases her to stop her getting drowned.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2022
  11. Davether


    Headcanons eh? I have a few!
    • Carnival Night Zone in Sonic 3 wasn't constructed by Eggman; it is an actual carnival on the island that Knuckles hangs out in.
    • The dimension that Blaze lives in is actually the future of Sonic's world; which is why Eggman Nega exists both there and in Silver's future. Sonic and the others simply haven't realized it yet.
    • After the events of Rush Adventure, Blaze learned how to use the Sol Emeralds to travel to Sonic's "present" at will, which is why she was able to appear at events such as Sonic's birthday and Eggman's interstellar Amusement Park without a clear "purpose".
    • Unlike the other E-100 robots, Omega was built without the need for an animal as a power source, which is why he and his allies are content with his existence.
    • Eggman's desire for world domination was influenced by his late grandfather's descent into madness as well as the fact that a government organization murdered two members of his family, which he resented them for.
  12. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    The reason there are several sets of Chaos Emeralds in the classic era is a result of what happened with Perfect Chaos: after The Great Chaos, the remnants of the civilizations decided to destroy the Chaos Emeralds. However, when they couldn't do anything more than physically shatter them at first (Sonic Battle), then after restoring them after finding they were still usable and were just able to break them into different jewels instead (Sonic Blast), they just hid one jewel of each Chaos Emerald on various islands (Cocoa Island, South Island, etc).

    This is also why Super Sonic's classic appearance is so different in appearance, as he's only really using a single part of each Chaos Emerald. Sonic Generations was the first time Super Sonic was properly attained for Classic Sonic. It's also why Knuckles was able to knock him out of Super Form.

    He appears as he does in Sonic Mania since it was an illusion, and Classic Sonic hasn't realised that the issue with his Super Form isn't experience, but incomplete Chaos Emeralds, so he thinks that's normal until he 'gains better control'.

    A G.U.N. Expedition found South Island and located one of the Chaos Emerald Jewels, which is what Professor Gerald used in his research. As he was also researching Echidna Ruins, he knew something was different about the appearance, and instead focused on the Chaos Emeralds' appearance as depicted in history. G.U.N. attempted to return to South Island after, but could not relocate it.

    The Battle Kukku Armada found another of the Chaos Emeralds Jewels on Cocoa Island, hence their invasion. There should be seven on each island otherwise.

    Knuckles eventually goes around and collects the Chaos Emerald Jewels, reforming them into the Chaos Emeralds proper, after the events of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles, but before Sonic Blast. We see this happening in Sonic the Hedgehog (Taxman) and Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Robotnik stole the seventh South Island Chaos Emerald Jewel from G.U.N., which is why Knuckles is able to recover it in Sonic the Hedgehog (Taxman).
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
  13. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    We see The End as a giant purple moon.
    The End represents Death, and is perceived differently depending on the viewer.

    The End's moon form is actually Sonic's point of view. Why does he view Death like this? Well...

  14. Ura


    I like to believe that the Little Planet has at least some degree of counciousness and that stuff like the giant Sonic blinking face made of glowing particles we see in the ending of both CD and Mania is actually there in universe and is not just a visual effect that only the player can see, the particles themselves would be the same ones that are released from Badniks and grow into flowers.

    The statue we see in Wacky Workbench is simply a representation of how the Little Planet would look as a person, the planet itself created it based on what it was able to observe from humanoid beings outside of its own land.

    Another interesting thing are the statues we see in Sonic Mania's Stardust Speedway, I've never seen anyone talking about them, but they look a lot like griffins:
    I always imagined they were Little Planet's interpretation of how the people of Earth looked like... heck, why not go even further? Maybe Earth isn't the only place that it gets to visit, so this statue might be some kind of middle ground between multiple species of different worlds. The creature seen in this statue isn't actually real, but rather something Little Planet created so everyone could somewhat relate to its looks, but also get this otherwordly feel by looking at it.

    Maybe the actual levels from CD, which I'm also assuming were built by the planet itself, are also a middle ground between the multiple worlds it gets to visit. The planet itself is a mirror of different cultures that are never going to meet each other directly, but they will always be connected in some way by Little Planet.

    Did I just made a bunch of shit up with little to no evidence? Yup, but I like to do this and Sonic games (specially from the classic era) allow me to do so, and so I will do it
  15. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Also consider, we now have a small solar system of consciousness with the Little Planet (planet), Solaris (the Sun) and The End (the Moon), all three of which were imprisoned...
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  16. Astro


    I guess this is a headcanon, but I sincerely thought for the longest time the reason why Sonic 1 and 2's Chaos Emeralds look different in Sonic 3 & Knuckles is after being exposed to the Master Emerald they permanently grew into their 'Super' Emerald forms we see in the series onwards. Was that not the original intent?

    The missing emerald in S1 I'd chalk up to it just being missing (hence no Super Sonic), and in Sonic the Fighters there's 8 because someone (probably Fang) is pulling a SA2 and passing a fake emerald as a real one.
  17. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    FWIW there is this:

    Which to me reads that the emeralds' shapes were indeed changed due to the S3K events, but Hyper forms are non-canon. Which makes sense I guess, as you don't become Hyper Sonic from using the now diamond-shaped emeralds in the post-S3K games.
  18. Rafa Stary

    Rafa Stary

    Last edited: May 16, 2023
  19. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    Some 8-bit game has Sonic properly fighting Metal Sonic (even Sonic 4, if you count that Sonic as "classic"). So in Generations the fight is a mix of all of them because timey shenanigans.

    It does?

    I guess Eggman and Eggman Nega took over GUN's ship so it's not actually GUN who's attacking Sonic.

    He found an exit after many decades trapped in there. Since there's no time in the White Space, decades there mean nothing outside. He doesn't even grow old.

    They indicate super abilities for some reason.

    If there's a floating island, there can be floating rails.

    All animals die at the age of 30.

    He goes there a lot, it's easier to remember.

    Global oil crisis.

    Do you mean the ending of the stages in 3D? It's like the sign posts in 2D games, 100% sure it's non canon.

    They broke in Sonic 4 Episode III.

    Because the stars form a ring!

    The power of friendship.

    I would say no because one of them has Eggman's face in the background.

    The Ancients from Frontiers (I did not play the game but I've heard something).
  20. Rafa Stary

    Rafa Stary

    Last edited: May 16, 2023